Anyway, gotta say, nowadays the weather is really striking hot. I ended my tutorial late and was late to meet the 3 of them. hence, i was speeding up my pace walking from centre of life science( ulu place of nus) to NUH bus stop (it's a v long way without shelter). And i waited for quite long for the bus. End up, by the time i got up the bus, i was feeling nausea and faint. In the mrt, i stood by the side, leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Keep praying. "God, take away all the discomfort. I cannot faint here..". And praise the Lord! by the time i alighted, i was feel really alright alr =DD Must not be under the hot sun for too long! will get heatstroke =/ i remember last time while i was waiting for my bus for 30 mins under the hot sun and i was feeling faint and weird. By the time i reach home, i rushed to my toilet to vomit. So...the moral of the story is.....Avoid the hot sun!! =X take care k!!
Anyway, here we are!! We got keyboardist, drummer, bassist and guitarist!! haha Nathan got the style right!! Daniel looks like he's eating the mike! But he's good, can play all the instruments! *thumbs up* the instructor of our band as well! lol
heh heh. Char and i!!
And us all =DD hahaha today i played till quite shuang!! satisfied! But.....honestly the studio that we went to is really quite chui. the keyboard don't even have pedal! so it sounds really weird. =S
And..Daniel did cg video!! Din know that he can make such video! And thanks to Sandra for helping with the video taking and preparation! Anyway, This is from us to nathan!! =DD Even though lilian and i wanted the video shld be kept low profile for fear of losing our face Lol..but i feel it's really awesome! shall share!! =D
And to you my dearie gurliex , be strong and know that He is our God. God of love, peace and joy. We are all standing with you, praying and believing together with you.. love :)
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