"Hey its okay, take ur time to find a job! Better enjoy ur holiday now, u still have the rest of ur life to work!"
"I have been keeping you in prayer and i believe u will get a job position which u reallly like!"
"I'm believing together with u, keep on pressing on!"
And have i met up with people who are at the other end? a bit critical or judgemental? Hmmm not really people who are like that, but honestly, yes there are just a few insensitive comments that don't edify me at all.
Wanted to write it down, but i think i will not do so :)
hur hur. Upset? Affected? Yes of coz! But only for that 1 min. Because I know and I know that I will certainly get a good job! And i definitely have the support of my friends & family and Jesus! I know.. they who gave insenstive comments won't be the ones whom i can rely on :))
Am I anxious?? Honestly, Yes and No. Yes, it's because its going to be the end of the year which means i'm not studying or working for nearly 5 months! doesn't look good on my resume. No, its because I really really believe that God will give me something really good. As long as I do whatever I can, do my very best, God will do the rest :))And during these few months, I have learnt to appreciate little things. I learnt to appreciate the time spent with my friends & family. I learnt to think more about things. I get more time to read, exercise & go anywhere I want. And i learnt to appreciate the lesson plan that God has put in my life during this period of time. I was v easily frustrated and upset few months ago ( u can ask titus, lol..he knows & sees) because of the job thingie. Compare to now, i won't say it's gone completely, but it's getting lesser and lesser of that :)) I know i have to grow up and grow out of this. And for the past few week's de cg sermons, i just felt that the Word is so appropriate for me. About waiting for the appointed time, learning to be patient etc.
I thank God for putting beautiful people around me to encourage me during this period of time! :) And I have learnt the importance of self encouragement too :)

When I cannot see God's Hand, I will trust His Heart :)
hey myrna. I like this post of yours. speaks to me as well. cuz im in an almost similar situation as u (: thank u for sharing!!!
heys heys jackyln! Let's jiayou and support one another ok!:) Doesn't matter what ppl think, i think the most important thing is how we view ourselves and how to make the best out of the whole situation! =DD *HUGS*!
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