Saturday, September 26, 2009
yays! :)
I slept for the whole day yesterday..i think awake for only few hours the whole day..was a bit sian that i couldn't take cg yesterday as i din get to take last week too ( My dad's bday) but thank God for a wonderful dearie, chew chew who took! Our cgs are having combined mtg for the time being :) She's an awesome cgl and lovely girl. I know her thru twin 3 years ++ ago, and when i don't know chew chew well initially, i was telling twin, "Twin, Chew yan looks like those girl whom the boyfriend's mother would like a lot! those xian2 qi1 liang2 mu2" hee.
Dear dear came to my hse yesterday and prayed for me and patted me to sleep before he left my place..And really thank you friends for ya prayer, it really works and God is really good! The moment i woke up today, I was completely healed! I no longer feel nauseous nor feverish. And my appetite came back :) I realized that i have lost quite a few kg these few months, not only because of yesterday. My mum said i got pencil arms and would hang my arms in the mid air just to emphasize to me how small it is. My brother said i got chopstick legs is shocked how skeleton they look like now. Andd...dear dear says he gotta take care and protect a RIB! lol..And some of u also said that i lost weight. But don't worry friends, i didn't lose weight deliberately, and in fact i have been eating normally and freely. Go ask yanghong, he will vouch for me! :))
I'm so happy that i'm alright now!! :) God is good all the time, all the time, God is good!! :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Happy 7th month anniversary!!:)
It seems like time really flies! it has been already 7 months since dear and i get together! We celebrated our 7th month anniversary today even though we only had 1 hour to spare together..but nevertheless, this marks a special day in our lives! haha! Previously for our monthly anniversary, we will sure do/ buy something for each other. Usually, he will buy gifts for me while i will do stuffs for him (coz he's much richer than me! lol..) Last month, for our 6th month, our theme was to buy something useful for each other in our daily use! Hence, he bought me a bag while i got him a wallet. This month ( i set the theme! heh) the theme is to do something that money cannot buy! haha my request is that he make a handmade love letter for me! no ready made de!
Anyway, i had a great time with the BK leaders in the evening for dinner! I believe that this zone, spearheaded by BK, will have breakthroughs and breakthroughs once again! :)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Selemat Hari Raya! :)
This is a special day for our Malay and muslim friends! :)
I am currently reading this book called, "The Seven levels of Intimacy" by Matthew Kelly. I actually stop reading this book some time ago and pick it up to continue reading yesterday. It states out the 7 steps, just to share with u friends :)
1st level: Level of cliches
2nd level: Level of facts
3rd level: Level of opinons
4th level: Level of hopes and dreams
5th level: Level of feelings
6th level: Level of faults, fears and failures
7th level: Level of legitimate needs.
I only read about the 1st and 2nd level. This author shared about this concept of "Carefree timelessness". In order for our relationships with one another, be it our friends, family, lovers, spouses to grow deeper, we need to spend time with one another. He gave an example of teenagers who spend a lot of time talking to their friends on the phone.Some can spend like a few hours on the phone! i believe many of us do that when we were in our secondary school days!
Years ago...
Dad: Myrna! How long how u been talking on phone?
Me: Not long! (actually have been talking for 3,4 hours)
Dad: What do u and ur friend talk about? You girls got so much to talk about?
Me: Nothing much!
Actually, it's true too! to me, the 3,4 hours just zoomed past so quickly that i don't realized i'm on phone for so long and my friend and i don't really talk about anything serious or urgent, just casual chat.
Hence, the author, Matthew sugguests that the nature of carefree timelessness is to be timeless. We lose track of time. It has nothing to achieve other than the enjoyment of each other's company. Lack of carefree timelessness (CFT) will cause us to fall out of love easily! maybe that's why young ppl fall in love so easily. It (CFT) will help us move our relationship with one another beyond the first level of intimacy! :)
one of the ways we can create CFT is to schedule a certain day and time to spend together. We don't need to plan too much before what to do. Eg. need to buy friend's present at Ion, later head down to Far east to get a pair of jeans, then go Suntec to buy Mango tshirt etc etc..Nonono..haha. we are to spend the day, deciding what to do on that day itself, just leisurely..don't have to pack the whole day running all over the place. :) Just ask each other, "What would you like to do today?"
This is something i learnt while reading the book on my way to meet dear ytd. We din plan anything for our date, just simply walking to wherever we feel like going and eating whatever we feel like indulging. And indeed, i feel very satisfied after the date. :)) Indeed, Carefree timelessness.

After which, I went to Mayling house for Hari Raya! each year, she will invite us over to her place! haha there will be lotsa food and snacks!

Yuanyu, peifen and shimin!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Papa!! :)

Dear dear!

My kor kor Lol..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My week so far :))
1) I have just rebonded my hair and cut it slightly!! --> changing a slightly different hairstyle makes me happy!
2) Yunrui and I to hang out tog before meeting ytd. She's really a swweeett girl! i like her! She gave me choc chewy junior! it's yummy!
3) Met up with Kelly weikiat and matthew to do some stuffs tog today! haha. at the last 1,2 hour, weikiat was doing the webbie while the 3 of us wanted to help, but couldn't help much coz we don't know the codes and yes, i'm a computer nerd. End of 3 of us folded stars for the children's charity! heh
4) Dear dear and i went to Dead Sea Scroll Exhibition! I just like to hang around with him! Btw its not very big scale but i just felt very amazed by what i have saw :)) Just felt like..woah..God, You are amazing! Let the pictures do the talking :)

The man who knew everything!! :)
1) Went for leader's mtg yesterday and pastor Aries shared a very good word about having love as the foundatiion of our life! Loving others, just like how Jesus would have loved us. Forgiving others/ourselves, just like how Jesus would have forgiven us!
2) Going to give bs to 4 cg members tml! When we give bs, we'll receive revelations and much more understanding of the Word!
3) Going for boonkiat's cg meeting tml :)) I love hearing him preach coz he's just so anointed! :)
1) Going to swim at 8am tml morning! let me be the first one to jump into the pool tml! hee. I start to like swimming and honestly, this is the only sports that i really really enjoying doing :) No pressure. I don't really run and when i run, i really gotta force myself to do so.
Okie! these are some of the things that i have been doing for the past 2 days and the things im going to do tml! I'm just so tired physically. Good night friends! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Happy bday Von!:)
Yvonne is our YK Zone secretary! Today, all of us gathered to celebrate this special day of hers :) She received many nice and expensive gifts!! And i think she deserved it:) I remember last year, around this time, it was her bday. I was then a new leader in the YK tues mtg. And that fateful day, we celebrated her bday. She received really a lot a lot of nice gifts from the various subzones! haha as i was new that time, i was just wandering in my mind, "How come yvonne got so many presents from the whole zone?" haha gradually, i come to know why. She really worked very hard. And not any one can do her job position. It's really Calling. I tried helping out Yvonne/Pauline a few times in church office, eg, calling up ldrs, doing some admin stuffs. After a few hours, (honestly speaking) i lost my patience already. heh. And through that experience, i know that it's really not easy. Each of the cgl take care of 1 cg each. But she takes care of 60,70 cgs in the entire zone! :)
I often read her blog and i like reading her blog because her blog is so reflective of her emotions and feelings. :) How many of us can truly write out our feelings so expressively for others to see?
I talked to many of my friends about Yvonne, and we all agreed that she's really a woman of faith and perseverance. :) Not everyone can be a zone secretary. But she is the Chosen One :) And she's doing so well!!
Yvonne, if u ever read my blog, i promise u i will try my best submit my admin stuff on time, won't mafan u!! hee

Lastly, Happy birthday yvonne! u are really appreciated by us :) Thank you for all that you have done:))
Monday, September 14, 2009
I saw it and was like, "XXX is so sweeeet!"
It's definitely not for me, haha but for my brother :) His friend from US send it over :)) Out of curiosity, i went to check out about this shop and found out that it's not cheap at all :)
It must be consumed within 2 days. My brother don't let anyone of us touch it now. Yes, may tml come quickly, he has no choice but to let us eat le! Heh Heh!
You may check out the bakery
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Swimming :)

Today i did something that is a first time in my life......HUR HUR...
I went to nearby swimming pool and swim alone in the evening!! heh heh..Honestly.. I felt like an accomplished independent woman when i jumped into the pool! Those who know me long enough will know that i do not swim due to certain reason. Not that i do not know how to swim. I learnt swimming when i was in secondary 1. It was a 10 weeks swimming course conducted by my school. It's awesome! I like swimming. However, after the course ends, i was never ever found in the swimming pool until recently. It was a 10 years wait. Haha it was such a surprise that my parents actually let me swim alone today without anybody with me.
Approaching the swimming complex, not only do i feel proud of myself, I strongly feel the need to protect myself as well! LOL. Firstly, from getting drown. Secondly, from lecher!
Hence, I decided to swim at the 1st lane, even if i were to drown, i just need to stick out my hand and there is the platform. Next, i'm quite afraid of not having my legs touch the ground, hence, i decided to swim only till 1/3 of the length of the pool each time Lol..OK la..i know it's quite dui lian..but better than putting my life at risk right?? Third strategy, i look out for people who has the kind and harmless look. I scanned my surrounding and saw many young ladies, a couple, a few aunties. So, area cleared. Lastly, as there are men as well ( not that i'm saying they are lechers la! but better to be safe than sorry), i kept myself a distance from them. If they are swimming towards me, i will make sure i stick myself to the wall and let them pass first while glaring at them, making sure that they dont' anyhow fling their hands or whatsoever!
Hence, after swimming for 40mins, i'm out of the pool. And i'm mo4 mo4 de feel happy and satisfied! hahaha!
I shall swim at least once or twice a week! woooh! :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My week so far
Honestly, i really enjoy what i'm doing these few weeks HAHA. I'm able to do whatever i wanna do, eat whatever i wanna eat, meet people whom i wanna meet! AWESOME! No wonder, working friends have been telling me, "take ur time to find a good job! meanwhile, enjoy this period of time, once you start working, you won't be able to be like this anymore!"
On the other hand, i've no qualm about saying that there are indeed worries as well. eg, repaying school loans etc :) But i thank God for such great parents who is so willing to feed a 22 years old unemployed daughter! LOL. My parents: "Take your time find a job that u like. I still can feed u for another 1 month la!" They have been saying this since is september Lol..seems like there's no deadline.
Me: Dear! you wanna yang3 wo2 ma??
Dear: Ya, of coz will yang3 ni2 la!"
Me: *Perks up! "Really??"
Dear: "Ya, when u start working, i will yang3 ni2"
Me: =X
I love my dear dear a lot! He has been encouraging me every single day :) He has so much faith in me that weeks and days before, he already bought me office hand bag and pencil skirt even when i don't really have a need for it now, except to wear it for interviews:)) *muacks*! When i'm upset and frustrated about the jobhunting, he will be there with me..even if means coming out at midnight to meet me and console me..when i'm happy, he's always beside me, sharing my joy and laughter :) We were calculating just now that we are together for 6 months 17 days le as of 09092009. Each day, i get to know him better as a person. Lol.. He's very fun to be with and can always make me laugh! He makes me wannna love God more and more because from the way he lives his life, he's a man of integrity and love. And, he has no qualm about showing his love and concern to people around him.. :) heh.
I went for GSK interview today. The interviewer has not much expression so i don't know whether i did well or not. But honestly, it's the most laborious interview preparation i ever had. LOL. The day before the interivew, Lilian has helped me ask her friend who went for the interview b4 abt their interview questions. I have to ask meiqi some drug questions at midnight. And i did research on the company and vaccines from the tues night till wed afternoon. I just hope for the best! =D whether i get in or not, i did whatever i can already, and i leave God to do the rest!
Also, this monday and tuesday, i get to meet up with WML, HJ and Kelly to spend some quality time together with them! I think now is a good time to catch up with as many people as possible before i start work!
let's jiayou! I will continue to jiayou too because i know God is with me! :))
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thank you and goodbye Howard.. :)
Howard passed away yesterday morning and i only got to know this morning. I guess many people are shocked at the news but still, it's kinda expected considering howard's age and health. He is 89 years old this year :)
It is really such great honour to know this man, a history of Singapore. He's so influential, wealthy, famous, intellectual yet, he's so humble and down to earth. We used to have cell group meetings every single week in his house. I was always the first few to reach there before cg meeting.Hence, initially i was lost, not knowing what to talk to Howard about. In my mind, I was thinking, "He was the number 1 lawyer in singapore. what if i have grammatical errors in my spoken english?? how??" But he was always so readily to give his warm smile to every single one of us. All of us respected this fatherly figure and all of us regard him as our family.

Every single week, he will be present to have cg meeting with us together. I remember the first time i took whole cg, including p & w, and preaching, I was obviously nervous. Howard sat beside me, lifting up his hands, praising and worshipping God. In my mind, i keep encouraging myself and during my preaching, i would look at Howard and he would give me smiles to assure me. He was taking down sermon notes too! :) After the cg ends, i would ask him for opinon, he din say anything about my english language lol..but he said, "you are speaking too fast..i couldn't catch u.." *noted, i must do better the next time!*. then for the next few weeks, boonkiat gave me chances to take preaching and each week, he would say, "you are getting better and better!" heh i would just fly up onto the clouds! It's such a great encouragement! He's so high up there, yet, he's so relational and encouraging :)
I remember during chinese new year this year, all of us went to his house to a reunion lunch. Just as we are to leave his house, he pulled a chair and sat right beside the door to wait for us, shake our hands and say bye. As we are leaving, he gave each of us hong bao :) Such a humble man. He love life and he love people.
Like what pastor yock kiang shared during the funeral service, when pastor suggest to boonkiat not to have cg at his hse as howard needs undisturbed rest, howard cried. He said, (can't remember the exact words, but the meaning is like this), "Please do not take away this opportunity for me to serve God. I am old already..and I just wanna serve God in this way.."
I remembered Boonkiat sharing with us 1 year ago about how Howard offered his house to us, he said to BK, (not exact words too, but meaning is there), "I pray to God for a purpose in my life. And I know, now, my purpose in my life is to lend my house to u guys for cell group meeting.." When i heard that, i was like.."woah..that's really touching.." Some people may say they are too busy, too tired, too old to serve God. But look at this man, he's 89 years old, with multiple cancer relapses, yet he's still on fire, serving God!
Thank You Howard for the fond memories..
And Goodbye Howard... :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
WML Pool side!
I know these 2 pretty & sweet ladies since we were 13 years old!! Oh man..that's like..nearly 10 years of friendship and still counting!! haha we went to wendy's new place and it was awesome!!! we had a pool side mini party with just the 3 of us!! The pool is like a river, so loooongggg! i bet it must be quite tiring to swim from one end to the other end! Also, with us, come food! We just talk about so many things.. LOL..shan't reveal here..hur hur...
enjoying the ambience and food!

In wendy's room. nice bed. we just feel like sleeping there and not go home alread. heh..