Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today's service with Pastor Phil is great! I think he has spoken to many hearts.

"Stepping out at the most inconvient time"

Many of us would have withdrawn or stayed backward during times of inconvenience. It is the most natural and comforting thing to do! But the thing is..many would have follow suite and it only takes 1 courageous soul to brave the the storm and he will emerge as the outstanding one. Like what God says in the bible, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." As i read this verse, i just felt so comforted and encouraged. God is watching us to see us win the race, be successful and be a person of influence!! He is always there. Like a earthly father, he can't wait to see us walk in our destiny, same goes for God. When troubles comes, if we need to run, we run towards God! If we need to fall, we fall in the arms of God. If we need to face our giants, we face it together with God.

I believe, that God is always with me during good times or bad times. Simply because, He loves me and i know He is faithful and trustworthy :)

After fellowshipping and all, i went to find Pauline and we talked for quite a while. haha it has been a really long while since we all sit down just to talk. I remembered she was the first few person i know when i go church. She would call me and give me bible study. heh. Btw, I shared things in my heart to her and i'm really thankful for her listening ear and her sharing as well. :) (No wonder Boonkiat and Pauline are so compatible! haha they always give ppl a feeling of wanting to tell them more.) I guess many a times, we really need a spiritual leader to be there to guide us and for us to be accountable. :):) There're so much mixed feelings in me now.
Blissful, joy, relieved, peace and understanding.

I thank God for Boonkiat and pauline! :)

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