Lucky - Jason Mraz ft Colbie Cailat
This year's Birthday is the most stressful bday i ever had LOL. I didn't celebrate my bday with all my heart, all my mind and all my soul as I have 3 common tests line up right after my Bday. And plus, i got diahorrea on my bday eve and that day itself. raarrrs!
Anyway, spend my bday eve with my girl gang! But few of them not here! And i decided, let's have a picnic at esplanade! hahaha and the rest really very qian1 jiu4 me. We shared our joy and fun with the ants and cockroach =X shall let the pic do the talking!
This year's Birthday is the most stressful bday i ever had LOL. I didn't celebrate my bday with all my heart, all my mind and all my soul as I have 3 common tests line up right after my Bday. And plus, i got diahorrea on my bday eve and that day itself. raarrrs!
Anyway, spend my bday eve with my girl gang! But few of them not here! And i decided, let's have a picnic at esplanade! hahaha and the rest really very qian1 jiu4 me. We shared our joy and fun with the ants and cockroach =X shall let the pic do the talking!
Twinniez and i! we came a long way :) all the pictures bring back the memories!
I've a soft spot for hand-made picture cards. Lol. Zhixian came my house the next day just to surprise me with the roll card. LOL pic from 2004 all the way to 2008. ! And my mum lovesss her. She keep saying, "Your friend (zhixian) is very pretty! " heeeh!
Okie! that's how i spent my bday eve. On my bday itself, i got 8 hours straight of lessons from 10 to 6pm. No breaks at all. Never had 8 hours lessons straight for 2.5 years in my whole NUS life and my first time is given to my bday. roars. but nevertheless, I shall rejoice! haha. Dear sent me home and in the park, he showed me a video that he did :) haha love it. And had dinner my parents, my dad cooked Chilli Crab! And my brother has shipped my bday presents alr. But..eRrr..the shipping take 1 month??!
thank you dear for the video! :) It brings back all the memories :) can't wait for 25th.
And...Thank you N109 Peepss!!
After Cg, they all pretended nothing happened, then suddenly the lights are switched off and they came out with the cake :)
After that, happily present to me the TOM YAM HAMPER!
Honestly, it is a very creative idea. LOL. they all know i love tom yam and they bought me like many nissin tom yam cup noodle, tom yam soup paste, tomyam seaweed, i even saw tomyam chicken stock! my mum'd love this. Lol and of coz! my favourite fisherman's friend and fave choc - BOOST!
Lilian : Heys myrna! we're YOUUUTTTH cg ma! so yeah lo
Me: (looking at them, don't know how to respond. I mean i am happy to receive this la! *honest k! But still, i do'nt know how to reply LOL)
I think, perhaps they read my blog, and know that i'd like to eat tomyam cup noodle every day!! They fulfiled my first wish! Very nicely wrapped! i know who did and transported it!
And they're going to fulfil my 2nd wish as well.. :):)
Ed Hardy!! :)
Thank You so much guys!! I will wear it this sunday! muahaha
And not to forget, my picture cards!! Thank you sandra for making it and thanks Jasmine for the nice black card too! I've been starring at it for quite long and wonders how u actually do it =DD
My Cg!! very blur though!
And lastly, happy me with my happy loots!
Lilian, Charmaine, Jasmine, Sandra, Kelly, Yanping, Germaine, Gabriel, Daniel, Nathan and all. Thanks for the effort put in in wrapping the hamper, transporting the hamper, buying the shirt, making the card and buying the cake.
I appreciate it :) And it has been great leading and serving with u all for the past few months. Personally, i think we're the best cg! muahahaa!
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