It's term break!!
or shld i say, study break??
It's wed and i haven't really sat down and start studying, i guess i've to start doing so today, now!!!! Had 2 CAs right b4 the study break and i was totally worn out. Fri, overnight pm. Sat, whole day of amazing race, Sun, Service +pm, Monday, Project + piano lessons + tution from early morning 9am till night 9pm. Tues, went to sch to study for a while then go meet kelly for bs and pm at Powerhouse. I was totally tired! but tired for the good cause :) haha
I remember on Monday, i was struggling to go for lesson and tuition. I felt as if i'm a floating ghost drifting about. I guess some of you know what i mean. It's like, your vision become yellowish, you feel as if you're just floating about, there's no sense of physical being. That sounds a bit eerie. lol. Anways, i recharged myself yesterday! i sleep early at 10pm and woke up at 745am this morning to go for a morning run. Haven't been able to sleep for 9,10 hours already.
I like morning run, it makes me feel refresh. And it is a time where i can start thinking about the things i'm supposed to do. It is the time when i can be with myself and myself alone. There's no one around me, there's no handphone with me, there's no computer with me. No one would be able to contact me. For that 15-20 mins, i'm left alone, to myself and God.
Sometimes, so many things are happening at the same time and the world spins so fast, there is not a moment we can slow down our steps. I guess we have to find a way and time where we can pace ourselves slower and start thinking and planning, instead of chionging all the way. That is why i like to take bus or mrt alone when going school or going home. That will be the time I can spend some time with myself and asking myself, "What i want and What i want to do." We spend time with our family, friends, collegues but how often do we spend time with ourselves? :)
Do you feel mentally tired at times??
I guess everyone of us do feel so at different times.
Slow down for a short moment, recharge ourselves and start running again. The journey never ends. It is us who ends the journey. Whether to end it now or run for the full course, we decide :)
BUT! i say slow down for a short moment, not an excuse for us to say 3 months or half a year! haha, i mean, maybe it's just half an hour of our day :) We need ourselves to accompany ourselves. Me to me. You to you.
We run for the vision
We run for the purpose.
We need the strength and energy to do so.
Recharge so that we can go forth to run for the destination
Give all my friends who are tired a BIG BIG HUG!! You're not alone in all these. i'm with u! :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I love you all! :)
I went for overnight pm last night, it was fantastic! I reach home around 6am and i was totally gone. I climbed onto my bed and collaspsed there. haha I woke up at 1045am, as I was woken up by ahem ahem's! call =X. iwas like "Who call me so early.............." And i crawled out of my bed to see that it's a missed call from LIANGWEI! roars. haha
OOkies! so today, in the afternoon, we had amazing race! and it's organised by Liangwei, with Clement and Shaun. Kelly and I asked my Sa peepz to join us! Sompong, Angie, Jiewei, Grace and Huiqi was there! so really sa reunion man. lol. Haven't seen they all for so long, ever since our genting trip!! We're supposed to meet at 130pm somerset. Angie came was like "Wah! how come u all look like you guys are going shopping!!" LOL. Then, Sompong, who was giving tution b4 that, cabbed down from JW to Somerset, thinking he's late, and he reached like 145pm, one of the early ones. And Grace reached at 230pm LOl. so Sompong was like "my $17 cab fare!!"
Anyway, there're 5 groups in total. So the 7 of us are split into 2 groups. Sompong, kelly, Huiqi and Shiqi and 1 team. Jiewei, Angie, Grace and i are in another team.
Here's Sompong with 3 pretty girls, Kelly, Huiqi and shiqi!

And us, Grace, Angie and Jiewei!

As there're prizes for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd team. We were like chionging all the way coz we want to get the 1st 2 prize so that both of our teams can share the prizes. haha we went to 5 stops and there are a few stops that are really funny. Especially Charmaine's station at Cineleisure where we have to take a neoprint with the 4 expression. And we went down to the neoprint shop and took! hahaha! It has been such a long time we had taken neoprint! We used to do that when we were in our secondary and jc days. And Jiewei is so hilarious! He really go all out already! all the act cute poses! Normally, he's like quite reserved, shy shy de. But this thing really open up my eyes about him man!
haha we ran from places to places in town. I was like wearing my covered toe flats and it's really uncomfortable to run with it but for the sake for the Ben and Jerry's vouchers, we all chiong le! Angie, being the hockey player, Grace, being the odac-er, Jiewei, being the runner, BUT I, being the gu niang, have no choice but to put in more effort into running. heh
End up...
We ran for the cause.
We ran for the vision.
we ran
annd ran...
We got our 1st 2 prizes!!!! hahahaha sompong they all got 1st and Angie Grace Jiewei and I got 2nd!! muahahaha so happy!
We were so tired then and while waiting for the rest to come back, we did our usual stuff.
Thinking of what poses should we do. Normal? Act cute? Splastic??

Okay, we decided, first comes a splastic! haha! Jiewei and Sompong looked like they're so thirsty for the rain! Maximum opening of their mouths! heh. Angie and I also go all out alr!

Then, comes the act cute! We really gotta act.But looks like Jiewei can't do it. lOl

And comes the mesmerizing part! But why is Sompong so glum?? LOl

We just wanna climb up on the walls of our youth. To reach the highest, to overcome all barriers. Here we are. Climbing :)
OOkies! so today, in the afternoon, we had amazing race! and it's organised by Liangwei, with Clement and Shaun. Kelly and I asked my Sa peepz to join us! Sompong, Angie, Jiewei, Grace and Huiqi was there! so really sa reunion man. lol. Haven't seen they all for so long, ever since our genting trip!! We're supposed to meet at 130pm somerset. Angie came was like "Wah! how come u all look like you guys are going shopping!!" LOL. Then, Sompong, who was giving tution b4 that, cabbed down from JW to Somerset, thinking he's late, and he reached like 145pm, one of the early ones. And Grace reached at 230pm LOl. so Sompong was like "my $17 cab fare!!"
Anyway, there're 5 groups in total. So the 7 of us are split into 2 groups. Sompong, kelly, Huiqi and Shiqi and 1 team. Jiewei, Angie, Grace and i are in another team.
Here's Sompong with 3 pretty girls, Kelly, Huiqi and shiqi!
And us, Grace, Angie and Jiewei!
As there're prizes for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd team. We were like chionging all the way coz we want to get the 1st 2 prize so that both of our teams can share the prizes. haha we went to 5 stops and there are a few stops that are really funny. Especially Charmaine's station at Cineleisure where we have to take a neoprint with the 4 expression. And we went down to the neoprint shop and took! hahaha! It has been such a long time we had taken neoprint! We used to do that when we were in our secondary and jc days. And Jiewei is so hilarious! He really go all out already! all the act cute poses! Normally, he's like quite reserved, shy shy de. But this thing really open up my eyes about him man!
haha we ran from places to places in town. I was like wearing my covered toe flats and it's really uncomfortable to run with it but for the sake for the Ben and Jerry's vouchers, we all chiong le! Angie, being the hockey player, Grace, being the odac-er, Jiewei, being the runner, BUT I, being the gu niang, have no choice but to put in more effort into running. heh
End up...
We ran for the cause.
We ran for the vision.
we ran
annd ran...
We got our 1st 2 prizes!!!! hahahaha sompong they all got 1st and Angie Grace Jiewei and I got 2nd!! muahahaha so happy!
We were so tired then and while waiting for the rest to come back, we did our usual stuff.
Thinking of what poses should we do. Normal? Act cute? Splastic??
Okay, we decided, first comes a splastic! haha! Jiewei and Sompong looked like they're so thirsty for the rain! Maximum opening of their mouths! heh. Angie and I also go all out alr!
Then, comes the act cute! We really gotta act.But looks like Jiewei can't do it. lOl
And comes the mesmerizing part! But why is Sompong so glum?? LOl
After which, we all and Sean and peepz went to PS Manhattan's Fish Market and we really turn the whole place into a fish market! we were so noisy!! hahaha. Especially Sompong, with he's excited, he really laugh like mad!! And the other tables were like starring at us! =/ We ordered 2 big platters and 6 of us shared. and it's really a lot. We were then very hungry but after eating for a while, we felt a bit ni4 and we slowed down in our intake rate. We played the number game so whoever lost, will have to eat a big portion.
I had a great time today with they all. It's fun. We were so high. High in our own ways. The friendships that don't come easily. Friendships that we all had for 4 years and more :)
I love Angie, Kelly, Jiewei, Sompong, Grace and all! :) They're really the joy in my life. Without them, it's never the same =) Too bad Yuexiang can't join us today =/
We just wanna climb up on the walls of our youth. To reach the highest, to overcome all barriers. Here we are. Climbing :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This is what i called Bravery
I ended school early and here i am! At home at 5pm! :) Had a test in the morning and follow by a 4 hr lab. Thank God it's 4 hrs only! instead of the normal 6 hrs!
I went to NUH yesterday after school to visit my JAMS student, Genny. Genny is very pretty, cute, slim, and petite and she's only 11 years old. She is my favourite girl and I like her so much! Genny is an autistic child. Whenever i help out in the Jams, i would specialize in taking care of her. As she couldn't communicate verbally, it would be good if someone looks after her so I'll be there to accompany her around, make sure she behave properly. As i am always with her and we had the same hair style, people always call us sisters, say that we look alike. lOl..i think it's because of the hair style but i feel really honoured to look like her! When i first started taking care of her, many other students will come up to me and say, "Teacher Myrna, is she your sister??" or not the jams workers will always ask me, "Where is your meimei?". It's like, she couldn't talk at all..and it seems that we don't communiciate, but somehow she understands what i'm saying, she will auto hold my hand and follow me wherever i go. But there are many times when i really got to run after her when she wants her way, like chionging to the cafe to eat her biscuit, refusing to go to the hall as the music is too loud for her. I remember got 1 time, she refused to come out of the lift and i accompany her taking the lift for 1 hour plus, till service ends. haha i guess i went up and down the JW building for more than 20-30 times!!
Genny was admitted to hospital as she had an operation on her backbone. her backbone is C shape, so it is curved out, and it's quite prominent. When i went to the ICU to see her, she's sleeping and her mum was sitting beside her and taking a nap. Conincidentally, her 2 relatives came and the 4 of us went out to the patient lounge to talk. I was really very xin tong when i saw her...Her eyes is very swollen and red. And both her arms and nose are full with tubes and needles. Initially i thought the swollen eyes are the after-effect of the operation but her mum told us that it's because she has been crying ever since she was admitted to hospital. She refused to let the nurses come near her to poke the needles and she struggled like anything. Don't look at her small frame, she struggled so much that the nurses and the mum are bruised. Auntie showed me her blue black and it's really quite a hard hit. Partly because she is in a foreign environment that's why she's so scared..
As i was talking to the mum..i just felt something very different about auntie. I can tell very obviously from her eyes that she is very tired..Yet, there's something in her eyes that sparks.
The sparks that her eyes contain are resilence, fortitude and bravery.
A woman, who is so strong in her spirit.
Even though Genny's brother is a handicap, but aunty's optimism really blow me away :)
Sometimes when we think we could give that person some comfort and hoping our presence will bring them some comfort and peace, but in fact, we are the one being comforted. I felt so encouraged by her. After i left the hospital, i was so touched by her optimisim, hope and joy that she has in her life and her children. She jokingly told me, "I told the doctor that maybe when Genny feels pain, she will scream, "Mummy! Pain!" That would then be the first time she talk!"
I looked at her, and smile.
She's a beautiful mother.
A mother who devoted her whole life to the lives of her 2 children.
Maybe some of us couldn't get out of our traumatic past, our disappointments, our failed relationships..There will surely be a period where we mourn and cry over it. But, there must be a time when we got to set our mind to get out of it. Decide. And go. No matter how big and how small the situation is, we must set our hearts to get out of it. Definitely,we ourselves can't do it on our own. That's what friends are for :)
I admired Genny's mum. I admired her courage to go forth and do what she wants to do. Despite all difficulties, she has done so well :)
I can never forget the hope i saw in her eyes for her children.
I can never forget how she sees a miracle, healing in her beloved daugther..
This is what i really call...
I went to NUH yesterday after school to visit my JAMS student, Genny. Genny is very pretty, cute, slim, and petite and she's only 11 years old. She is my favourite girl and I like her so much! Genny is an autistic child. Whenever i help out in the Jams, i would specialize in taking care of her. As she couldn't communicate verbally, it would be good if someone looks after her so I'll be there to accompany her around, make sure she behave properly. As i am always with her and we had the same hair style, people always call us sisters, say that we look alike. lOl..i think it's because of the hair style but i feel really honoured to look like her! When i first started taking care of her, many other students will come up to me and say, "Teacher Myrna, is she your sister??" or not the jams workers will always ask me, "Where is your meimei?". It's like, she couldn't talk at all..and it seems that we don't communiciate, but somehow she understands what i'm saying, she will auto hold my hand and follow me wherever i go. But there are many times when i really got to run after her when she wants her way, like chionging to the cafe to eat her biscuit, refusing to go to the hall as the music is too loud for her. I remember got 1 time, she refused to come out of the lift and i accompany her taking the lift for 1 hour plus, till service ends. haha i guess i went up and down the JW building for more than 20-30 times!!
Genny was admitted to hospital as she had an operation on her backbone. her backbone is C shape, so it is curved out, and it's quite prominent. When i went to the ICU to see her, she's sleeping and her mum was sitting beside her and taking a nap. Conincidentally, her 2 relatives came and the 4 of us went out to the patient lounge to talk. I was really very xin tong when i saw her...Her eyes is very swollen and red. And both her arms and nose are full with tubes and needles. Initially i thought the swollen eyes are the after-effect of the operation but her mum told us that it's because she has been crying ever since she was admitted to hospital. She refused to let the nurses come near her to poke the needles and she struggled like anything. Don't look at her small frame, she struggled so much that the nurses and the mum are bruised. Auntie showed me her blue black and it's really quite a hard hit. Partly because she is in a foreign environment that's why she's so scared..
As i was talking to the mum..i just felt something very different about auntie. I can tell very obviously from her eyes that she is very tired..Yet, there's something in her eyes that sparks.
The sparks that her eyes contain are resilence, fortitude and bravery.
A woman, who is so strong in her spirit.
Even though Genny's brother is a handicap, but aunty's optimism really blow me away :)
Sometimes when we think we could give that person some comfort and hoping our presence will bring them some comfort and peace, but in fact, we are the one being comforted. I felt so encouraged by her. After i left the hospital, i was so touched by her optimisim, hope and joy that she has in her life and her children. She jokingly told me, "I told the doctor that maybe when Genny feels pain, she will scream, "Mummy! Pain!" That would then be the first time she talk!"
I looked at her, and smile.
She's a beautiful mother.
A mother who devoted her whole life to the lives of her 2 children.
Maybe some of us couldn't get out of our traumatic past, our disappointments, our failed relationships..There will surely be a period where we mourn and cry over it. But, there must be a time when we got to set our mind to get out of it. Decide. And go. No matter how big and how small the situation is, we must set our hearts to get out of it. Definitely,we ourselves can't do it on our own. That's what friends are for :)
I admired Genny's mum. I admired her courage to go forth and do what she wants to do. Despite all difficulties, she has done so well :)
I can never forget the hope i saw in her eyes for her children.
I can never forget how she sees a miracle, healing in her beloved daugther..
This is what i really call...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The legendary 7+1!

We all went to Yuanyu's House yesterday to bai4 nian1 but too bad Wendy's not here to join us!!
here are some of the pictures haha Yy's family are so hospitable :) had a great time over there man! The moment before i step into the house i already made many hilarious mistakes! =X "The cliff" and "Uncle vs Brother" Lol. Anyway, here are my darlings!
Back row: Zhixian, Shimin, Yuanyu, Mayling. Front row: me and grace

hahaha in Zhixian's car. she's a very safe driver!

Look at Zhixian's hilarious face! haha i know you're going to kill me zx, but i still wanna put this pic up! LOl

Us again

Me and my beloved Mayling!! We struggled for quite a long time b4 a proper pic is being taken!

Darling Grace and me!

here are some of the pictures haha Yy's family are so hospitable :) had a great time over there man! The moment before i step into the house i already made many hilarious mistakes! =X "The cliff" and "Uncle vs Brother" Lol. Anyway, here are my darlings!
Back row: Zhixian, Shimin, Yuanyu, Mayling. Front row: me and grace

hahaha in Zhixian's car. she's a very safe driver!

Look at Zhixian's hilarious face! haha i know you're going to kill me zx, but i still wanna put this pic up! LOl

Us again

Me and my beloved Mayling!! We struggled for quite a long time b4 a proper pic is being taken!

Darling Grace and me!

Saturday, February 16, 2008
My little princess Kelly!

It's Kelly's 21st Birthday Celebration today!! She invited us toT*** Hotel in town for buffet dinner, together with her whole extended family :) Many of her relatives, cousins are there! haha And her dad generously treated us. it's very ex =X $55 per person. When i looked at the menu and price, i was like.."Expensive". Huiqi Yuexiang and I wanted to have a 10 round course. But.......
I only ate my 8 rounds and i couldn't take it already. but it's small portion la. The food are not bad :) But i still think it's not worth to be that expensive.
Anways, one of her cousins, Zhenyu is very cute! haha very active boy. He's only 8 years old and he went to tell Kelly cheekily, "How come your friends so sexy wan" LOL we're shocked! This is coming from a 8 years old boy. Then we did a self-check on ourselves. We were like, "We're properly dressed and many of our collars are high up to the neck" He tried to eavedrop on us, so we pretend to come together to whisper ..and suddenly laugh,
Lol...okay, that's quite childish of us. Anyway we had a great time catching time! Especially with Yuexiang :) Haven't met her for few months alr!
Anyway, Birthday Girl Kelly :) I know her since we were in J1. We were from the same class in Sajc. Really a bliss to know her and the rest of the s63 gang. My life would never be the same without them and the 2 special years in SA !
Kelly is a special girl, I would say. She's not the loud person, like Yuexiang, Sompong or me..But she's not a quiet girl..She can play like crazy but she's always very disciplined, so won't go overboard..I remember I always go home with Sompong Yuexiang and Kelly during Jc days. Everytime Sompong, Yx and I will always fight to talk, coz we just have so much to say, but Kelly will be one who listens more than she talks. However, whenever she's not around when the 3 of us are around, it's never the same! =)
She's very gentle. i tell you..really very gentle :) Whoever is her husband or boyfriend will be just so blessed! And she's very frank. Not like those "eeeekk..your dressing is so weird today! =X" haha not this kind of frank. But frank in her own feelings. So it's really v good to talk to her about your own feelings coz she's not superficial by just brushing off what really happened, but she will empathize. She may not give me the solution to my problem, but she will just hold my hand, and say, "Heys Myrna..."
Sometimes yah, we meet up with a lot of challenges, trials..we do feel tired after all..all we need, may not be the solution, but we just need someone, like a shelter.. to listen and empathize with give us encouragement :) A shelter where we feel secure and safe..Let's us be the shelter for our friends and family..Maybe we can't give them a yacht to sail away from the problem, but we can be the lighthouse for them to stop by and find safety..
Kelly Kelly, the little princess of my heart :) My little cute friend forever, she may be small in size but she has a big heart.
haha thinking back..there's lotsa stupid things that we did together, gorging ourselves in sushi buffet (But Kelly can't eat a lot!! =x) after school, doing our beatbox and trio orchestra. lol.And when we saw our eye candies in school last time, we will be like peeping them for each other coz we dun dare to see them face to face.LOl...She and her *****, me and my Fa Guan(Judge) LOL But that's the growing up days, isn't it??

It's only the first 2 months of the year and i attended a few of my friend's 21st Bday already. Everytime go to their party, I will just feel something. It'll be my 21st Bday next month, i will be opening a party in my house. i want to do sth for my friends, especially for those who has been with me during my up and downs :) Will be announcing somethings on my bday. Will send out invitation soon, so keep a lookout on ya hp! :)
Shall have a good night!
Friday, February 15, 2008
My Valentine!
It was Valentine's Day yesterday!!! haha I was in perfume lecture. And at the entrance door, got this uncle holding a bouquet of flowers. Every now and then, got students walked in for lectures (Lecture already started), so we could see the uncle peeping in, but dare not come in. Then he asked this 2 helpful students to help him pass a msg to the lecturer. This lecturer is a very cute and motherly prof :) We all like her! Btw She was talking non- stop and finally!!! when she took a DEEEPP BREAAATTH!!! the 2 students ran up to her immediately and told her that a delivery uncle was outside, wanna to deliver a banquet flowers to a girl. So the lecturer took the piece of paper and and say "Delievery for R***** T**. Please come down and collect your flowers!" hahaha she even spell out the whole name! the whole lecture burst into applause and the receipent girl went down and collect her flowers. hahaha she looked so paiseh yet happy.
Other than for lovers, it's a day for friends family, telling them how much we love and cherish them too! We had cell group meeting in the evening! A great day to spend with our most Beautiful Valentine! :) It is the first time i'm leading both p & w in cell ytd so i'm so exited and a bit nervous! The 1st time I did praise was during a prayer meeting 1 year plus ago and it was hilarious and embarrassing i will never never 4get how i gave finger signals =X And the 1st time i did worship was during SOT mock cell group, i was really nervous that i don't know what i'm saying already.
Btw For the past 1 week, i've this super big ulcer in my mouth! It's my life's largest ucler seen. It's equivalent to the size of my little finger's nail =x I couldn't speak properly for the last few days. Seems like people around me got uclers too! Even darice and marie, we were comparing our uclers. lol..must be the CNY post syndrome. =X When i gave bs to Kelly on Wed, I was lou4 feng1-ing all the way. Then ytd, when i was practicing with Shaun (he's the guitarist), he played v well. but suddenly, i stopped, i turn to Shaun and was like "Shaun, I couldn't fit into the music. I can't sing higher anymore, and i can't sing lower anymore, how?" Lol. Anyway maybe it wasn't the ulcer's fault, it's ahemMmm..myself. Anyway, I know God doesn't mind, He looks into the heart! :) haha, maybe i can't sing but it will still be like a sweet aroma sent up to heaven :)
Today is the 3X2 hours lecture day. Really tired! At my last lecture, Darice and I become goldfish already. Our eyes are wide open but we were already gone to lala land. Marie is the most NOT discrete one. haha she openly shows it. While Phoebe is the most attentive one. Anyway I think she's able to write down every single thing that the lecturer says coz she's so fast! =) i had "tuition" for physics today. Yes, i'm being tutored, not i tutoring my tuition kid. The last time i had private tutition was Jc2 i think. haha Thank God for the smart friend, Titus! When i went for the class yesterday, i was like stunned coz i don't know how to do the calculations at all. I was like...i didn't learn it before and the lectures din teach! And my physics level stops at sec sch. So Gotta buck up!
Btw I dunno why, this 1,2 week alone, many people ask me about why am i not attached? I know u guys are concerned for me and even more gan jiong than me :) Although I always just laugh it off or just brush it away..But seriously, now is not the season. haha. No worries, I'll keep a look out when the right season comes k! hahaha
Tml's Kelly 21st Birthday party wHooo!!
Other than for lovers, it's a day for friends family, telling them how much we love and cherish them too! We had cell group meeting in the evening! A great day to spend with our most Beautiful Valentine! :) It is the first time i'm leading both p & w in cell ytd so i'm so exited and a bit nervous! The 1st time I did praise was during a prayer meeting 1 year plus ago and it was hilarious and embarrassing i will never never 4get how i gave finger signals =X And the 1st time i did worship was during SOT mock cell group, i was really nervous that i don't know what i'm saying already.
Btw For the past 1 week, i've this super big ulcer in my mouth! It's my life's largest ucler seen. It's equivalent to the size of my little finger's nail =x I couldn't speak properly for the last few days. Seems like people around me got uclers too! Even darice and marie, we were comparing our uclers. lol..must be the CNY post syndrome. =X When i gave bs to Kelly on Wed, I was lou4 feng1-ing all the way. Then ytd, when i was practicing with Shaun (he's the guitarist), he played v well. but suddenly, i stopped, i turn to Shaun and was like "Shaun, I couldn't fit into the music. I can't sing higher anymore, and i can't sing lower anymore, how?" Lol. Anyway maybe it wasn't the ulcer's fault, it's ahemMmm..myself. Anyway, I know God doesn't mind, He looks into the heart! :) haha, maybe i can't sing but it will still be like a sweet aroma sent up to heaven :)
Today is the 3X2 hours lecture day. Really tired! At my last lecture, Darice and I become goldfish already. Our eyes are wide open but we were already gone to lala land. Marie is the most NOT discrete one. haha she openly shows it. While Phoebe is the most attentive one. Anyway I think she's able to write down every single thing that the lecturer says coz she's so fast! =) i had "tuition" for physics today. Yes, i'm being tutored, not i tutoring my tuition kid. The last time i had private tutition was Jc2 i think. haha Thank God for the smart friend, Titus! When i went for the class yesterday, i was like stunned coz i don't know how to do the calculations at all. I was like...i didn't learn it before and the lectures din teach! And my physics level stops at sec sch. So Gotta buck up!
Btw I dunno why, this 1,2 week alone, many people ask me about why am i not attached? I know u guys are concerned for me and even more gan jiong than me :) Although I always just laugh it off or just brush it away..But seriously, now is not the season. haha. No worries, I'll keep a look out when the right season comes k! hahaha
Tml's Kelly 21st Birthday party wHooo!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I dun like headache!
I really thank God today :) I woke up at 630am in the morning and i was feeling a bit weird. I had a headache and i hate headache, it spoils my day. anyway, i wasn't feeling too good so i went out of my house feeling nauseous. I wanted to wear wedges that is quite high but i give up that idea as i think i'll be even more unbalanced. I wun want to fall and vomit at the same time so i changed to a lower heels. I went up the bus and I don't it's me or the bus, it was very bumpy! I cannot take it already and i change to a centre seat. During the journey to mrt station, which is like 15 mins, i was praying to God that He will heal me and take away my discomfort coz i don't want to be sick! Especially after CNY when i 've many things to do! After alighting the bus, i quicken my steps as i've to reach church early.
The electronic board shows " Pasir Ris 6mins"
I was thinking, "hMm..okay, still have time to go toilet and vomit" so i went and do it.
After doing it, i was like "COOL! i feel okay now! My headache is gone and my nauseous feeling vanished!" Thank God for healing and after that, i'm as energetic as a lion! roars!
After service, we all went to have lunch at Changi Airport T3 and i gotta leave early so i left first and while i was waiting for the mrt at the changi mrt stastion, i saw the departure and arrival electronic board. I look at each and every of the Destination places and i was like, " there are so many places i haven't been to. I wanna go to each of these places when i started working! God, this is one of my wishes" i only been to Thailand, Philipines, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan and..Batam considered?? wanna add on to this list!!! I wanna go around the world, look at the beautiful creation of God, enjoy the diverse cultures and immerse myself into knowing more through real-life experiences! Not just via books or TV tour programmes anymore =X
May be next time i can be tour guide? air stewardess????? Pilot???!!!! haha fat hope.
The electronic board shows " Pasir Ris 6mins"
I was thinking, "hMm..okay, still have time to go toilet and vomit" so i went and do it.
After doing it, i was like "COOL! i feel okay now! My headache is gone and my nauseous feeling vanished!" Thank God for healing and after that, i'm as energetic as a lion! roars!
After service, we all went to have lunch at Changi Airport T3 and i gotta leave early so i left first and while i was waiting for the mrt at the changi mrt stastion, i saw the departure and arrival electronic board. I look at each and every of the Destination places and i was like, " there are so many places i haven't been to. I wanna go to each of these places when i started working! God, this is one of my wishes" i only been to Thailand, Philipines, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan and..Batam considered?? wanna add on to this list!!! I wanna go around the world, look at the beautiful creation of God, enjoy the diverse cultures and immerse myself into knowing more through real-life experiences! Not just via books or TV tour programmes anymore =X
May be next time i can be tour guide? air stewardess????? Pilot???!!!! haha fat hope.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
I found him!
Today..i saw my long awaited Prince Charming. AhhI know i shouldn't be feeling like this.And I know it's not the season..But...As i walk near and near to him.My heart is pumping like MAD. I very seldom feel that way. =X He can make me feel this way and this is really rare!
But i just can't take my eyes off him...
He's the one i've been searching for..
All the dream qualities..he have...
Oh man...!!
I'm going crazy!!!!!

But i just can't take my eyes off him...
He's the one i've been searching for..
All the dream qualities..he have...
Oh man...!!
I'm going crazy!!!!!

I saw him on TV in the korean drama series "My girl" and i was like "!!! so handsome!!! and man!!" I'm so excited that I told my mum that next time i wanna find a boyfriend like him! Small slit eyes, fair complexion, thin lips, tall build! muahaha..and my mum was like "ERYERS!! Please don't!!" She thinks he looks like girl and very ah gua, but i beg to differ!
Dear God, though i know now is not the time, but next time when the time is ripe, can u bestow me with someone like that? But of course, inner qualities are super duper important!
i'm so happy!! haha my eyes shall glue to channel U on sat and sun evening! YEAH!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Cool skirt!
I am tired! i just wanna sleep! I slept for only 3 hours yesterday and i gotta wake up at 5am. My family and I left our house at 6am, and thank God for 2nd link, we managed to reach my granny's house at 8am! It's the shortest time taken ever. haha the moment we reached there, my father, brother and I were wiped out completely, we were so sleepy that we all slept in one of the rooms till it's lunch time. My mother wanna spend more time with my grandma so despite being very tired too, she did not take a nap.
After lunch, my mum showed me a skirt that she wore 20++ years ago. It was left in my grandma's place and she told me, "Your father made me this skirt!" I was like "WHAT?!?!!?!?" It's really finely made and can u imagine a big man making a skirt for his girlfriend as a gift??? it's so romantic!! In my heart, i was like "wahahah, pa, you're really cool!"
We all went back Sg and went to my aunt's place for another gathering. We left early as my father fell sick, think he had a real busy and stressful day yesterday, cooking and preparing dinner for all of us :)
Anways, CNY is ending soon! But there're still alot of new year goodies left, I shall refrain myself from going near it =X
Shall run tml to get rid of the excessive, unnecessary intakes for the past few days!
After lunch, my mum showed me a skirt that she wore 20++ years ago. It was left in my grandma's place and she told me, "Your father made me this skirt!" I was like "WHAT?!?!!?!?" It's really finely made and can u imagine a big man making a skirt for his girlfriend as a gift??? it's so romantic!! In my heart, i was like "wahahah, pa, you're really cool!"
We all went back Sg and went to my aunt's place for another gathering. We left early as my father fell sick, think he had a real busy and stressful day yesterday, cooking and preparing dinner for all of us :)
Anways, CNY is ending soon! But there're still alot of new year goodies left, I shall refrain myself from going near it =X
Shall run tml to get rid of the excessive, unnecessary intakes for the past few days!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
You're Gone
My friend's close kin has just left him because of illness and i read another of my friend's blog that her grandma left her mum when she is very young.. Suddenly.. i just felt for them..I can't say i understand how they are feeling as i didn't go through that reality, but it must have been really really painful. Painful to the extent that words cannot describe how they feel. The only experience that i had is when i was sec.4. My friend, who is a really bubbly and fun-loving boy, (15 years old only) had contracted cancer and the cancerous cells had spread to his leg such that the doctors had to amputate it. He was sick for a very long time and didn't come to school. We weren't say very close..but he will call me on phone occassionally.. I went to visit him in hospital during his last few months and he looks really very fragile. He was on tubes, many tubes. I was shocked. knowing that he himself had only a few more weeks left, one of his wishes is to come back to school to visit his friends and teachers for the last time. He arranged to come back on this fateful day. But..before he could come back to school..he passed away on the day before. I was really devastated. It's like, how could a young man passed away just like that. And it all happened so quickly.. His grandma is very upset as he is the only grandson in the family.
I just felt that we have, HAVE to cherish everyone that is around us, especially our closest kin. It's not being paranoid but just telling them and yourself that they are priceless. No amount of gold and silver on earth is exchangeable for their presence in our lives.. I guess..sometimes we will take people for granted..Today..let's really tell ourselves and make a committment to love the people around us...
You're gone,
I couldn't see your shadow
Nor sense your scent
I tried finding you in my cupboard,
In my living room,
But i couldn't.
Where are you? I said.
Are you gone?
I cried, i screamed, I shouted,
but there is no response.
I collapsed on my knees.
Are you gone?
I felt as if strength being sucked away from me
I hid myself from reality
I hid myelf from your departure.
Are you still gone?
I went to your pillow,
Hug it, kiss it, carry it,
But i couldn't reach you.
I found a letter beneath the pillow.
There it wrote:
Dear Girl, I'm gone.
Don't look for me elsewhere.
I am somewhere where you can't go now.
Even if you jump, fly, dive,
you will not be able to find me.
I treasure you all my days.
Every single day with you is a bliss.
I like to see you eat, sleep, play, study.
I laugh with you, I cry with you.
Do you cherish me the way i do?"
I cried. You're gone.
I'm sorry.. I didn't
I will.
You know, i've learnt.
Cherishing people the way you cherish me.
I stood there, holding on to the letter.
Tears dropping down from my face.
You're gone.
You're really gone...
I just felt that we have, HAVE to cherish everyone that is around us, especially our closest kin. It's not being paranoid but just telling them and yourself that they are priceless. No amount of gold and silver on earth is exchangeable for their presence in our lives.. I guess..sometimes we will take people for granted..Today..let's really tell ourselves and make a committment to love the people around us...
You're gone,
I couldn't see your shadow
Nor sense your scent
I tried finding you in my cupboard,
In my living room,
But i couldn't.
Where are you? I said.
Are you gone?
I cried, i screamed, I shouted,
but there is no response.
I collapsed on my knees.
Are you gone?
I felt as if strength being sucked away from me
I hid myself from reality
I hid myelf from your departure.
Are you still gone?
I went to your pillow,
Hug it, kiss it, carry it,
But i couldn't reach you.
I found a letter beneath the pillow.
There it wrote:
Dear Girl, I'm gone.
Don't look for me elsewhere.
I am somewhere where you can't go now.
Even if you jump, fly, dive,
you will not be able to find me.
I treasure you all my days.
Every single day with you is a bliss.
I like to see you eat, sleep, play, study.
I laugh with you, I cry with you.
Do you cherish me the way i do?"
I cried. You're gone.
I'm sorry.. I didn't
I will.
You know, i've learnt.
Cherishing people the way you cherish me.
I stood there, holding on to the letter.
Tears dropping down from my face.
You're gone.
You're really gone...
CNY day 1 :)
It's the first night of Chinese New Year! really enjoy this 2 days without school. muahaha..not that i dislike school but just that CNY is really too distracting.haha. Everytime i think of it, i will be like, "Okay! i'll do it, wait till CNY is over.." you know, this kind of lame excuse for myself. Anyway, when school reopens on monday, i shall put on my seat belt and start accelerating my speed in my revision already!
Every CNY, my dad will cook a traditional mushroom dish. Don't know if you know or not. It's mushroom + dried oyster + lard + faicai and stew it for 24 hours. And since last evening, my house has this sweet smelling aroma roaming about in the house. And it gives me a nostalgic feeling, of CNY! Other than cook that dish, my dad has cooked like 8 other dishes for my whole extended family! My parents took a long time to plan prepare all the ingredients, but in a span of like 1 hr +++, it's all wiped out.
All my paternal relatives came to my house for gathering today and it's really very rowy at home. All the kids running about but it's fun! Me and my other cousins played card games. It is a MUST or not we will end up sitting in front of the TV, watching and eating our snacks at the same time. I'm quite tired now, and i'm going to Malaysia to visit my granny and other relatives tml morning.
Hope you all have a great CNY too!! :)
Every CNY, my dad will cook a traditional mushroom dish. Don't know if you know or not. It's mushroom + dried oyster + lard + faicai and stew it for 24 hours. And since last evening, my house has this sweet smelling aroma roaming about in the house. And it gives me a nostalgic feeling, of CNY! Other than cook that dish, my dad has cooked like 8 other dishes for my whole extended family! My parents took a long time to plan prepare all the ingredients, but in a span of like 1 hr +++, it's all wiped out.
All my paternal relatives came to my house for gathering today and it's really very rowy at home. All the kids running about but it's fun! Me and my other cousins played card games. It is a MUST or not we will end up sitting in front of the TV, watching and eating our snacks at the same time. I'm quite tired now, and i'm going to Malaysia to visit my granny and other relatives tml morning.
Hope you all have a great CNY too!! :)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Waves of laughter storming past!
These few days have been to say it..a season. A season of laughter! i mentioned about how KK and I laughed till we cannot take it. Then yesterday, i had reunion dinner with my extended family in the evening, i met my cousins and we were talking about some stuffs and all of sudden, the wave of laughters blew us away again! Many times, we were laughing till we were out of control. My aunties and my mum were like, "What are u guys laughing at??!"
Then today, Yanghong, Sean, Liangwei and I went to Charmaine's 17th bday at a chalet.
Btw HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY CHARMAINE!!! :) Love this girl!
The moment we stepped in, we were like.. OLD. we were feeling old because all her friend's are all 16,17 years old! And we were like so old people. lol. we all sat at the table to play card games with some of the new friends and we screamed like never before! Then, we asked them to guess our age. They said Sean look like he's 23 and i think he's badly traumatised by that! haha! Then, Yanghong's turn, they said he looked like he's 30 and the rest of us nearly flipped when we heard that! And i looked like i'm 21, 22 while liangwei looked like he's 23. That's what they all said. When we told them that 4 of us are the same age, their jaws dropped! LOL! And that we're all 20 going 21 only! I can only say that we had a big blow! Whe the 4 of us are left alone, we feel as if we're in the 黄金年华 variety show and we're getting high that we sang the super old songs to pacify ourselves. And we're so high to the extent that we're getting out of hand! So we said, "SHHHH! Let's keep quiet for 1 min and listen how will the chalet be without our noise" And truly, it's so quiet! So therefore, we decided to continue being the noise in the chalet. lol.then Mich and Daniel came and they joined our 黄金年华table. And more and more of Charmaine's friends came and the more young friends there are, the more obvious we are amongst them. haha I dun know why, the topics that we talked on are Cars, Wedding, Marriages and Children! Suddenly, we realized and we were like "WAIT!why we talking about so adult stuffs?! So michelle said we should talk about what kind of bicycles we like to cycle instead. Lol.
And i realized something, Yanghong laughs like a witch! LOL! hahahahah really lo, i don't know why his laughter become so high pitch! And Liangwei is like admiring little matthew who is 9 years old till we find it Eryers! weird! lOl...Sean..haha he's hilarious, When charmaine's mum came to talk to us, we introduced ourselves and Sean intro himself but i think he din pronounce properly at that moment, "Hi aunty! i'm am (sean)" Then aunty was like bewildered and say,"how come you say you're short!" hahahah! we all nearly flipped and Sean suffered his 2nd blow. The whole party is fun and we really enjoyed ourselves. we wanted to leave at 630pm but end up we stayed till 9pm. hahaha i was laughing like mad that liangwei had to cover my mouth with his hands and yanghong had to block my face with some unidentified objects. haha It is really fun! But i think, at times we feel old, compared to the younger friends but actually 20+ is still our prime and youthful age yah! let's not be fearful of growing older, Let's age with grace :)
Then today, Yanghong, Sean, Liangwei and I went to Charmaine's 17th bday at a chalet.
Btw HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY CHARMAINE!!! :) Love this girl!
The moment we stepped in, we were like.. OLD. we were feeling old because all her friend's are all 16,17 years old! And we were like so old people. lol. we all sat at the table to play card games with some of the new friends and we screamed like never before! Then, we asked them to guess our age. They said Sean look like he's 23 and i think he's badly traumatised by that! haha! Then, Yanghong's turn, they said he looked like he's 30 and the rest of us nearly flipped when we heard that! And i looked like i'm 21, 22 while liangwei looked like he's 23. That's what they all said. When we told them that 4 of us are the same age, their jaws dropped! LOL! And that we're all 20 going 21 only! I can only say that we had a big blow! Whe the 4 of us are left alone, we feel as if we're in the 黄金年华 variety show and we're getting high that we sang the super old songs to pacify ourselves. And we're so high to the extent that we're getting out of hand! So we said, "SHHHH! Let's keep quiet for 1 min and listen how will the chalet be without our noise" And truly, it's so quiet! So therefore, we decided to continue being the noise in the chalet. lol.then Mich and Daniel came and they joined our 黄金年华table. And more and more of Charmaine's friends came and the more young friends there are, the more obvious we are amongst them. haha I dun know why, the topics that we talked on are Cars, Wedding, Marriages and Children! Suddenly, we realized and we were like "WAIT!why we talking about so adult stuffs?! So michelle said we should talk about what kind of bicycles we like to cycle instead. Lol.
And i realized something, Yanghong laughs like a witch! LOL! hahahahah really lo, i don't know why his laughter become so high pitch! And Liangwei is like admiring little matthew who is 9 years old till we find it Eryers! weird! lOl...Sean..haha he's hilarious, When charmaine's mum came to talk to us, we introduced ourselves and Sean intro himself but i think he din pronounce properly at that moment, "Hi aunty! i'm am (sean)" Then aunty was like bewildered and say,"how come you say you're short!" hahahah! we all nearly flipped and Sean suffered his 2nd blow. The whole party is fun and we really enjoyed ourselves. we wanted to leave at 630pm but end up we stayed till 9pm. hahaha i was laughing like mad that liangwei had to cover my mouth with his hands and yanghong had to block my face with some unidentified objects. haha It is really fun! But i think, at times we feel old, compared to the younger friends but actually 20+ is still our prime and youthful age yah! let's not be fearful of growing older, Let's age with grace :)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Ah ma and KK
I went to give tuition after school today. I have 2 students MM and KK, sec 2 and sec. 4 respectively. MM's mother introduced KKs mum to me and hence, I started giving tuition to her recently. It is my 3rd lesson with KK today . During my first lesson with her few weeks ago, i thought she is a really sweet, pretty and quiet girl. But we didn't talk much about other stuffs other than schoolwork as she seems quite quiet and reserved.. And i thought i would prefer to teach MM because she will laugh at my jokes till she tear and she will tell me her adventures and ask me funny questions too.
Everything changed...
hahahhaa I was explaining to KK some chem stuffs and she get so high that she started making jokes out of the chemical terms and truly, it is really v funny and i started to add on to the jokes and both of us laughed till our stomach aches! When i asked her to pass me a pencil to draw the loci thing, she went to sharpen her pencil...OUTSIDE HER WINDOW. i was shocked! Lol.In shock, i told her, i will never want to walk below your block, else i found sharpened pencil crumbs on my hair! For that 1 hour, i only went through a few pages of textbook with her!! Coz she cannot stop laughing!! I was like, " SHHH! stop laughing! we gotta carry on" then she would cover her mouth immediately and tried to stop laughing but after a while, she will say some stuffs that are so hilarious that we will just burst into laughters! I was like.."OH my goodness, her mum is at home, how would she think ???" She even say that i can extended another 1 more hour, just to laugh with her! i was like "YOU PAY ME MONEY TO PEI you laugh????" Lol And we were discussing about the topic metal and the textbook mentioned sth about that the metal layers are able to slidepass one another. And she started doing some duck dance! i was like "Marvellous!" And i added on. And We came out with some dance lol. I really can't believe i spent the last 1 hour of the tuition going through a few pages of notes only! hope the mum wun fire me!!
After that i went home via bus. I saw an old ah ma. She's around 75 years old like that. She is sitting at the inner seat but she occupied 1.5 seats. i was like..dunno whether to sit down or not because she didn't move to let the lady (who is in front of me to sit) . Then she asked me to sit down, and say "I see you thinner, let you sit. or not me myself have no space to sit" then she started talking to me about her familiy, children, grandchildren etc etc... I was listening attentively. And this ah ma is very hip man. She got a levis spectacle! Lol..i was so distracted by that..and her all pearl necklance and bracelet. talk talk..she said something about me that shocked me!! First time in my life someone said that to me and i was like "SIGH!"
Anyways! today is really an amazing day! so much with KK and the old ah ma Hahaha
Everything changed...
hahahhaa I was explaining to KK some chem stuffs and she get so high that she started making jokes out of the chemical terms and truly, it is really v funny and i started to add on to the jokes and both of us laughed till our stomach aches! When i asked her to pass me a pencil to draw the loci thing, she went to sharpen her pencil...OUTSIDE HER WINDOW. i was shocked! Lol.In shock, i told her, i will never want to walk below your block, else i found sharpened pencil crumbs on my hair! For that 1 hour, i only went through a few pages of textbook with her!! Coz she cannot stop laughing!! I was like, " SHHH! stop laughing! we gotta carry on" then she would cover her mouth immediately and tried to stop laughing but after a while, she will say some stuffs that are so hilarious that we will just burst into laughters! I was like.."OH my goodness, her mum is at home, how would she think ???" She even say that i can extended another 1 more hour, just to laugh with her! i was like "YOU PAY ME MONEY TO PEI you laugh????" Lol And we were discussing about the topic metal and the textbook mentioned sth about that the metal layers are able to slidepass one another. And she started doing some duck dance! i was like "Marvellous!" And i added on. And We came out with some dance lol. I really can't believe i spent the last 1 hour of the tuition going through a few pages of notes only! hope the mum wun fire me!!
After that i went home via bus. I saw an old ah ma. She's around 75 years old like that. She is sitting at the inner seat but she occupied 1.5 seats. i was like..dunno whether to sit down or not because she didn't move to let the lady (who is in front of me to sit) . Then she asked me to sit down, and say "I see you thinner, let you sit. or not me myself have no space to sit" then she started talking to me about her familiy, children, grandchildren etc etc... I was listening attentively. And this ah ma is very hip man. She got a levis spectacle! Lol..i was so distracted by that..and her all pearl necklance and bracelet. talk talk..she said something about me that shocked me!! First time in my life someone said that to me and i was like "SIGH!"
Anyways! today is really an amazing day! so much with KK and the old ah ma Hahaha
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