This is the 2nd day of Chinese New Year! As usual, 2nd day of CNY would have meant that my family and i will be going back to Malaysia, Kluang to visit my granny! Blame it on my stubborn-ness to sleep early last night, i had a great time struggling with sleepiness for the entire trip! Leaving my house at 6am, and catching a coach at Larkin @ 7am, i fall asleep almost immediately after i settle down in bus. Reaching my granny's hse at 845am and talking to my uncles and granny for a while. I fell asleep on the sofa..=( It was an unsightly scene! Like what i told titus last night about the drowsy spell, it happened once again.
Mum: "Meimei! ask you come here is not to sleep! and it's so unglam to sleep here, and people are walking around..!"
Me: "Mummy, i really very tired..can i sleep in the room! just for 1 hour, pls!"
Seeing how kelian i am, she allows me to go into the room. Instead of the 1hr, i KO for the next 3 hrs and i woke up right before reunion lunch. Theoretically speaking, my existence in my granny's house only starts from 1pm to 4pm, after which we left.LOl
The house that my granny and uncles stayed in are about half a century old :) It has been there since a long time but the thing is..after 50 years..its condition deteroriated. It's a one storey house and has about 7 rooms. The kitchen and toilet are the sub-house built by my uncles and grandpa in the earlier days!
My granny has dementia and her memory is failing. She would ask me the same set of questions over 20 times..
Granny: "Who are you..??"
Me: "Popo, i'm Huixian!"
Granny: "Ohhh! Huixian ahh!! how come you're here? Who came with you?? Where are you studying now? How old are you? Who is ur father and mother?? What is their names??"
And she will repeat again and again.
but i would just patiently answer all her repeated questions. Hold her hands, touch her face, stroke her hair and all :) I guess..she can forget all about the past, but one thing she never forget is that she always thank God :)
My granny is a Christian for about..65 years?? (ever since she married my grandpa when she's 18 years old). She's the one who taught me how to read a bible when i was 8,9 years old.The first 2 book she ever read to me was Genesis and the Book of Ruth. :) I used to go back to visit her a few times in a year; especially during holidays in primary and secondary days. I would spent a few days there. And every morning when i wake up, i would hear granny singing hymns and reading the bible aloud. It was so soothing to the ears. Granny also taught me how to knit when i was 6 years old. And i knitted my own belt when i was 6 as well! (even tho it's quite uneven and untidy) Lol..
Honestly, it was quite saddening to see her condition getting from bad to worst. But God is good, Granny is still very jovial and happy with what she has now!
And while i was on bus back to singapore, ( it was a 2 hours journey), i closed my eyes, plugged my ipod ear piece into my ear and i started to just reflect on granny. I talked to God.
i realised..that the DNA of a family really carries on. Not to say biologically, but spiritually :) My great-grandfather is a pastor and currently, my uncles are pastor and elders of the local church.
My grandfather is teacher and they have 9 children in total. My mum is the youngest child in the family :) granny has been a widow for abt 40 years. She has single handedly rise up 9 kids!! Just imagine..9 kids!! She really devoted her whole life to her family and i would proudly say that my granny is a strong woman. She lost my grandpa when she was like 40+?? and that time my uncles and all are still young...yet she has the resilience to stand up and be the head of the family :) Though life was not easy then, every single one of my uncles and aunty are brought up well and live a down-to-earth life. Even though they're not like rich, but the following generation is entirely blessed. Almost all of my cousins are university graduates or undergraduates. Some are PHD students, masters grad, 1st class honours grad and all. I started counting in the bus. yes..around 13 of us, including my bro and i are uni grads..Most of them studied in malaysia while some went overseas, Singapore, Taiwan, England..
Our family is quite musically inclined as well. But sadly..i can't sing well. 6 of us learned piano till advanced level and 2 of my cousins went to study music full time. My eldest cousin sister got her Master's in Music. She used to teach me piano till i'm grade 5. While another of my cousin sis went taiwan to study music in the local uni.
But please please don't get me wrong, not trying to brag or anything. but i just wanna share the facts so that we can see the trend. :)
In the bus..I was like, "hey God..that's quite cool ah! i could trace the DNA of our family! My great grandfather is a pastor, and then, my uncles are pastor and elders. My grandfather is a teacher, hence most of us like to study and 2 of my cousins are teachers as well!"
But i can see the trend. There's a jump in the generation. lol
I guess, it doesn't matter whether you and i come from a humble background. I come from a humble background too. But because we love God, we love the people around us, our lives and our future generation will be blessed!
I love my granny :) I love the way she treats us. I love the way she cares for each other of us. I love the way she encourages us.
I love her.
Anyway.. I was so enlightened in a way today! haha! Revelation of my DNA :) Trace back ur DNA too!! :)