kids prayer - city harvest church
I was just doing my quiet time this morning and i was playing the song, "First" on my piano. Sometimes we will think of how to sustain the calling that God has given to us. Many were called and led to their destiny, but some decided to give up their calling. What is that sustaining factor?
"Before I formed you in the womb, i knew you, because you were born, i set you apart.." (Jer1:5)
God know us before we know Him. God love us even before we love Him.
How amazing is that..before we even know Him, He knows us and love us! I'm certain, there's only 1 explanation, that is the uncondition love God.. the AGAPE LOVE :):) At times we struggle to love some people. To us, these people may be the ones who stepped on our toes or irritate us. i went to Pauline's cg for make up cg on friday and she brought this point across very clearly that we must have the right attitude towards it..Only through the love of God, then we can have the capacity to love others.

I'm not the smartest, richest, prettiest, or the most attractive, charismatic and out-going girl. But over the billions of people in the whole world, God looks at me and says that He loves me and He wants to give me the love. And He did. :)
I was so touched by His Love as i was worshipping Him this morning..nothing is worth more than receving the love from God and sharing it with people out there..to our family and friends.
I want to love Jesus forever and forever. Loving Him doesn't need to be complicated. It is simple. Loving Him with all our hearts :) Because i've experienced His love, i want to share His love with the people around me. I want to love just like how He has demonstrated in my life. I want to love my parents just like how He showed me the love of God through my parents. I want to love Titus just like how Jesus would have love me. I want to love my friends and the people around me just like how God love me even before He knew me. And lastly, i want to love Jesus Christ with all my life. :) This morning, i thank God that i'm alive. Because i live, hence, i can experience all these :):)

I love you Jesus :)
Like what the song is all about. The prayer of the children. We're the children. No matter whether we're, 20, 30, 45, or even 80 years old..we're still the children of God. The desired prayer of mine, to grow up and grow old serving God.

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