I had a super long day today! Woke up at 530am to go for prayer meeting but i know i shouldn't have complained cause i live relatively near to Jw church compared to others! After which, Yanghong, Raymond, Kenneth and I went Nus biz library to study. lOL. the 3 of them are not from Nus and it seems like a exchange programme for them! both raymond and kenneth study in Australia while yh in SIM. I was trying to finish up my homework. But....we met up with siew and we went away for lunch + career fair + desert for 3.5 hrs!!! roars!! hahaha we left library at 1145am and went back library at 315pm! by the time we went back, we're so exhausted..i really wanna sleep on the spot. Thankfully managed to finish the things that i wanna do.
Then, i went for cell group...and the topic of the day is Intimacy and Romance! It was a lighthearted cg message yet it's so important :) When we were starting..nathan and gabriel were like suspiciously lingering outside the function room..when we walked past, asking what they're doing..they just keep saying nothing..but don't wanan come into the room. Then when cg is going to start..the 2 of them are still outside & in the toilet.
Then after we ended cg..the guys shared and gave all the girls VDAY Presents lei...!! hahaha so sweet of them! we felt so LOVED! haha and they still wrapped nicely ya! No wonder they were so sneaky previously! Thanks for meeting our first needs! Affection! lol

Us all!

And us again, act cool!!

Thank You nathan gabriel and daniel! :)
HAHA! Gabriel is not acting cool la!
hahaha Gabriel is not acting cool coz he don't need to act, already very cool!!
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