hahaha both Boonkiat's and my cg are both in charged of food and here's a glimpse of the products!! Professionally done ok!! Hee..
Wraps by Yen and Hot dog buns by Don & Adeline. They taste so awesome! just like those bought outside!! And of coz, drinks by Debiao & renming, Sausage by Kelly and Muffin by Kelly!! Yummy!! And thanks to Yuantai, Weiliang, Sherrie, Cherie (she designed the menu), Teo, Alvin and many others who helped out in the stall! You guys are great!
hahaha! Sarah and Michael!
Chilling out!!
See the pro!!
Also, there are many lessons, classes and competitions going on!! haha Look below, Sherrie & Kelly in the "Beanie" competition!! See who can pick out red beans amongst the green beans @ the fastest speed!
hahah dearie Kelly and me!!
Victorious smiles!!
Guess whose hands are those????
My dear Cg girls!! Charmaine, Kelly, Jasmine, Sandra and Lilian!! =D
My lovely JC girls, Charmaine and Jasmine!
Live performance by our own BK-PL band!! Awesome!! And of coz, Erika!! she's fantastic!!!!
And Dixon!!!!
Mushmellow-squeezing-into-mouth competition!! LOL Round 1
hahaha NEO!!!!!
hahha chew!!!! SEe how cute she is!!
And nail painting service!!
Dance classes!!
With twin!!! =D
haha with sean!! how scary he looks!
2 Handsome zi-pai-ers!!!
Lovely lilian!! The room that you & jasmine decorated is really nice!! *thumbs up*
Jo and Jac!! JO is fantastic!! she can play the guitar and sing awesomely!
Okies..actually i also took part in the Mushmellow-squeezing-into-mouth competition!! all thanks to dwayne's jioing to join!! please do not tag me!! know u girls keep taking videos and pictures!! After squeezing 9 mushmellow into my mouth!haha but kenneth wins!! he squeezed 18 ok!!!
With super talented and pretty erika!!
Cute chew chew!
Front row: Jac, chew, me, sandra and Sean
Back row: Yanghong and Jirong
hahaha Jac is the model, she really got the style and she's super talented! can play guitar very well and has performed many times!! I really find her very pretty! stylo chic! And she's really very committed in this drama. As yh wants to see her outfit that she's wearing on the actual day, she actually brought like a total of 10 sets to our practice so that yh can choose. I was like impressed by her committment and of coz...ahem...her wardrobe hahaha really got a lot of nice clothes!! And of coz chew chew my beloved dearie as the drunken! always so sweet and fun to be with! hahaha And sandra as "money", what to say??? i can even write a whole entry of her!! The one who gu chi me!! lol my dearie gurliex!! =D And then...Sean as "death"! back from Australia. Used to act in the "yi4 ba2 huo", i can still remember it vividly! Thanks for lending us ur hse for practices!! Jirong as lover! I practiced the longest with him as we're really not v shou2 to start with and it's awkard in the beginning but as we practice more, i guess it's getting better! A very nice and committed friend! He always take cab down from hospital after his work so as to be on time! And most of the time he's always the first to reach for practice even though he got work b4 that! thumbs up! Lastly...Yanghong!! What to say!! haha the best director ever!! Yanghong, if u see this, i really mean it okie! =D Thanks for being so understanding towards me, u know what i mean =D
haha okies! Let me show ya some of the drama pics!!!
Chew chew the drunken with Yanghong the Saviour!! But Yh, why u got the evil eyes here!! LOL
Yanghong and me!! Yes!! that's the fatherly smile!!
hahah this pic looks scary!!! Sean or me??
The maoing scene!!! Err..not the actual one la. we pose just for photo taking purposes LOL
The good vs evil!
haha us again!!
JAc!!! hahaha she really shoved and pulled my hair in the drama. The first few times when she did it, she really don't dare to do it and will look at me apologetically. i told u, she's a really nice girl!! =D and look at chew's cute face!! hee
CAn u tell the difference???! 3 Glam babes and 1 ah po!!! roars!! that's my costume!

2 very important people in the drama!! Jeannette and Joanne!!! They are real twins!! They're one of the most willing people i ever seen!Both of them helped us buy and make props and costume!! And can u imagine both of them skipping meals and sleep just to sew the black top for me & helping yanghong buy the costumes & deco the whole drama audi!! No wonder, they're known to have the beautiful spirit=D
2 very important people in the drama!! Jeannette and Joanne!!! They are real twins!! They're one of the most willing people i ever seen!Both of them helped us buy and make props and costume!! And can u imagine both of them skipping meals and sleep just to sew the black top for me & helping yanghong buy the costumes & deco the whole drama audi!! No wonder, they're known to have the beautiful spirit=D
I really enjoyed myself today!! woohhooo!!
Hmm is this the first time my face has appeared in your blog? =p And the drama was really great! You know the first time I watched it (which was the 2nd showing la) I was really tearing liao! I think if I wasn't on duty I would have started crying lo. You all did a wonderful job!!! *clappppp*
hahah heys thanks Brenda!!! =D
the drama was awesomee la myrna! i really enjoyed and it almost made me cry TWICE. hehe you guys are awesome and youuuuu did the role really well. :):)
Heys erika!! You're awesome!! I know i've said it many times already but i must say it again!! I LOVE YOUR PERFORMANCE!!! hahaha *Hugs*
yes man! myrna you did a super duper awesome job!! i think i would haf cried if i was watching too, i wasn't aching all over from mao-ing, haha. - sandra
heys sandra!! u're fantastic too!! all the evil stares!! and thanks for holding me up during the mao-ing! hahaha and one thing i learnt, i really must exercise!! roars!!
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