Mich invited us to Shin Kushiya @ Suntec for her 21st bday dinner! Her real 21st bday is in June but she will be in australia!! Hence, she had an early one! I tell you..this is the MOST FILLING DINNER EVER!! roars!! When this is compared to buffet, buffet is really considered nothing!! haha i seldom never finish up my food, unless in some special circumstances, but this time, i really finish half of what is given to me! it's TOO MUCH FOOD! hahaha! but i've to say, the sashimi is really fresh!!
This is the personalized badge done by Mich!! There got the words to us & our names!
Germaine's, Charmaine's and mine!
3 of us met up earlier!! haha or just on time???
Uncle Benz and Aunty treaz!! They're one of the most lovely couple!! haha and they're so generous! I get to know them as they're my SOT team mates! Aunt treaz sponsored me to go for batam mission trip + additional financial blessings and she gave me a fat hongbao for my 21st bday last year!! And she always hugs me when she sees me as well!! i guess that's why mich 'inherited' that habit to hug me when she sees me! lol.
And the cousins + pretty bday girl! MICHELLE! There are around 20 of us present! With mich's JC, secondary and childhood friends!
Us girls! MUACKS!!
haahaha germaine!! so cute!
And dearie charmaine!!
Mich and Julian Hee! Oppss! i mean chris! Us with our badge!! haha we really pin it on our hair k!
And lastly....100% Princess and me!
All the best mich!! You're one darling to me :) I remembered when u first came to join our cg and i was a new helper then, i didnt' dare to really talk to u! haha! coz u looked like a "qian jin xiao jie". lol..but over the months and years, we grow to love each other and i thank God for you. Shall go fishing again when Bedok Jetty is done with the renovation =D Thank you for being so open & honest to me to share with me the things in ur heart. Keep on shining for Jesus! You will go very far!
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