Here come the pictures!! =D
Let the pics do all the talking!!!

haha reflections!!
And again!!
Looks like time machine or some kind!!
hahah the virusss!!!

Choose one!
Wah this is cool can! perhaps hollywood wanna invite us to act in the Matrix or sth!
Let's be rich tai tais!!
Stop it sean!! stop it!!!! lol
hahah the happy friends!!!
the random friends!! one reading one dreaming!
We can pole dance!!!
Yes, i told you, we can!! heh heh!
Mr Man Hunt 2009!!! SEAN TAN!!
The sisters!!
This is when the emo-ing starts......

hahah emoing was quite good ya! And here comes the kiddy part!
Sean and I were so hungry that we keep asking when can we have our dinner!! We're more concerned abt food than the development of science i think! =P
In the "gobal warming room"
hahaha this is nice!! looks as if it's taken in some clubs!
Look at the kids in the back ground!! haha there were abt 6,7 of them. they were running towards us! We heard the stomping of the feets and we turned. They saw us posing, and they were shocked and froze for the moment! lol.

In the middle of nowhere in the centre!

haha char looks so energetic among the guys!

Okie! this is cool. the balls on the screen can react to my hand's "pushing"

Evidence of us here!!

Next stop!!
NIGHT SAFARI!!!The peacocks!

The randoms!!

You know it when we're angry =P roarrss!!

Then, when yanghong came to join us, we went for the game show!! but the animals seemed fulled. They were not tempted by the food, hence they didn't perform like what they normally do. There's quite a bit of waiting here and there. and the thing is, after the waiting, no performance by the animals. heh. A bit disappointing but overall the atmosphere is still quite okie =D After which, we're going to take a tram..and we found out...!!!
DWAYNE!! u must do counselling!!

And this!!! AHH!!

On tram!! haha why yanghong got this yin2 xiao4 LOL!

And 3 of us at the back!! Sean is trying to squeeze me out of the tram while the tram is moving can!! evil! and poor charmaine is being squeezed by the both of us!

We alighted the tram at the mid stop and we went for a walk in the trail. it was good! saw various animals:) last...when we're done....
Here we are!!

Taking a break!

You guys rocks!!! you caught a crocodile!! And poor charmaine is the offering LOL

I felt like a heroine for not saving lw from the croc! Sean! what are you doing? LOl

Lastly!! us all!!

Last pose for the day!!! YEAH!
Introducing you the church gang that i love to hang out with!! Sean, Char, Yanghong and Liangwei!
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