It is the 3rd week of 2009 and CNY is coming real soon. These really indicates that a new year has come and future plans have to be really be made! Wells, projection for the next 10 years..:)
First of us, my lovely lambo!!! stop telling me that lambo is ugly!! It's is beautiful!! hahaha See how cool is it! I must have it in my life time!! Or! At least, i must have lambo as my bridal car for wedding!!

Now, i may look like this, doing my undergrad studies.

And then, i will look like this!! ( My dream since young is to become a super duper intellectual scholar woohoo!! wells, don't know how far i am from it, but why not try! =D)

And ultimately, i wanna be like this!! A successful career woman!!

And..I wanna live here!! I love Cottage houses!! I think they look beautiful and it just gives me a very warm and homely feeling :)

Or this???

And i wanna sleep here every night!!

Or maybe here??! haha I love the bed! so sweet and cosy!

Or i can just chill here with my family!!

And one of my dreams is to be able to travel to many places :) God created the world with such majesty and glory. I'm in awe of his creation. Yet, i'm stucked in Singapore now. But honestly, i like Singapore, and i feel so blessed being a Singaporean!!

Or maybe here??! haha I love the bed! so sweet and cosy!

Or i can just chill here with my family!!

And one of my dreams is to be able to travel to many places :) God created the world with such majesty and glory. I'm in awe of his creation. Yet, i'm stucked in Singapore now. But honestly, i like Singapore, and i feel so blessed being a Singaporean!!
I wanna around the world to witness his beauty :)
Places where i MUST gooooooo...!!
Of coz!! haha Paris !! And honestly, i haven't seen real snow in my whole life! Yuantai's blog pictures really makes me so envious!! hahaha but this kinda romantic place..should go with husband or boyfriend!

And Israel!! I really wanna go there :) The other time when Alvin came back from israel, he showed us the pictures that he took and it was awesome. And most importantly of all, it is the holy ground that Jesus has stepped on before. It contains not only the history, but the remembrance. Walking on the same road that Jesus walked before. Visiting the places that Jesus been to before. How great it can be!

And Eygpt!! I wanna go into the pyramid!! and maybe see some mummies???! And ride on the camel across the desert ( I actually had bad experiences with camel when i was in australia 10+ years ago., they're so scary, can fall off like real easy!)
And..Tibet!! wohooo!! hahaha i saw a travel documentary on tibet and it was like...COOL!!! but the thing is, the oxygen level is low there. I guess i really have to train myself up physically few mths before i go there!
And...of coz!! hahaha Taiwan!!! It's my favourite asia country!! hahaha ( is korea or japan better?? maybe coz i haven't been to the 2 places b4) but i love tw food, shopping and the entertainment!! =D
Wells, i shall anticipate all these coming to pass!! :) Whoosssh!!

Of coz!! haha Paris !! And honestly, i haven't seen real snow in my whole life! Yuantai's blog pictures really makes me so envious!! hahaha but this kinda romantic place..should go with husband or boyfriend!

And Israel!! I really wanna go there :) The other time when Alvin came back from israel, he showed us the pictures that he took and it was awesome. And most importantly of all, it is the holy ground that Jesus has stepped on before. It contains not only the history, but the remembrance. Walking on the same road that Jesus walked before. Visiting the places that Jesus been to before. How great it can be!

i hereby invite u to Paris.. but i'm not ur boyfriend nor husband... LOLX!!!
Sam!! roars at u!!! haha anyway how are you??? when are you coming back to sg?? u've be in france for quite long !
myrna!! lambo looks very beng!!! ask for a beetle volkswagen instead! haha, and give to me! and i wanna go Israel too!!but i don't wanna be bombed now :S Oh and yesh! Paris too!! lolx, or we could wait till lw invites us to Bora Bora for his matrimony!! lolx
Sandra here!
hahah don't want!! lambo is so cool!! haha heys onss!! let's go israel & Pars like next year (let's save up first!!) haha God, we need Ur abundance =D And yes! we can help him set up his wedding there. so fun lo. But he must pay for our accomodatioin and sponsor all our expenses man!
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