Twinniez's bday was yeserday!!! woohhoo!! happy 16th bday lei!!! heheheh. I couldn't make it for the group celebration on Friday night hence, i had a date with her ytd!
Here we are, at Yum Cha! the dim sum place. hahaha it's quite ulu lo! But the food are relaly not bad!! When two of us are together, what else can there be??? pictures!

hahaha The dishes!! I like the chicken feet the best! some may find it weird, but i really love it! roars!! hahaha i devour the whole plate on my own!

Us emo-ing again!

Lastly, Twinniez, thank you so much for being just you! =D I love hanging out with you and i think that u really bring a lot of joy to the people around you! I can share my ups and downs and knowing that u understand how i felt and you will listen to me unjudgementally. haha and i'm always amused that when u laughed vigorously, your hands will fan at a rate like 10000 times/min. LOL. High speed! hahaha!
My childhoood friend!! considering that our childhood memory starts when we were 17 years old????
Gabriel, the suave doctor!!! Finally, He wears the shirt and belt that we gave him after more than half a year!!! (he only wore it once on his bday when we gave him!) really very shuai !! agreed by the cg girls! *thumbs up*
And..the brotherss!!!
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