Age: 1-12 ( till primary school)
I was a rather shy and happy girl! I lived in comfort and didn't really need to care about anything. Just have fun and study hard. During that period of time is when i get to learn a lot of extra things! I got a lot of classes to attend during weekend. Just like how the drama normally shows: a mother brings her child for intensive extra classes during weekend and the little child will cry and feel so stressed. haha but not for me. i choose to learn all those stuffs :) Rather, i feel it should be my parents who feel stressed, coz they need to pay a reasonably much amount of money for all the extra classes, like music class, computer class, abacus class etc. But i really enjoyed it :)
Age: 13-16 (secondary school)
haha i can NEVER forget this period of time. This is the time when i really grow up and learn to go through ups and downs. And at the age of 13, is the time when i had my first relationship. Okay, now thinking back, 13 is a rather a young age Lol. haha but luckily my ex bf is a very nice, handsome, smart and driven person, so it is good memories afterall! :) haha Other than that, these few years are when i went through a lot of emotional struggles..where i have to meet a lot of challenges on the examinations of my own self-expectations, self-worth and self-image. But without these trials, i wouldn't have grown up as a person. No matter what, I really thank God for that :)
Age: 17-18 (Junior college)
SAJC! i can never never forget about sajc! How i love that school :) How i love my classmates S63, Kelly Yuexiang, Sompong, Sandra Yanping Grace (twinnie) Zhixian Mayling Yuanyu and so on! really loves these people! I was like..really really thank God for putting me in such a great place, with such a great bunch of people. All the great memories, from all the chionging of sushi buffets, neoprint taking, mugging to the planning of camps etc..They are the ones who really teaches me how to be myself, how to just be myself. I am who i am, and i'm uniquely made by God. I don't have to become who people want me to be :) And this is when i get to know Jesus Christ and hence from then on, He has become my best friend :)
Sharon and I. These are one of the things we do other than studying Lol Guess who is who?
Eileen, Sharon Kelly and Yuexiang!
S63 girls!haha
My gang! I love all of them! :)
Age: 19 (waiting for Alevel results)
This is the time period where i was waiting for my Alevel results and it is the first time i went out into the society to work! i had 3 jobs. 1) Pharmacy assistant in XX polyclinic 2) UOB Call Centre 3) Data Entry in XX Com. The 3 jobs are tough. Physically tough for the first job as i'm confined to a 80cm X 80cm working place, i can't really move around =X Mentally tough for the 2nd job as i've to face with many stress and demands from the customers. Emotionally tough for the 3rd job as it is REALLY BORING i tell u..i worked for 6 days and took 4 days MC. I am always sick when i'm working there. heh. But i really met very nice people in every of the 3 different jobs. Like aunties who really take good care of me, buy food for me, bosses who are really understanding, collegues whom i can hang out and have fun with!'s like, in every of the 3 jobs, God really send nice people around me to protect me. There are indeed times when i'm upset because of customers, workload and working condition, but God is really good, He is always faithful :) Through these, i've learnt to become a stronger person and it teaches me that working is full of challenges but as long as we're down to earth and genuine to people, we can break down ice wall between people and people.
Age: 19-20 (NUS)
This period of time is a time of healing! Emotional healing i would say :) for the past years, it has been really great but there are dark times that seems unshakeable. But as i always say, God is always good. He sends people to protect me and now, He sends people to help me get up. All the pain that surges in, all the depressing hurts that come back into my life again, He wants me to deal with it. Where i fall, is where i must learn to stand up. I learnt that, the more fearful we are of certain things, the more we must confront it. Only when we have learnt to confront it, then we can start to cast all fears. If we keep running away from it, the fears will keep chasing us. Praise the Lord :) He has healed me. Truly, He is Jehovah Rapha, the One who Heals :) amen! And there are many breakthroughs for me this 2 years. The most significant one i would say is being able to go SOT, this is when i really get to know more about God's Word, the power and anointing He has actually bestowed to us. I get to know many friends and through their lives, i get to see how they are being transformed and changed for the better and these are the testimonials that are really amazing!
Estelle me and willy! --> Our best team member :)
Sending Kim off. Back to Korea :)
SOT graduation!
One of the things we do during break. taking pictures or going around singing and beatboxing to people! People we know, and people we dunno. I wanted to upload a video haha of how we beatbox. tried many times but failed! So watch it by clicking here :)

Now looking back at my life. I have never regretted. Because all the happiness God has given me, is really from heaven. And all the sadness pain and headaches i've gone through, is to mould me to the person He wants me to be. Everyday, I want to be more and more like Jesus, how He love people, how He sacrifice for people, how he give up His life just for the people, like you and I. Achievements are very important! Be it in our academics, finances etc . But i feel, it is not the most important. To love people the way God loves, is my goal. I can never be perfect. I can never please everybody. I can never be happy all the time and just sail through my life without any upsets and challenges. But i know that, love can overcome all these. Love, not only comes from me, but is a gift from God. It is not just saying "I love you" but it is an action and attitude to be shown! :)
Welcome 2008!
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