Bye Bye - mariah carey
One of my all time fave song! Never fail to remind me how we should always treasure the people around us :) Not to wait till they're gone then we realized that we never do our best to show them our love. I always believe that love should be expressed out in words and actions. However, at times, we may forget and take it for granted, even i make this mistake too. One of my little sisters came and tell me that she never really hug her parents and her parents never hug or kiss her..i told her, "why not u give them a hug or kiss this week?? show them that you love them. If you don't tell or show it to them, how would they know? " I don't know whether she did or not..But one thing i wanna say..we shld always show our love :) God gave us love through words that he said and through His actions. So what are we waiting for??
I Love you Jesus
I Love you Papa,Mummy and Kor
I Love you Titus
I Love you Twin and Twinniez
I love you, N109; Lilian, Charmaine, Jasmine, Germaine, Shannon, Gabriel, nathan, Daniel, Kelly Sandra, Yanping, Mich, Chris, Ted,Liupeng
I Love you, girl gang, Grace, Zhixian, Shiming, Yuanyu, Peifen, Wendy, Mayling
I Love you s63, Kelly, Angie, Sandra, Sompong, Jiewei, Yuexiang, Marcus, Timo
I Love you, Life science peeps, Huijuan, Darice, Marie, Lingling, Phoebe
I Love you Church peeps, Boonkiat, Pauline,Meiqi, Chew, Yanghong, Sean, Erika, Cheuk (this is for u! muacks!!:)), Kenneth tan, yuantai, liangwei, aunty treaz ( she always hugs me whenever she sees me aorund and has helped me in ways too! ), etc (too many of u!)
I love you wendy and Liling!
Even though i missed out many names, bt I just wanna tell u I Love you! :) however, i know i shouldn't just stop at just expressing through msn, sms or blog.. Maybe we can start a "I Love you campaign" - just tell a different person "I Love you" every single day, face to face :)
I shall learn to be more expressive:) Let's do it, shall start from myself today! :)

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