Today i spent the morning and afternoon in school library, after which, i met the rest for jamming!!! woohoo!! It's either the 1st or 2nd time for everyone of us there!!
There got..



And us all!!!! We're called T.E.A.M B.! Lol

Anyway, i'm so tired! yet i had fun! and the thing is...exams are coming!! in less than 1.5 months. i still have upcoming test and projectss..! But God's strength is with me!
And us all!!!! We're called T.E.A.M B.! Lol
Anyway, these few days, i've thinking.. We can make this world a better place by using our words. Like what the bible says too, "Our words frame our world." How we wanna frame people's world depends on our word.
Why must we say things that is not edifying?
Why must we say things that will discourage others?
Why must we say things to put people down?
Why must we say things to deliberate hurt others???
I think all of us, somehow or other, did it to others before. I did before.
But..somehow or other, people did it to us. And yes, people did it to me too.
Am i hurt?? Yes I am.
Are they hurt?? Yes they are.
We know how it feels and they themselves know how it feels..
So why are we hurting each other for no apparent reasons?? I guess, we gotta control our tongue. Including me. I need to take note of the things i say...!
:) On the other hand, Let's give encouragement, edification and praise to the people around us everyday!!
:) On the other hand, Let's give encouragement, edification and praise to the people around us everyday!!
1 comment:
Haha I'm here again! You all look super high. =p Charmaine played drums?
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