I can't wait for exams to end!!!
But again, the swine flu is irritating me! There goes my grad trip, rars!
1 week more, jiayou!! :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Dear God

kids prayer - city harvest church
I was just doing my quiet time this morning and i was playing the song, "First" on my piano. Sometimes we will think of how to sustain the calling that God has given to us. Many were called and led to their destiny, but some decided to give up their calling. What is that sustaining factor?
"Before I formed you in the womb, i knew you, because you were born, i set you apart.." (Jer1:5)
God know us before we know Him. God love us even before we love Him.
How amazing is that..before we even know Him, He knows us and love us! I'm certain, there's only 1 explanation, that is the uncondition love God.. the AGAPE LOVE :):) At times we struggle to love some people. To us, these people may be the ones who stepped on our toes or irritate us. i went to Pauline's cg for make up cg on friday and she brought this point across very clearly that we must have the right attitude towards it..Only through the love of God, then we can have the capacity to love others.

I'm not the smartest, richest, prettiest, or the most attractive, charismatic and out-going girl. But over the billions of people in the whole world, God looks at me and says that He loves me and He wants to give me the love. And He did. :)
I was so touched by His Love as i was worshipping Him this morning..nothing is worth more than receving the love from God and sharing it with people out there..to our family and friends.
I want to love Jesus forever and forever. Loving Him doesn't need to be complicated. It is simple. Loving Him with all our hearts :) Because i've experienced His love, i want to share His love with the people around me. I want to love just like how He has demonstrated in my life. I want to love my parents just like how He showed me the love of God through my parents. I want to love Titus just like how Jesus would have love me. I want to love my friends and the people around me just like how God love me even before He knew me. And lastly, i want to love Jesus Christ with all my life. :) This morning, i thank God that i'm alive. Because i live, hence, i can experience all these :):)

I love you Jesus :)
Like what the song is all about. The prayer of the children. We're the children. No matter whether we're, 20, 30, 45, or even 80 years old..we're still the children of God. The desired prayer of mine, to grow up and grow old serving God.

I just finished my 2nd paper, cardio today!! really felt like a heavy stone being lifted up. Now i got another 7- 9 days to study for my 2 other papers. :):)
After a week of camping at home, (okie..not really..i still go out of the hse to buy hp..cg..service), i finally stepped into a shopping centre! but not too far, Jurong Point. Supposed to meet titus but i mixed up the timing and was there 2 hours early while he was still having his exams. But really happy to meet up with him after so long!! lol so, i combed the entire JP. And i spent like nearly 1 hour in Popular Boostore looking at cookbooks.

LOl. Okie, i don't often cook but whenever ppl laugh at me for not be able to cook, i would always say,

After a week of camping at home, (okie..not really..i still go out of the hse to buy hp..cg..service), i finally stepped into a shopping centre! but not too far, Jurong Point. Supposed to meet titus but i mixed up the timing and was there 2 hours early while he was still having his exams. But really happy to meet up with him after so long!! lol so, i combed the entire JP. And i spent like nearly 1 hour in Popular Boostore looking at cookbooks.

LOl. Okie, i don't often cook but whenever ppl laugh at me for not be able to cook, i would always say,
"I got 2nd in the class for home economics when i was in secondary 2 OK!". (lol, it's true!)
And i must address the the wrong misconception, MYRNA CAN COOK ! but with condition attached. roars!
Really admire mothers who spend like hours in the kitchen just to prepare a good meal for the whole family..I tried cooking dishes for my family dinner, but the whole kitchen will get too hot, and oil will splatter all around..and i will feel so uncomfortable. "Mummy, can u help me get the sauce??! " (while i was busy flipping the food in the wok.), "Mummy, can u help me get me some salt?! ", "Mummy, mummy can u..." ( while i was still busy turning the food in the pan)
Mum: "Haiyo! You can or not? i'm like ur assistant !!"
LOL. yes, that's the condition attached.
But..salute to my mum and all mothers!! :)

I wish i can eat all the yummy dishes that are presented in the cookbook. But wells, the resistance to cook them myself is too big! One day..yes..One day..
:) all the best for exams friends!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I just had my first paper today, neurobiology!

Honestly, to me, it is the most difficult life science module i ever took. I did my best, and i lift it up to God! When i reached home, i was totally gone. I guess i used too much of my brain power. roars. Normally after each paper, i will take a half day break ( if time allows), but i still got cardio paper on monday and it is a lot to study as well..! Feeling a bit edgy now. But thank God for the invention of chocs to perk me up.

Honestly, to me, it is the most difficult life science module i ever took. I did my best, and i lift it up to God! When i reached home, i was totally gone. I guess i used too much of my brain power. roars. Normally after each paper, i will take a half day break ( if time allows), but i still got cardio paper on monday and it is a lot to study as well..! Feeling a bit edgy now. But thank God for the invention of chocs to perk me up.
Do keep me in prayer! And thanks friends for the encouragements, appreciate it :):) Let's add oil together, it will be over soon! haha after exams, let's all go out and have funnnn!!
Back to cardio..
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I've been staying at home most of the time this week! study study study! trying my best to finish up my neuro and cardio lectures. My exams are on this sat and next monday respectively and honestly, there're really a lot to study! I guess, this sem is the most hectic period where i've only got 1 week to cover all my lectures. (due to the 4 projects that were due at the last 1,2 week of the sem) Unlike last few sems, i've gotten at least 2, 3 weeks to start on my revision. But wells, I will do my best and let God do the rest!
In the midst of all the studying, i've gotten myself a new hp. Nokia E71. heh heh. the cost of it with plan is $398. Starhub has given me a $100 voucher, my dad sponsor me $100. And i'm left $198 to pay on my own..wanted to trade in my samsung G800, but the person told me.
"The trade in value is $80."
Me:"HUh??! SO LITTLE?? $80??!"
and i refused to trade in! is my hp so lau pok??! it's only 1 year old and it has 5 megapixel camera!! And it has taken over 1000 pictures for me!!! It contributes so much to my well-being, why is it only worth $80 roars! Decided to sell it away at some hp shope, hopefully around $150?? (I REALLy HOPE SO!)..so that the net amt i've to pay is only $50??! haha
And i'm going taiwan and Hongkong next month with nus friends!! i can't wait! woo!
Okie, relax... back to books............... :)
In the midst of all the studying, i've gotten myself a new hp. Nokia E71. heh heh. the cost of it with plan is $398. Starhub has given me a $100 voucher, my dad sponsor me $100. And i'm left $198 to pay on my own..wanted to trade in my samsung G800, but the person told me.
"The trade in value is $80."
Me:"HUh??! SO LITTLE?? $80??!"
and i refused to trade in! is my hp so lau pok??! it's only 1 year old and it has 5 megapixel camera!! And it has taken over 1000 pictures for me!!! It contributes so much to my well-being, why is it only worth $80 roars! Decided to sell it away at some hp shope, hopefully around $150?? (I REALLy HOPE SO!)..so that the net amt i've to pay is only $50??! haha
And i'm going taiwan and Hongkong next month with nus friends!! i can't wait! woo!
Okie, relax... back to books............... :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Last Days in NUS!
WoOO!!! I just ended my last year in NUS :):)
Initially when i first thought of graduating, i was filled with GRIEVE. LOL. honestly, quite sad to leave school. After all, it has been my occupation to be a student for the last 15 years. However, it is s compulsory transition stage. I learnted to accept that fact that i'm gonna work and be a working adult in the next don't know how many years. wells! But still, i really really thank God that He has made my uni days a beautiful one!! Even though i feel that these 3 years has just zoomed past like that! These 3 years in sch has been really good. I get to know many new friends and i get to grow up as a person. And there are so many good memories =DD
Some significant things:
1) Get to know my life science gang, Darice, Huijuan, Phoebe, Marie and Lingling :) we've been taking modules since we were in year 1 and 2 and i gotta say, they're the most real people. lol..And of coz, very crazy~! all the laughters and fun =D
2) Staying in contact with many of my SA girls :) It is just amazing how many SA girls there are in life science Kelly, Sharon, Eileen, Joyce, Sheena, Vivan, Amelia, Elaine etc. And my SA girl gang in arts, Twinniez, Zhixian, Shiming and Wendy. In addition, my SA s63 gang, Kelly, Marcus, Timo, Angie =DD haha because of NUS, i get to meet them again and again in school, it's like a mini SAJC.heh heh.
3) Get to know many NUS united peeps! organising camps and all =DD too many ppl to name!
4) Went to SOT at the end of year 1.
5) Becoming a cgl when i'm in year 3
5) Get to know Titus in school and progress on from there :)
And..this is my last week of school :):) with my friends!
Angie, Joseph and Twinnez!! :):)

One of my fave girls! KELLY !

LSM 3221: Human Pharmacology
Darice, Marie, Huijuan, Lingling and Phoebe!
Initially when i first thought of graduating, i was filled with GRIEVE. LOL. honestly, quite sad to leave school. After all, it has been my occupation to be a student for the last 15 years. However, it is s compulsory transition stage. I learnted to accept that fact that i'm gonna work and be a working adult in the next don't know how many years. wells! But still, i really really thank God that He has made my uni days a beautiful one!! Even though i feel that these 3 years has just zoomed past like that! These 3 years in sch has been really good. I get to know many new friends and i get to grow up as a person. And there are so many good memories =DD
Some significant things:
1) Get to know my life science gang, Darice, Huijuan, Phoebe, Marie and Lingling :) we've been taking modules since we were in year 1 and 2 and i gotta say, they're the most real people. lol..And of coz, very crazy~! all the laughters and fun =D
2) Staying in contact with many of my SA girls :) It is just amazing how many SA girls there are in life science Kelly, Sharon, Eileen, Joyce, Sheena, Vivan, Amelia, Elaine etc. And my SA girl gang in arts, Twinniez, Zhixian, Shiming and Wendy. In addition, my SA s63 gang, Kelly, Marcus, Timo, Angie =DD haha because of NUS, i get to meet them again and again in school, it's like a mini SAJC.heh heh.
3) Get to know many NUS united peeps! organising camps and all =DD too many ppl to name!
4) Went to SOT at the end of year 1.
5) Becoming a cgl when i'm in year 3
5) Get to know Titus in school and progress on from there :)
And..this is my last week of school :):) with my friends!
Angie, Joseph and Twinnez!! :):)
LSM 3212: Human physiology: Cardiopulmonary System
Joyce, Elaine, Sam Kelly and me!
One of my fave girls! KELLY !
LSM 3221: Human Pharmacology
Darice, Marie, Huijuan, Lingling and Phoebe!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Law of science
Happy 18th Birthday to JIEYUN, DWAYNE, YANGHONG and CHARLES!!
Happy 15th Birthday to Germaine!! :)
Woke up in the morning and was thinking about the things that someone told me 2 days ago. I felt so positively challenged. Rars!
Law of Diffusion: Particles move from a higher concentration to a lower concentration
Law of Osmosis: The movement of water molecules from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration.
Not only particles or water molecules, many things work in that way too. Love flows from higher to lower concentration too. Have you gotten love? Don't keep them to yourselves. Share it with others. Or not the love in ur love tank will be stagnant.
Without Love, we're nothing :):)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Another 13 more hours before all my projects and tests end for this semester!! WOOSH!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
easter sunday!
It has been a great week! Even though it is really hectic, but still there's so much satisfaction from it! woo! 4 of the VS boys came today and it is really nice to interact more with them! One of my favourite vs boys is marcus. He's only 13 years, very small sized and got the mischevious & naughty look. Lol..really feel like bringing him home and be my little brother! Alex draw an easter card and gave me and i really gotta say, he got the talent to draw! *thumbs up* Learnt that few of them actually slept like 3am last night due to several reasons, such as playing computer games, but they still wake up so early in the morning to come and join us :) appreciated!
The drama never fails to impact me. Even though i watch it the 3rd time this weekend, but still.. :) Thank You Jesus :)
After fellowship and all, met up with dear and watched Fast and Furious. hahaha personally, i feel that the best and most exciting scene is the 1st scene. it gets me so excited! But somehow during the show, it gets a bit draggy in a way for the plot. But for the actions-wise..it's good! How i wish i can drive like that! But i think better not lose my life over this. Overall, it's worth watching! 3.5/5! :)
With liling at service yesterday! 2/3 of the WML! Wendy! meet up soon!
After which, Lilian liling and i went to xingwang cafe at cine. We really spent good quality time there! Talking about our future , ancedotes and all :) haha

Nevetheless, with Myrna around, will have at least a picture in every outing! haha!
It has been a great week! Even though it is really hectic, but still there's so much satisfaction from it! woo! 4 of the VS boys came today and it is really nice to interact more with them! One of my favourite vs boys is marcus. He's only 13 years, very small sized and got the mischevious & naughty look. Lol..really feel like bringing him home and be my little brother! Alex draw an easter card and gave me and i really gotta say, he got the talent to draw! *thumbs up* Learnt that few of them actually slept like 3am last night due to several reasons, such as playing computer games, but they still wake up so early in the morning to come and join us :) appreciated!
The drama never fails to impact me. Even though i watch it the 3rd time this weekend, but still.. :) Thank You Jesus :)
After fellowship and all, met up with dear and watched Fast and Furious. hahaha personally, i feel that the best and most exciting scene is the 1st scene. it gets me so excited! But somehow during the show, it gets a bit draggy in a way for the plot. But for the actions-wise..it's good! How i wish i can drive like that! But i think better not lose my life over this. Overall, it's worth watching! 3.5/5! :)
With liling at service yesterday! 2/3 of the WML! Wendy! meet up soon!
After which, Lilian liling and i went to xingwang cafe at cine. We really spent good quality time there! Talking about our future , ancedotes and all :) haha
Oh yeah! haha taking zi4 lian4 pic on our own! hee
Nevetheless, with Myrna around, will have at least a picture in every outing! haha!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Life science is COOL!!
I had my last pharmacology lab practical yesterday and can tell, many are missing lab session as this will be the last lab for the whole of 3 years of our Life science education!! Hence, many took out handphones and take all the pictures that we wanted. heh..
Introducing my lab partners! Mayvina, Debbie, Wang wei and Hua Fei! :) I know the 3 pretty ladies since i was year 1 and we were often lab partners whenever we all take the same modules as our surnames are near to each other!
And, again!

Debbie! very pretty and gentle girl!!

Us with Wang wei!! She has been my lab partner since year 1 lo!! Coz we're the Wangs!

The things that we did ytd!! :)

Guess from what animal is it??! lol

hur hur! i got do my stuffs ok!

And Huijuan! haha the pretty and crazy woman!

After lab, 5,6 of us have a date with each other! coz it might be the last meal we've together in science!! as half of us will be graduating this year :)
Introducing my lab partners! Mayvina, Debbie, Wang wei and Hua Fei! :) I know the 3 pretty ladies since i was year 1 and we were often lab partners whenever we all take the same modules as our surnames are near to each other!
Debbie! very pretty and gentle girl!!
Us with Wang wei!! She has been my lab partner since year 1 lo!! Coz we're the Wangs!
The things that we did ytd!! :)
Guess from what animal is it??! lol
hur hur! i got do my stuffs ok!
And Huijuan! haha the pretty and crazy woman!
After lab, 5,6 of us have a date with each other! coz it might be the last meal we've together in science!! as half of us will be graduating this year :)
Marie and i!

And not to 4get, my favourite steam soup! i've been eating this for 1 year everytime when i have my meals in Science! lOL. ShioK!

The First attempt. FAILED! LOL! Darice is TOTALLY out of the picture! Could only capture a few strands of her hair!

some more attempt of zi4 pai1-ing! Darice's back!! :)

HAHAHA it's either the upper row!

Or the lower row! LOL why can't we have both??!

And finally, hahahahah i think we better get someone to help us take!! no more zi pai-ing LOL!

Many people said in general, Science people are very toot, hahaha BUT I think life science girls are trendy, cool, fun and smart!!!!!!! And i think life science guys are intelligent!!!!! don't know what other adjective to describe them alr! Lol.
And not to 4get, my favourite steam soup! i've been eating this for 1 year everytime when i have my meals in Science! lOL. ShioK!
The First attempt. FAILED! LOL! Darice is TOTALLY out of the picture! Could only capture a few strands of her hair!
some more attempt of zi4 pai1-ing! Darice's back!! :)
HAHAHA it's either the upper row!
Or the lower row! LOL why can't we have both??!
And finally, hahahahah i think we better get someone to help us take!! no more zi pai-ing LOL!
Many people said in general, Science people are very toot, hahaha BUT I think life science girls are trendy, cool, fun and smart!!!!!!! And i think life science guys are intelligent!!!!! don't know what other adjective to describe them alr! Lol.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I am at Central Library right now. Facing the laptop and trying to finish up my Popular Culture term paper. It has been a long time since i did a term paper. The last one was during..Year 1??! I remember i took quite a few arts modules like Sociology of Tourism, Making sense of Society and South east Asia studies. From then, i made a resolutioin not to take arts mod. LOL. it is difficult!
You must be thinking why i'm taking this art mod then???
1) Popular culture --> sounds interesting!! Thought i will be reviewing and evaluating movies, doing critical analysis of pop and rock music, or discovering more of the entertainment world!! BUT..it's not. At all. =X
2) Wanna take a mod with twinniez ( our pact in our uni days! or not we won't be able to meet each other up frequently)
End result with advantage : I have quality time spent with twnniez! Looking forward to seeing her! :) and angie and joseph. Plus, i can s/u this mod! lol. so it's not so bad. but still, i wanna do my best.
Also, i 've my 2 cardio group project and individual paper yet to be done! And..1 more CA to go. And it will all be due around easter :):) Honestly, i feel stretched, some many schoolwork to be done. And this 2 days i will be going down to VS hostel. But in all, i leave it up to God. It's amazing how God has strengthened me and put ppl around me to encourage me. And i know that i'm not in all these alone. Many of my friends are going through this period of challenging time too!

let's encourage one another and run the good race!! woohoo!! let's jiayou ok!!

let's encourage one another and run the good race!! woohoo!! let's jiayou ok!!
I know, i will be in good hands :) Thank You Jesus :)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sushi and Hair shaving ceremony!
Australia - Jonas Brothers
Finally!! i handed up my neurobiology SDL assignment at 11:51am when the submission date line is 12pm. lOl.
Time to relax a bit and update my blog :)
Yesterday after service, we are to have a sushi making session! Went to east point to buy the ingredients and then to charmaine & germaine's hse to do it!
Here it is! Not bad huh!
Casio watch and handmade card!!=D
Even new friend, Jia Lok also wanna give him a california roll!! He's one of the guys that we invited from vs hostel! haha
And please! how would we just let Daniel go just like that???? Just a casio watch?? Just a hand made card??? NOooOOOOOO!
The guys and him!
The girls and him!
You got no choice daniel!!
As promised, Hair Shaving Ceremony!!!
MUAHAHAHA shall do the opening act!! (*dear, i shall cut hair for u next time too! i found out that i got talent in that! Lol)

Next up! Jialok !

And Germaine!

Kelly too! haha

Next up! Jialok !
And Germaine!
Kelly too! haha
Gabriel, the multi-talented guy! LOL. we were cutting the hair at the corridor and the neighbours saw, and gave us the "????!!!" look. lOl gabriel says he can even part time as barber in the economic crisis!

Shave it all!! hahahahah sadistic

Shave it all!! hahahahah sadistic
Daniel! Mr Liu Yi Dao in Little Nonya Lol

Fight it out!!

hahahha! this pic is so cute! Lilian so happy holding the knife to attack while daniel elated to be threatened!

And lastly, celebrating the birth of a Army man!!! :)
Fight it out!!
hahahha! this pic is so cute! Lilian so happy holding the knife to attack while daniel elated to be threatened!
And lastly, celebrating the birth of a Army man!!! :)
Went for Cardio project meeting with Kelly at NTU right after the sushi thing. Met up with Jason and Sam. Keep telling kelly that my aim is to end at 8pm. End up, we ended at 11pm! raarrs! thank God sam's boyfriend sent us home or not i will be super chui. =DD
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