Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Exams are over!!

I ended my examssssss!! FINALLY!!
Honestly, the last 2 paper is -_-" it's all facts! Like..the various drug's mechanism of actions, side effects, uses etc etc..I really admire the pharmacy and medicine students for their good memory!! No matter what the results may be, good or bad, i still thank God! I've finished strong by fighting to the end and i did my best! (even tho i wish i could have more time to study!! roars !!)

Thank you Yuantai, Yuankang, Titus, Gabriel and other friends whom i've studied together, you guys are the best studying partners!!

Yes Yes, yuantai and yuankang are twin brothers!! How cool can that be la!! Even though they look slightly different ( i mean we still tell them apart) but u will know they are of the same mould. =D Even their voice are the same! haha!

Yeah! no more stone & tired face anymore!!

End of exams!! Gotta start to do my work already!!

I work towards the destiny that You've set for me.

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