It has been 2 days after my SOT (School of Theology) graduation! Really glad that i went for it. I really wanna thank God for this. If not for Him, i wouldn't have come so far. If not for Him, i wouldn't have been who i am today. If not for Him, i think i would still be searching for myself. If not for Him, i think i would still be seeking the purpose of my life. Because of Him, my life is totally changed n transformed. If u were me, u wun wanna know how i was like last time. haha During this 4.5 months, i've met a lot of beautiful people. People who are beautiful outwardly and inwardly.
The 2 most beautiful people in SOT..personally, i would say is KEVIN and VICKI. they are a married couple! and Vicki is 3 months pregnant when she landed in Singapore and both of them will be going back Taiwan today. Vicki is really amazing. She is really very pretty and fashionable. really a hot and demure mama i would say. I must say it must be really v xinku for her physically, yet she's a strong lady. Over this 4.5 months, i have never hear her complain about anithing at all. All i hear from her are positive words! really a lady who has both inner and outer beauty. haha everytime i see her, i would tell myself, next time when i'm pregnant, i would want to be like her! be a hot n beautiful mama. I believe the child of Kevin and Vicki will be an awesome one!
Well, this 4.5 months in sot is really a time where all of time are trained! and of coz disciplined! heh. all the thousand words assignments, tests, activities really challenged us to expand our capacity. And it does! I am now trained to sleep for 5,6 hours and am still alive the next day. And also, to put my best in every i do. This is really important. At times, we think we could just lay back, thinking that by luck or miracle, we would do well. But NO! doesn't work. tried and experienced before aready. haha so let's all not just hope that good results will fall down from the sky :)
Went to send one of my team members off just now, Kim :) He's a very nice Korea man. He really loves his wife and children. When Kim just came to singapore to join us for sot, he rather reserved, conservative and quiet. But over these 4.5 months, we could see a big change in him! haha he become really bold, active and fun loving! he's really a joy to us. And really wish him all the best, that he will emerge as a great leader in korea soon.
As for me, there's so much i wanna achieve, so much i wanna do, so much i wanna say. Shall share it another day
Life is so beautiful.
The sun in the universe shines so brightly
Yet our eyes are not blinded.
Because of the it, we are warmed by love
and heated by joy peace and hope
When we look at the sun
all we can see is light and nothing else
BUt when we turn away from it
we can only see darkness
our shadow..
Nothing else..
I decided
I will follow the sun
Not to run away from it
But to run towards it..
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