Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy new year eve! :)

Saying goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010!!!! :))

2009 has been an awesome year!!! It doesn't mean that everything was perfect and in line with what I wanted, but it has been a year whereby I grow as a person :) It is also the transition year! :) Mainly..Relationship, Ministry and Work :)

1) Relationship

Needless to say, you all know that i'm attached right?? heheh..if that's a revelation to you, please look at the header banner above this entry! :) that's my dear dear..Titus Seow :) We got attached this year, 2009! Many people have asked me how we get to know each other, is it love at first sight? Actually not love at first sight (where got so romantic??!) but its more of like having good impression of each other when we were first introduced. We all met in school, at our annual school camp's fright night recce. It was 2007. I was going to be year 2 and he's going to be year 3 in the following semester. After which, we started msn-ing each other often..working together for nus chc ministry..studying in library together..and started giving each other chocolates...Lol. (thanks to Kenneth J. who taught him how to test water! roars!) etc..We din have a smooth path to getting attached due to some things..He waited for quite a while because i'm not ready and all..and FINALLY when we get attached..things were not smooth also..Coz i was super awkward having a guy comes into my life suddenly! I wasn't myself..din dare to talk much...din eat much coz i really chi1 bu4 xia4 even though i'm super hungry..(not of self-consciousness..but more of like..discomfort..heh) He was always very worried whenever I couldn't eat (coz eating has always been my hobby!) ..but thankfully as months pass..I become myself! praise the Lord..I do all kinds of rubbish and nonsense things with him and he's like, "HUh you weren't like that last time! You changed! =X" heh heh heh..Now you know my true colourssss....ROARS!

Thank God for dear dear in my life :)) He really dotes on me and is very gentle and understanding towards me:)

2) Ministry

2009 is also the year when i become cell group leader :)) This has been my dream for the past few years! Thank God that He brought me through. Even when i was a helper, it was challenging! haha..but thankfully, i have an inspiring and understanding leader, Boonkiat! Boonkiat is not only my leader, but my brother and friend :) I remember those times when I will email, call and meet him just to tell him certain things and he will be super patient towards me :) And he has helped me in so many ways. And without his help, i dare to say that i won't be the Myrna you see today. In a way..i'm brought up by him because he taught me so much things..and some things do not need to be say it out..but just live it out..and he really plays a very big part in my development as a person:) And i simply love N109, my cg! :)) They are awesome people and they taught me a lot of things! Even though we all have our differences..especially the huge age gap..but we are able to grow and learn together :)) I pray that God will set His anointing upon us and each of us will do things that we ourselves can't imagine:))

3) Work.
I started our my first job in 2009! I'm a noob and there's a thousand and one thing that i have to learn. I struggled as its a big transition being a student vs working adult. But one important lesson that I learnt when i started working is..Humility. I have to learn to humble myself and learn from my mistakes & weaknesses. I realized i have so many weakness whenl i started on my job. roars! Lol.. It is so right! How well we do at home will reflect upon how well we do at our workplace! For example, I'm an untidy person at home and sad to say..i brought untidiness to my workplace as well! =X And that day, i suddenly remember this saying, hence, i packed my room and when i go to work, i realized that being tidy is not that difficult at all! everything starts at home. Everyday when i go to work, I pray that God will be with me and I always remind myself that i need to exude spirit of excellence and improve on many areas that i'm weak in:)

I thank God for this year and i'm proud to say that it has been a fulfilling 2009!! :)

It is 1am now..i'm sleepy..and i have to work tml... will continue in my next entry...good night! Happy new year eve! :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

My december :))

Finally, i'm back to blogging!! it has been nearly 1 month since i last blogged! To think i used to blog almost everyday :)) December is an exciting month for me! So many events and happenings! Hence, here's some things that I did for the past 3 weeks!

Farewell for my most artistic and talented cg member! DAVID :) He just finish his Alevel and went back to china le. He composed over 50+ music pieces and i boldly say...he's SUPER TALENTED. His songs are very Jay Chou alike and he composed the band music as well!! All of us who had listened to his song compositions were stunned to the max! *thumbs up*! Not only does he composes well, he sings v v well too! And he can draw artistic stuff. A real talent!! :)

KTV-ing at Yongsheng's place! haha

Gathering of the NUS Peeps @ Fish & Co!

All thanks to Changhan who managed to organise this gathering within a span of 2 days! :))
Wedding of Clement and SiYi! Clement is our Nus friend !

W Peiyun:)

Dear dear! His shades, not mine! Lol

The sisters, Phoebe and Victoria :)
BK Zone OPM!:)
This will be the 3rd time i'm attending our zone's Overnight prayer meeting! For the last 2 times which I attended, i would say, the only sacrifices that i made is the cab fare. i can sleep as long as i wanted when i reach home. but for this time round, i still have to work the next day! haha but i really salute those working adults who start work at 8am, 830am. i start work 2 hours later, which means 2 hours more of sleep! It was awesome! It was my first time giving offering in the zone and my first time playing keyboard for 1 session! I was actually very very excited about playing for OPM! It has been in my wishlist all along since long time ago! :) 1 wish fulfilled this year! heh

10 Month Anniversary!! :)
Even since both of us started work, time has been a limitation to our patok-ing =X It can never be the same as when we were students. when we were in school, we can always study together, go town at any time whenever we are free, meet up whenever we want etc..but nono, not now! Now i understand the true meaning when pastor says that couples need to put in effort to keep the fire going!:) Even when we celebrate our 10th month anniversary few days ago, it was only a 45minutes meet up after my work. After which i gotta go for ldr's meeting. Feeling unsatisfied, i went to his void deck after meeting to find him LOL. The initial intent is to surprise him but end up, mission FAILED terribly! He knows. roars! I'm determined to improve on my ability to give dear surprises!

Eton & Labrador Hostel Befriender's programme! :)
My zone friends and I has been meeting up with the PRC students for the past week! It was awesome to know this bunch of students :) They just reached singapore 1 week ago and we brought them to ECP to have a time of fun :) We also went down to the hostel to conduct the "Eton/ Labrador Hostel got Talent"event! Hundreds of them came for our Christmas drama and i really hope they enjoy it! :))

This year's christmas is the most physically tiring one. LOL. We have worked so hard and truly, God is faithful!! :) It is fulfilling to see lives touched and we wanna keep on keeping on! After attending Christmas Eve's service last night, honestly..I'm quite tired already. I have been rushing to places after work for the past 1 week. And i din get to see dear dear was a bit sadden that we couldn't count down together. =X As i was on my way home, dear has been sms-ing me to ask me about my whereabout and whether i have safely reached home, i only suspected a bit, but din have the energy to think much. Hence, as i alighted from lakeside mrt and was walking towards the bus stop..i could see a man walking v closely behind me at the side corner of my eyes. I am very sensitive to this kinda thing so my "alert" alarm sounded immediately, and hence, i turned my head!!
Lol..i think he's better at doing this kinda thing:) I was really happy to see him! He sent me home and we counted down and exchange our presents for each other =D haha that commemorates our first Xmas as a couple together!
In another 1.5 hours time, Christmas will be over but the meaning of christmas will stay with me :) It's the day when Jesus Christ is born and because of Him, I am never the same again :) I love Jesus:)) He's the best present that I have received so far! :))
In another few days time, 2009 will pass and 2010 will come! 2009 has been an awesome year and in my next entry, i will explain why:))

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I have been updating my facebook status everyday and seems like i have neglected my poor bloggie. I just finish eating Fishball Kway Teow as my dinner and it around dinnneeerrr!!! In the company, my collegues, Jess, zoe, Dr Ma and I are called F4. We named it ourselves. Even when our boss knows! OMG so diu lian...when he send us email or sms that is directed to us, he will call us F4! LOl. Not fantastic 4 but FAT 4! lol..its such a contradiction in a way coz we're a weight & health management company but we really LOVE TO EAT! haha of coz, we try to practice what we preach, we eat healthily but still...we have lotsa stocks in our office...till Brian and Jacelyn was stunned by it LOL. Another reason for us being F4 is coz we always work in the team, whenever there's events, roadshows, 4 of us will always be tog to work hard & support each other! :)

I'm really blessed by what Pastor Kong shared Sunday. The most crucial revelation that speaks into my heart is this verse by someone, "Giving while living" I was like woahhh..very often, we, including me, had this limited mindset that "i'm too tired, too busy..I'm no time for anything..I'm just toooo occupied!" As pastor is sharing, i begin to understand within my spirit that I cannot live for myself. If i live for myself, its about me ME MEEE...then life is not meaningful anymore! Coz our eyes will just keep to ourselves and not look around to other people's need. :) After pastor laid hands on me, i just felt so lifted up! To me personally, the worst thing that can happen in my life is to have my heart not beat against the heart of Christ.. I'm looking forward to serving Him more, doing whatever i can to help others and contributing to the Kingdom of God. I have to admit, I'm physically tired, I'm busy, I've little time BUT I'm going to use whatever i have and do whatever I can to glorify Him! :) I have to be stronger than before:)

All in all.....



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Case 39

Watched this movie with dear today. Case 39. It talks about a family social worker, Emily coming across this case #39. A girl, Lily is seemingly being neglected by her parents and when Emily did house visitation, the parents are suspected of being psychotic. During one night, Lily called Emily for help and when Emily reached the house, her parents had locked her in a oven, wanting to bake her alive! Yucks! After which, the parents are sent to a mental institute while Lily stayed with Emily..And then..hur hur..the thrills began..People around them started to die mysteriously..OK..shall not continue anymore!

I give it 3/5 stars! I was really scared by some parts that closed my eyes & ears and clung so tightly to the handsome gentleman next to me =X however, my threshold level for scary movie is quite low so can't use my comments as the standard! At least this is not those horror movie, its more of a thriller. i hope i wont have nightmares tonight! :X Or else, as said to dear, i will call him in the middle of the night to wake him up!! heh.

It's going to be monday in a few hours! Weekend passes really fast! =x

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Heewei and Biwei's wedding:))

Congratulations Heewei & Biwei!! :) Heewei is our Sot team mate and he is an awesome man! From what i know when i first get to know him during sot, he's really a helpful and willing man who is willing to go the extra mile to lend others a helping hand :)

Their wedding is at Little Bali (near old SAJC cpd there) and i din know this place actually existed until just now! I have to say...the food is VERY GOOD. I love it!

Holy Matrimony :))

Chew chew and i =DD

With dear dear :)

It is always good to go for friend's wedding! to be part of the group to witness their blissful moment! Anyway girls are always girls..whenever i ( i think most of the girls too!) attend wedding, i will think of how my future wedding will be like. keke..anyway i kinda know what kinda gown, car, and programme i want to have already hahaha

The newly weds! :)
And lastly! Us:))
Howard, Keith, Willy, Chris, Mingli, Chew, Biwei, Heewei, Me and dear :)

Again, congratulations!!! :))

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy 9th Month Anniversary!!

Once again, its dear dear and i de anniversary!!! :) 9 Months!! Seems like dear and i got together for quite a while already, but i still feel so new about it! Maybe we are still at our honeymoon period. As the months pass by, i come to know him more and vice versa. I remember huijuan once told me that even though she and KL are tog for 4 years +, she will learn new things about him every single day. That's true:)I won't reveal all the revelations about dear here coz its just between him and me and i think that u, the readers are not able to take the rou4 ma2-ness haha!

But Some of the things that dear/we will do:
1) He will treat me to good food when he knows i'm stressed ( food can really perk me up!)

2) We will always share ice cream whenever we buy, but we need to fight to eat it or not i will gobble up everything when he was buying clothes. fastest hands first!

3) We will always at least sms each other every day because every though we dont meet daily, this makes us feel as if we are around one another.

4) We will ask each other a lot of imaginery"Oh! what if one day i lost my figure after 5 years, how would u react?" "Oh! if you have to choose either one, which one would u choose? I'm barren or i'm disfigured?" Lol..

the list goes on.....

all in all, i thank God for Dear dear because he made my life sweeter & better! :) whee :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

My week:)

This has to be the craziest week of my whole year!! Lol. it was the peak period for my work! The earliest time i reach home from work this week is about 12am and the latest (or rather, "earliest") is 430am. I thank God for collegues who are so generous to send us home at such late hours! One of my friends, Jess, stay in JB, her bf drove from JB just to pick her up. As that time was rather late and the MRT is going to stop operating, she offered to Zoe, Dr Ma and me home. OH was already quite late and by the time she went home, it will be super late! haha but it was so hilarious! coz 2 out of 3 of us who sat in her car don't know our way home! when she drove me home, i couldn't direct and we almost went to tuas!! LOl..we almost fainted!! Thank God her sis lives near my place and she could roughly remember the way. One of my friends also sent me home after our work at 4am+, when he asked me how to go my from town, I was dumbfounded coz i don't even know which expressway to take, it was like dawn..and all ofus are tired.."Huh..u don't know..? dont play already!" sigh, i guess....i have to recognise roads in singapore, especially, the way home... roars~!

Honestly, it was really physically tiring! We just opened a counter at Robinsons Centrepoint and the opening was on wednesday.Hence that explains the hectic schedule for the whole week. we have been preparing for it and working towards it. :) Even though it was a crazy week but i'm glad i'm part of it! heheh.

Unfortunately, i got bitten by some insects and my leg was swollen. 2 days before, Jess, insisted that she brings me to at least buy medication coz she says my swell really CMI. I even wore black stockings to cover up the next day coz it looks rather disgusting..hence, the day after that, which is yesterday, after i reached home, the pain was intense that i cried and i couldn't walk properly. I was like, "How come i din feel any pain or swell until i reach home and remove my stocking!!" roars! Hence, I went to see a doctor and I din go to work today. I stayed at home and just catch up on my sleep.

I'm really looking forward to Public Holiday!!! The next one is next friday! Now i really realized the importance and significance of it!! haha too think that i took it for granted last time!! And also Christimas, New Year and Chinese New Year! come to think of it, it'll be the first time dear dear and I celebrate all these festival together as a couple!

I already took 1 afternoon and 1 evening nap just now, but i just feel so drowsy now, going to sleep le, good night!! :))

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Marina Barrage!

I really treasure my weekends, free time, me-time now. These times are like so precious to me! Didn't really get to play much ever since I started working, and every time i think back of my school days, I would always smile to myself and think.."Those were the days." Time was rather flexible, esp uni days and I get to do whatever I wanted, go wherever i wanted to and meet whoever i wanna meet. Comparatively, time is a limiting factor now and I dont get to meet my friends as often as I did previously. Hence, i always look forward to meeting them :))

Went to Marina Barrage yesterday! Sound so kuku but it was my first time ytd! Heard so many people talking abt it and finally, i've been there! Its quite a nice place! but really must have car, or not it will be so inconvenient. It reminds me the roof top of esplande, but definitely so much spacious and it has an awesome view!

Guess whose legs are those?

On the way up!! :)

Sandra, Chew and I wanna be the ambassador for this drink! highly recommeded by Chew!

LOL. do u know what is it? heh
We, our picnic outing! Yanghong and I went to supermarket to buy food and we bought so much sweet stuffs like chocolates, chocolate cookies, donuts and chips! Lesson learnt: Do not buy all sweet stuffs! It gets ni4 after a while =X heh..After we started eating a few mouthful..we were like.."oh no..i feel like eating something salty.." Thanks to lw, he da bao beef noodles and it was piping hot & tasty. Really perks us up! The picnic doesn't have much of the agenda except to have an outing with our dearest Kenneth who's back in this sunny island with us again! We just chill, talk and play games l0l and it is a good spot to have this kinda night gathering =D At around 2am, we all left the place, not to go home, but to go for our 3rd supper of the day! dim sum! Honestly, i was a bit sey by that time. lol.finally ate my feng zhua!!

At around 3am, all of us go home. Praise God for cars! And thank you Lw for driving Sandra and I home!:) He lives at the extreme east yet drove us back to the extreme west, appreciated!

Finally, us! Kenneth, Yanghong, Liangwei, Chew, me and Sandra

haha we had a great night! But we din get to eat MSW. In case you don't know what's MSW. It means Mao Shan Wang! A type of durian! =DD It v v nice! BUT. expensive =/ hur hur..

I wonder when can I buy a car..haven't drive for so longggg!! RoARS!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Body Inc :))

I'm back! haven't been blogging for 2 weeks! I have started worked at Body Inc, The Health Club since 1.5 weeks ago, doing marketing. I have to say, its really an awesome experience so far :)) I'm a noob and know nothing about marketing but the 2 bosses there are very willing to teach! And I thank God for the the chance to be introduced to them and work in the company:)) I have been working for the past 10 consecutive days, including today, without a break as we had an event booth last weekend. Even though i'm really tired physically, but I look forward to going to work! haha I share a small office room with my collegue friend, Jes and she's v experienced in the beauty line as she was the manager of another beauty company previously. But the thing is that, she's very humble, motherly and...very funny Lol..I had so much fun being in the same office room with her:) On my first day of work, I was a bit stunned when I saw Zoe haha she started working there few days before me and it was good knowing a friend is working in the same place as me! She's really a sweet looking & pretty girl! And our TCM physician, Doctor Ma, is really a very nice & amicable lady. We always crowd around her to ask about health issue and she's really knowledgeable. haha some sort of free consultation man. Most of my others collegues are older than me, and they have teenage kids! But they still look young! I was really shocked when they told me they have kids as big as 14,16 years old! I couldn't believe it coz they really maintain their figure and skin complexion really well. And ya, I am the youngest in the company.

As I have no experience in marketing at all, I worked very closely with my boss and followed him around when he meets biz associates and partners. At times, i also dont know what to say during the meetings, so I would listen and try to learn from them. But I thank God my boss got funny bones. lol..Its fun working under him too! Also, he got lots of experience in media and marketing, hence he teaches and guides me a lot. He passes me a marketing magazine to read today and from there, he gave me homework to do over the weekend, and he will discuss and go through with me on monday. It's really 1 to 1 lecture and tutorial!! How to find this kinda boss nowadays?? He shared that he used to be very fierce and all of his female subordinates in his previous job will cry under him. But he said he thank God that He found God, hence I am in safe hands now. heh :)

I thank God that the 5 months of waiting is worth it because I get to do something that I really enjoy. I remember telling my close friends around me that I really believe in having a job position which I really love and enjoy. We get a job not just for survival but for a purpose :):)

I thank God for answering my prayers :) I will work very hard and try to learn as much as I can :)

Praise the Lord:))

Thursday, October 29, 2009


My blog is like dying! will be back to revive it this weekend :))

Sunday, October 18, 2009


HELLO FRIENDS! haha it has been a while since i last updated about my thoughts and feelings. I have only been uploading pics and my activities for the last few entries :)) Anyway, I'm still in my job hunt! And i'm not ashame to declare that! :) But I have to admit, i was a bit paiseh in the beginning, everytime ppl ask me what i am doing now, have i started working, i will sheepishly say that i'm still job hunting. However, over these months, i have learnt to be stronger and 'tougher' :)) I always thought its a taboo to not work right after graduation. For instance..many of us have this mindset that our value or worth is determined by the kind of job we work or how fast we find a job. If you don't get a job as fast as your other peers, means u are not better than them. I beg to differ. Our value and self-worth is not determined by our job or what we work as! And i realized that many times, most of our friends are cool with that, instead, they are encouraging. at least for my friends. They will just encourage me:) Even when they don't know what to say, they will just put in positive words. And yes, our words will frame our world :) That is why it is so important to stay close to friends who have a positive outlook. Like what pastor shared today, our outlook determine our outcome :)

"Hey its okay, take ur time to find a job! Better enjoy ur holiday now, u still have the rest of ur life to work!"

"I have been keeping you in prayer and i believe u will get a job position which u reallly like!"

"I'm believing together with u, keep on pressing on!"


And have i met up with people who are at the other end? a bit critical or judgemental? Hmmm not really people who are like that, but honestly, yes there are just a few insensitive comments that don't edify me at all.

Wanted to write it down, but i think i will not do so :)

hur hur. Upset? Affected? Yes of coz! But only for that 1 min. Because I know and I know that I will certainly get a good job! And i definitely have the support of my friends & family and Jesus! I know.. they who gave insenstive comments won't be the ones whom i can rely on :))

Am I anxious?? Honestly, Yes and No. Yes, it's because its going to be the end of the year which means i'm not studying or working for nearly 5 months! doesn't look good on my resume. No, its because I really really believe that God will give me something really good. As long as I do whatever I can, do my very best, God will do the rest :))

And during these few months, I have learnt to appreciate little things. I learnt to appreciate the time spent with my friends & family. I learnt to think more about things. I get more time to read, exercise & go anywhere I want. And i learnt to appreciate the lesson plan that God has put in my life during this period of time. I was v easily frustrated and upset few months ago ( u can ask titus, lol..he knows & sees) because of the job thingie. Compare to now, i won't say it's gone completely, but it's getting lesser and lesser of that :)) I know i have to grow up and grow out of this. And for the past few week's de cg sermons, i just felt that the Word is so appropriate for me. About waiting for the appointed time, learning to be patient etc.

I thank God for putting beautiful people around me to encourage me during this period of time! :) And I have learnt the importance of self encouragement too :)

When I cannot see God's Hand, I will trust His Heart :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Outing with cousins!

This is the first time my cousins and I went out together! Usually, we would just see each other during CNY, Christmas, birthdays etc; family gathering. Thanks to Jasmine, who organised this, we all met up!

Soup spoon! haha Jasmine is only year 2 in her poly years and she's having her attachment next week, hence, she insisted on treating us coz she said she's working Lol! Initially she wanted to eat at sakae sushi and asked us to go in coz she's treating. We dragged her away immediately and then, we went soup spoon!

After a stomach-filling meal, we went to arcade! LOL. We were hooked on this sweet machine and they spend a lot of money on it!

It's really quite cute and exciting! And addictive.

And yes, here is the fruits of the labour!! :) About 3kg of sweeeeetss to be brought home!

My cousins! We have lotsa cousins in my parental family. But only the few of us are around the same age! heh heh..i insist on being around the same age as them! They are only 17,19, 19. Rayner, Jasmine and Rachel

Cheers! :) 4 of us, plus my bro and jelaine ( jasmine's sister) travelled together when we were younger. We went Australia and Penang, hopefully we are able to do so again!! :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Night Safari - Halloween Nigggght!!

FINALLY....!! Dear and I went to Night Safari together!! :) This is my 3rd time there in just 1 year, but this time is a bit different because it's Halloween Night!!!

I was so excited when i know that we are gg there coz it's something special! However, ONCE AGAIN, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. I made sure that i put dear's camera on my table so that i can see it so obviously and that i charged the battery to the max. And i kept reminding myself to put the battery into the camera, and then into my bag. When i was on the way to meet dear..ROARS!! I forget to bring my memory card AGAIN!!! :(

Thankfully, still got his hp cam! Shall let the pictures do the talking! :)

Here we are!

At the entrance, there are few ghosts and freaks trying to scare ppl by sneaking behind their back. there are really a lot of genuine screams LOL. the rest of us were just laughing at the different response! haha there's tinge of mystery and joy in the air! I was so paranoid everytime dear pretended to stare behind my back, as if the ghosts are behind me!!! =X I think he scares me more than the ghosts!

Gorgeous ghost!

This is the tram!
The butcher!

My favourite ghost! but she's so scary when she keep staring at me right in front of me!

Our tram tour guide!

If u have noticed, there is not many photos abt animals. lol..

Cook some soup Popo!

This Aladdin scared many ppl! wherever he went, there will be screams!
The happiest ghost ever! Mr Tin Man. lol full of smiles.

hahaha at this Freaky bridge, called the No Return Bridge, a small little boy, maybe 5 years old? was so afraid and genuinely fearful that he pulled dear's shirt, thinking that he is his parents! LOL.

Lastly, us!! :)

I think its not bad!! :) Its fun and entertaining! i give it 3.5/5 :) However, i feel that its a bit too pricy.
Admission fee + Thrill tram ride = $35.
No matter what, i had a great day w him today!! :) good night!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My 2 fave girls:)

I had a great day with 2 of my fave girls, Grace and Kelly :))

Twinniez and I went to shop for her office clothes as she's starting work soon!!
CONGRATS TWINNIEZ! :)) hee and it is always a good time for us to catch up. She bought nice and sweet tops! But i didn't buy anything. saw many nice clothes tho! Really like the irresistable leather skinny pants @ mango. I'm not a fan of mango stuffs but that leather pants is really awesome!!! But over the months and years, i learnt to differentiate my "NEEDS" and "WANTS". and yes, that's a want. lol.

In the evening, Kelly and I met and we went to our favourite hideout. We have been to this place for a few times in this recent 2 mths. lol. Nice place to chill & catch up. And yes, we spend like 3 hrs just talking LOL. Our dreams, our future wedding, our retirement plans...u name it.. AND.... askin each other so weird questions. Like..

"Would u prefer urself to be 135cm or 210cm??"
"Would u prefer ur husband to be 140cm w a handsome face or to be tall guy with handsome face but is bald and have super big beer belly?"
"Would u want to be the CEO of Singtel but earning $2k per month or a road sweeper with monthly income of $10k?"

Assume all are permanent no changes can be done or improved. Lol shan't reveal our answers here!

Our dinner!! :)

2 special girls in my life! They have been with me for about 6 years, and still counting! :)