We had a great time yesterday @ Sandra's place!!! hahaha The girls are in charge of buying Sandra's present (opps!!) and while the guys are in charge of buying the food and they're late for 1 hr!!!!! roars!! Let the pictures do the talking!!

Us preparing the food in the kitchen!! Cutting up the vegetables..slicing the meats and so on!

Angie and me slacking and watching tv while waiting for the guys to reach!

YEAH! our sumptuous meal!!
And what are we advertising???!! of the the rice!!! hahaha it is cooked by Sandra!!

We had 4 bottles of wine yesterday!! it's as if a alcoholic party LOL. Sandra, Kelly, Angie and Sompong brought! But ended up, we all only drink 2 bottles. I drank quite little, like few sips. lol..coz dont' really like the taste =X

And yea! some wok advertisement with Kelly Lol..

Angie Yanping and Timo!!


Lilian and i!! Btw Gurliex...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!=D

Sompong and his constipated look!! =Pp

Oppss!! Caught by timo, the paparaazi!

haha slacking!

After which, we watched the My hope video and many of them were like immersed into the movie!! and it is indeed a great testimony shown! After that, Kelly and i shared our testimony, how we come to know God and how God changed our lives =D Then..here comes song by Sandra and i..heh. by the time we ended our song, it's 11pm and we decided to go down to the pool side to continue our night!!! hahaha we had our gift exchange there and everyone, even the guys wrapped the gifts so nicely!! :)
Anyway..we celebrate Sandra's bday!!! hahaha we bought her a Calvin Klein handbag!!

And us of coz!! hahaa

Our gift exchange!!

hahaha these peeps are my JC classmates!! hahaha :) Really thank God that I get to be in S63, my beloved class. All of us just love each other. There's no rivalry or cliques or anything. During recess time, our whole class (around 22, but half of them are studying overseas now) will chop 2 tables and we will just sit together. Also, we had so many outings!! haha those are the fun times in college!

And us of coz!! hahaa

Our gift exchange!!

Ended up, last night, we stayed at the pool side till 3am! It was a great time spent with each other !! :) Muacks!!
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