Today's cell group is cool!! There were quite a few ABC and British friends who were present! And also, a new young friend joined us! Her name is charlene. She's only 14 years old! When i looked at her, i was like "She's really young and small!" This is her first time in our cg and she's really shy :) Maybe she's intimidated by us! We're either uni students or young working adults. lol.. I'm her spokeperson after a while. I guess the age gap is quite far from us but everyone is putting a lot of effort into make this little girl feels comfortable. haha. Everyone asked her the same questions individually. "What school are you from?? which cca are you in?? Where you live??" But after a while, she feels really shy. She turned to me, and give me the "shy and paiseh face" then i asked her, "wah, okok, u wan me to be your spokeperson is it??" lol..Then when alvin asked her the same whole set of question again, for every question, she will turn to me and i know.."Yes..i'm her spokeperson." and i will answer for her. lol interesting. After cg, i went down for 2 bday celebrations:)
I know dawson ever since we're 13 years only!! haha classmates during our lower sec. day. He's a super gentleman, super nice, super intellectual and super humble friend =)
He always call me F-jie and I call him F-di! Actually...i also don't know how it come about!
Leliang, me, Wendy and Dawson!! Us at Crystal Jade

Dawson, you pang seh us. it's supposed to be an ugly face pic!! But leliang looks as if he's seducing girls lol!

The glamour and shine! Good effect done by Zongxin's shakeable hands =D

And of coz us all!! Thank you for the treat!! =D I ate the Fried sheng mian + beef + mixed mushroom. It taste weird! Coz the Fried sheng mian really very crunchy! i felt as if i'm eating the Mami snack =X Lol but the xiao long bao is not bad! Not too chunky tho.
I know dawson ever since we're 13 years only!! haha classmates during our lower sec. day. He's a super gentleman, super nice, super intellectual and super humble friend =)
He always call me F-jie and I call him F-di! Actually...i also don't know how it come about!
Leliang, me, Wendy and Dawson!! Us at Crystal Jade
Dawson, you pang seh us. it's supposed to be an ugly face pic!! But leliang looks as if he's seducing girls lol!
The glamour and shine! Good effect done by Zongxin's shakeable hands =D
And of coz us all!! Thank you for the treat!! =D I ate the Fried sheng mian + beef + mixed mushroom. It taste weird! Coz the Fried sheng mian really very crunchy! i felt as if i'm eating the Mami snack =X Lol but the xiao long bao is not bad! Not too chunky tho.
Pre Wendy's 21st Bday celebration! =D we all went to night safari! haha it's expensiveeeeeee!! $32 per head!! but thank God that we got 4 free tix, so we just need to buy 3 more tix and split the cost. =D We only stayed from 9pm to 11pm. A bit short tho. We went to the animal show. It was fantastic!! The presenter is very eloquent and funny. lol. They hid a fat python in the audience benches lo!! One of the part is that they found out that an animal is lost in the show! And hence, they conduct a search amongst the audience! And REALLY! the python is really in one of the benches! It is all planned but!! it's still very erxin lo! Thank God it wasn't the bench that i'm sitting on. lol
In order to protect the animals, we're not allowed to use flash to take pictures of them. End up, i didn't have any pic of the animals =X
Wendy, mayling, grace and i
Wendy, mayling, grace and i
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