This is what i do yesterday after sunday service!! At East coast park!! our 3 cgs have lunch there ( such an ulu but nice place tho!!) Thank God for friends driving cars. While the rest went off already..We were still waiting for Sean & lw to come pick us..we took a pic!!! It is under hot sun and our eyes simply can't open!
Sandra, Nathan, Jasmine & me

Stop acting cool sean!!! =P He was posing all the way can!

Anyway i'm really glad that some of my cg members are taking the initiative. Some called me up to pray with her, some initiated bible study with me etc, some offered herself to help out in whatever ways she can.. =D You guys will be the world shakers and history makers!! And i realized that i've only 4 guys in my cg, the rest are girls! lOl..
Anyway..i went for Citycare appreciation party in the afternoon and congrats to howard for winning the BEST CARETALYST Award!! u deserve it, bro!
And here's a classic pic! Quanhan & Diwei lol..

Then, i went town to meet Twinniez!! =D Had a great time with her. LOL we just talked non-stop again. Shall not go into details but here we are!! :)

These have a been a tough few days but God has pulled me through by putting the right person @ the right time to speak to me. Felt lighter and freed up after talking to him. WHO?? of coz my lau da la. Lol..Praise God!
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