Today we had a bday celebration with zongxin!! As usual, with our sec sch gang @ sakae sushi! we had buffet and i tell you..it has been a long time since i had buffet. The last time i had buffet was @ Shangrila hotel with the same group of them (leliang & daniel's bday celebration). And i'm so satisfied! I didn't really a lot but i think the mochi ice-cream is the most that i ate LOL. LIling is the champion!! She ate so much of that la! hahaBday boy!
My dear neh oi!!! LIling!! hahaha we 're always together when we were in our lower sec sch days and people always tot that we're like sisters!!
The guys! Dawson, Daniel, Poh wah, Leliang and Zongxin! hahaha we all have been friends for..9 years???! Ever since we're in our sec.1 days! Oh man, that seems so long ago. And when we were 13 years old, i wasn't any much different from now ( i was the same size as i was now, maybe shorter by a few cm and lighter by a few kg) The guys then were all shorter than me! LOl.. and i felt so big size compared to them. But now, it's the opposite way round, they are all so tall and big already! So, it's quite amusing to look back at the sec.1,2 pictures once awhile. HAHA!
Lily shared with us some stuffs and what she said is true. Some of us may be so busy with doing and doing and doing but we've forgotten to slow down to listen to what God wants us to do. We're not doing what we think God wants to do, but what God really wants us to do! And everytime we ask for faith, we must always look back at the things that God has done in our lives..that boosts our faith and will give us the courage to move on!! It's so easy to praise God duirng good times, but in bad times, all the more we must praise His name! Nothing is too big for God to handle :) He has His ways..and we are His vessels.
I believe in You, Jesus.
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