WoHooo!! It's BK subzone Thanksgiving Cg!!
Boonkiat has 13 or 14 cellgroups under him and it's such a great day where all of us can come together to have cg together! =D It's an appreciation to all the members for their hard work for the year 2008!! We had fun! haha
Warming up time!

Some of the drama peeps!! Shawn, Chew, Sandra, Erika, Nathan and Jirong!
The full team! With Sean, Yanghong, Sophie sandra!! =D
My cg peeps!!
haha and nathan!!
With sean! Stop acting cute again sean!!
Look at the trendy big specs now! HAHA. with diwei!
He looked tortured!
And with dearie Kelly!:)
Short high sch muscial dance!! It's really short. i think just less than 15 s LOL.

With lead dancer "Troy BoTeo"!

The actors! With keith and Erika singing & raving!! nice!

The friendship song! =D

After boonkiat shared the Word, comes the prize presentation!! There are few awards given tothe nominated members of all the cell grps!
Appreciation to the Guitarists of all the cgs!
For my cg, is Nathan!! =D
Most evangelistic Award!!
Best cgl!
Daniel and sandra!
N109!! =D
Lastly, once again, the drama team!! =D
Received a Guess Belt as gift today! thank you so much! :)
8 more hours before my bro board the plane HK! sigh!
8 more hours before my bro board the plane HK! sigh!
haha yea we had lotsaaa funnnnn heh. you are so funny la!
hahaha you're then the funnie queen!! I love your dance with chew lei! hahaha so cute!
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