Win - Brian Mcknight
I had a long and fun day today!! haha finally, i'm able to meet my girl gang!! =D however, not all the 8 of us are present =X Wendy's still away in Japan while Zhixian and peifen coudln't make it!
The rest of us went NTU for a sign language course! haha end's not really a course, but a day camp!
And..because of fear, i woke up at 530am..!! Fear ..??? Fear or what?? Fear of being late!! Rarrrss! Bad experience! so better be early! haha end up i reached 30 mins early at our meeting place. still got time to eat breakfast! after while Yuanyu came to fetch us to NTU :)
Initially, all of us didn't really wanna go for the course, i mean, we're not really that interested, but because yy said treat it as a gathering for us and we all sign up because we just wanna spend time with one another. lol..end up..we saw quite a number of our ex-SA schoolmates there too.:)
And of coz, not to forget, pretty twinniez and i!! =D whee! Camwhoring is a must!
Shiming, Mayling, Grace and i! :)
I was watching a documentary and it wrote there,
Happiness can be very simple.
Simplicity is also a form of happiness
Sometimes we vie and convet for things. Not that one shouldn't be progressive or competitive, but if it's to an extend that we lose ourselves, what's the point..???
I learnted to sign letters and simple sentences! haha! quite interesting! I shall put it into good use! hurhur!
Anyway, honestly, i was really very tired in the beginning (coz really sleep quite little), and i was stoning for the 1st part of the station games! lOl The rest of the girls saw and they were asking, "how come Myrna so quiet today?" but thank God i become alive again at the 2nd half of the day!
This is my group BTV!! As this course is opened to ppl outside of NTU, i'm not the only non-ntu student!
Our GLs in black, Esmond, Meiying
And group members, Yuanyu, Huimin, Yanhui, mei, Raja, clementi and Wilson. Clementi and wilson is only 17 and 19 years old respectively!! young!
hahha we're supposed to sign "d" --> for Deafination, the camp course name! But i did it wrongly! rarrrs!
Act blur pic!
And us all!! =D Charles, Shimin, Yuanyu, Grace and mayling and i in the Tshirt! The tshirt given is so thin that we all wear it over our original top! We were sweating like mad for the whole day!
SEND ME PICS PLS!! HAHAHA!! Oh my gosh! There's one photo there tt's so ugly!! >.<
hahahaa where got??!! no la!! haiyoz! anyway i was dead beat when i reached home!! haha anyway i just sent ya the pics! :)
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