This is a special day for our Malay and muslim friends! :)
I am currently reading this book called, "The Seven levels of Intimacy" by Matthew Kelly. I actually stop reading this book some time ago and pick it up to continue reading yesterday. It states out the 7 steps, just to share with u friends :)
1st level: Level of cliches
2nd level: Level of facts
3rd level: Level of opinons
4th level: Level of hopes and dreams
5th level: Level of feelings
6th level: Level of faults, fears and failures
7th level: Level of legitimate needs.
I only read about the 1st and 2nd level. This author shared about this concept of "Carefree timelessness". In order for our relationships with one another, be it our friends, family, lovers, spouses to grow deeper, we need to spend time with one another. He gave an example of teenagers who spend a lot of time talking to their friends on the phone.Some can spend like a few hours on the phone! i believe many of us do that when we were in our secondary school days!
Years ago...
Dad: Myrna! How long how u been talking on phone?
Me: Not long! (actually have been talking for 3,4 hours)
Dad: What do u and ur friend talk about? You girls got so much to talk about?
Me: Nothing much!
Actually, it's true too! to me, the 3,4 hours just zoomed past so quickly that i don't realized i'm on phone for so long and my friend and i don't really talk about anything serious or urgent, just casual chat.
Hence, the author, Matthew sugguests that the nature of carefree timelessness is to be timeless. We lose track of time. It has nothing to achieve other than the enjoyment of each other's company. Lack of carefree timelessness (CFT) will cause us to fall out of love easily! maybe that's why young ppl fall in love so easily. It (CFT) will help us move our relationship with one another beyond the first level of intimacy! :)
one of the ways we can create CFT is to schedule a certain day and time to spend together. We don't need to plan too much before what to do. Eg. need to buy friend's present at Ion, later head down to Far east to get a pair of jeans, then go Suntec to buy Mango tshirt etc etc..Nonono..haha. we are to spend the day, deciding what to do on that day itself, just leisurely..don't have to pack the whole day running all over the place. :) Just ask each other, "What would you like to do today?"
This is something i learnt while reading the book on my way to meet dear ytd. We din plan anything for our date, just simply walking to wherever we feel like going and eating whatever we feel like indulging. And indeed, i feel very satisfied after the date. :)) Indeed, Carefree timelessness.

After which, I went to Mayling house for Hari Raya! each year, she will invite us over to her place! haha there will be lotsa food and snacks!

Yuanyu, peifen and shimin!
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