Also, meeting up Grace for a day date!! haha it is always fun meeting her and just chit chat. No matter how many times we meet up, there are always a lot of things to catch up with each other!! haha, meet up with Grace, Zhixian, Mayling and Wendy for Harry Potter movie! Okie..i'm honestly a Harry Potter fan, i read every single of its book except the last book and watched every single of its movie. But..i feel this movie is a real disappointment =X After about 45 mins after the show started, i turned to Grace and told her that i find it quite boring and she earnestly agreed with me LOL. Then..after a while.. I fell asleep in the middle of the show. And i only woke up at the climax. HMm...i don't really enjoy it..=X I give it 0.5/5 stars. haha ok....i know many of u are going to scold me for that rating!!

And of coz, glad that Dear is out from his reservice after 1 week!! I guess this is the longest time we din see each oher!
And we had a different cg meeting this week! LOL. we had it at a different part of char & ger's hse and we have different guitarist (charmaine) and additional pianist (me) for praise and worship! haha and it's so comforting to see many young secondary school faces with us this week for cg!! =DD And thanks to Uncle and Aunty Helen, we had a durian + desert feast for refreshment!! i think i really ate a lot coz of deprivation!! i haven't eat it for so long!
On the way home from cg, i confronted a lecher and even shouted in the bus and chased him when he alighted. He continued walking v fast and i chased after him coz i know in my heart i cannot just let him get his way! Too often, we girls are always afraid to stand up when these kinda things happened. I was like that last time too. But i just felt so strongly that I gotta protect myself. However, i was so disappointed that when i asked a couple for help, they just ignore my plead for help, and they just walked away. ( they are the only ppl at the bus stop i think!) It was such a ulu place and it was midnight..and there i was asking them for help and they just leave me alone. honestly, i was angry but i was also quite scared. I have no choice but to let him go. I think this is the first time i raised my voice till so loud. Of coz i was so upset that i cried. I was thinking how come the couple din come and help me. Thank God that I called Twinniez and Dear right after the incident. I wanted to hide it and keep it to myself. Dear came down right after I called him (Love units increase tremendously lol) and i woke my mum up to tell her abt it.
Things that I have learnt:
1) We gotta stand up for ourselves and not be afraid to shout for help. Even if no one is there to help, at least this will scare the lecher and let him know that he won't get his way!!
2) Do not shout, "hey! stop!" in the bus when the lecher is alighting. I was so puzzled how come no one in the bus help me to chase the lecher when i shouted that. Then dear told me, which i really agree. He says that ppl in the bus and the bus driver will think that i am shouting that to ask the bus to stop to let me alight! I shld have shouted molester!!
3) Tell ur close friends and family members abt it if it really happens. Do not keep to ourselves coz this will result in emotional trauma which is detrimental.
4) Do evaluate the surrounding when chasing the lecher. When i chase the lecher, i realized that it was a ulu bus stop along AYE. hur one is really there..and it was midnight..he could have attacked me or whatever. Thank God he didn't..
I just thank God that i'm safe...I think this is a learning lesson for me..Let's not keep to ourselves when such things happened...We are precious children of God. Even though such things do happen unfortunately, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't love us. He really loves us so much. Because He loves us so much, He wants us to grow up to have a healthy self-image :) And that is why He gave us so many nice and wonderful people around us to help & take care of us. :)
That is why I love God and I love the people around me a lot :)
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