Thursday, September 11, 2008


I had a full blast of day today!! I'm glad, i enjoyed my Econs lecture today =D haha no more spasm, no more shock. I went down to RI for the mentoring programme. Honestly, i like going RI. haha why? Coz i felt so challenged there!! When the guys asked me about integration and differentiation, i was rather dumbfounded. When Xinhong taught them on the white board, i followed what he taught and did all the questions with the students. lol. and it was good!! i can recalled those stuffs and finished it fast. And yes, i had a sense of satisfaction. LOL. BUt fine. i was like like 5 years too old for secondary 4 stuffs.

I was taking MRT and it passes by a church. On the church building, it wrote "神爱世人" . It's just a few words.Yet, when i saw it, my whole heart melted. Many a times, we based our life on principles, values, systems, rules etc..But i personally felt, the foundation of our life should be based on Truth. Like the bible says, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And the truth is that, God loves us! You and me. No matter who you are, what i am, and how they are, God loves us. At times we are so busy and we run all about, only to find out that we're actually running in circles and circles. There's no progression, there's no changes and there's no transformation. I don't want to live that way. Never will i want to run till i am wore out, only to found out that i ran the wrong race and was in the wrong path.

Wells, Someone told me i can do all things through him! Because he has already did it before, therefore, i looked up to him as a example. That Someone is the one who has helped me when i fall, carried me when i couldn't walk, pushed me forward when i couldn't move. :)

Thank You Jesus ! :)

I really hope my melaka will come to pass! haha! There are so many times my friends and I were planning to go on a trip, or say till so high, only to feel disappointed that it didn't happen!! i can't take any more blows LOL..LIke my Kelong & Taiwan trip with Yuexiang and gang! And Yesss....yanghong and liangwei!!! OUR AUSSIE TRIP!!! HOW???! roars.. Sean, if you're reading this blog entry, please zi4 dong4 ahhh! LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aussie.. ROAR!