Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy Children's Day!! :)
Anyway, i was reading my personal diary last night. At every opening, i would write, "Dear Jesus, or Father..", then i would write down my thoughts, feelings and revelation. No one has seen my diary before and definitely it is very different from my blog. =D I feel good reading the things i wrote previously. The thick diary was given by one of my twin tower brothers, Liangwei, 2 Christmas back! See how highly utilized ur gift is, my bro! lol. Anyway..as i read the things i wrote to God, and now i looked back, i can see how He actually turn many situations around and how His Hands are a upon me the moment i cried out to him. My faith arises.
Many times we're stucked in our current situation, we couldn't see God's Hand. We'll be lost and confused. I mean, honestly, i would be too! who won't? But i think, all we have to do is to endure and face it positively. Circumstances will come and go, it is up to us to decide if we wanna move along and be swayed by the situation or be firm and stand put, knowing that God is with us!! And then, when the whole thing is over, you look back, u just feel like hugging God, coz You've finally saw how God has helped u!
God is smart. He knows that we won't learn until we go through it ourselves! My friend once told me, "I think driving is easy! Everytime i sit beside my mum while she's driving, i see how she drives and i think i know how to drive already." heheh. i was like "Yoohoooo, it's different to learn driving by watching someone drive verus driving it to experience yourself!
The breath of life that God gave to renew us each day, is the oxygen that we breathe. Every time we breathe, let's be reminded that we're breathing the breath of God! =D
I sent a mass sms to 14,15 friends in the afternoon!! And most of them reply to say they don't know what i'm talking about!! *FAINT* LOl..twinnie tot it's a secret code while gabriel tot i'm telling him my study hours!!
What i mean is.....
HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!! A day that still belongs to yoooUUu and meeeeEEe!!!
Let's keep on keeping on friends!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
We're blessed, isn't it??
Anyway, while i was going home from school (after test), i was on bus, just stoning.. Then, the bus stopped and passengers boarded. There was a mum and his son coming up into the bus. The mum was holding onto the son's hand and slowly, they walked in and seated near the driver's seat. The son had difficulty in walking and i guess, it's a chronic problem with his hips and backbone. He was dressed in formal wear, however, i can tell that he is very young..Perhaps 18,19 years old only. He is about the same size as me..or perhaps a 1.68m elongation of me. The moment he sat down, i looked and smiled at him and his mum.
I thought to myself. I am blessed. And we are blessed.
Honestly speaking, how many times have you dislike or xian2 qi4 certain part of your body?? Frankly i do, sometimes, i would think that my eyes should be bigger, my teeth should be straighter, my hair should be less frizzy, I can be taller etc etc...! Although sometimes i do think that to myself, or even say it out, but i'm glad i am the way i am :) God is a beautiful God and He creates us in a beautiful way. We may not be the prettiest or most handsome person around, but God has input beauty in us :) Believe it or not, he has :)
For the young man i met, he is made beautifully too. We may not see it outwardly, but truly, the beauty lies in him.
They pressed the bell. The mum gently told him in his ears that they got to get off. The mum held his hand and slowly, they walked to the exit door and got off.
They are blessed too, isn't it?
The most beautiful thing that God has given us is love.
I am just an ordinary girl, but I know, God has given me many beautiful people around me to beautify my life.
I thank God and I thank God for all the people around me :)
Like what i always write in my blog..
You're truly beautiful :) You are.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Random week!
i went for cell group today, so happy! Missed cg last week coz i went to melaka.
While eating...
Me: "Heys alvin, so how was cg last week? ( coz boonkiat and i were not around, so angie took over)
Alvin: (look at me with a serious face) It was quiet.
Me:"Quiet?? Why ??"
Alvin: Because....
"You're not around!! and Gabriel agreed that too!!"
I was like, Am i that noisy!! LOL
Me: "Gabriel Chia!! come here!!"
And they were discussing how quiet it was when i'm not around last week!! And one by one, some of them came up to me and ask me where did i go last week and how was the trip. And they told me, during cg last week, they were discussing and exhanging info where exactly and whom i go to malaysia! Say until as if i really go elope!! Lol.
I was like, "Oh my goodness, i wasn't around for just a week lo!"
Anyway, i love my cell group friends! =D They're so adorable. Lol. even tho some of them are older than me by 3,4 years, they're still cuteeee! lol
Okies, this is all so random!
But i thank God for everyone around me. My family & my friends!
Boonkiat preached a very good word today. He challenge our mindset to thinking that everything that we do shouldn't be for ourselves. Even to the most mundane and habitual things.. eg.Going for cell group. Often we tot that going for cg is so that we will increase our spirituality, have a touch from God so that we will be renewed. Yes, it's true and i agreed totally :) BUT, he mentioned, going for cell group can also be there to gain insights, learn new things, so that we can share with our friends and bless their lives instead! Often, we learn so much from the bible, service, cg; they're the principles and steps of gaining success etc, yet we so-called keep it to ourselves and not share with our friends. We know it by head-knowledge that we should bless others with what we've and know. But today, i really receive into my spirit that "heys yes! This is what i MUST do.." Just like Jesus, he's self-less. Everything he does, he's always thinking of the next generations..:)
Last week is such an eventful week. I learnt new things and i learnt to make decision. Even if it means going to the extreme, i will still do it. All i can say, is i'm really sorry.. But i guess, it's a growing part of life :)
Hurray to mid term tests!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Melaka with friends!! =D

hahahah!what is sandra doing!!!

hahaha Yanghong does a similar pose he did during the subzone skit last year!

The lighting looks cool!

Nice door!!We like it!! =D
hahaha so random!!
We jump!!!!
Wanna fight??!
In one of the churches!!
We like flowers!!
So do the guys!!
Ice cream is my best friend on hot and scorching day!
I like this picture!!
And of coz, my dearie sandra!! who hugs me to sleep and end up i biting her hand!
Peek a pooi!

This is random!! Stop sleeping liangwei!!

We act!!

AGain, eat eat eat!!!
Pretty girl Sandra & cutesy car!!
The trishaw!!! Nahh!! the uncle who's 68 years old, having 2 wives, 16 children!! the legendary uncle!!
Going home!!! =D
All of us, except sandra, spent all our money on our 2nd last day. We brought a few hundred each, but ended up really RM$0 at the last 2nd night. Why?? Coz we ate so much and spent so much just on food! and honestly, the the clothes there aren't cheap. Didn't manage to buy any top for myself! But it's okies! i gained back my weight which i lost previously!! hahahaa And definitely, my friends and i bonded to be much closer and i can see how concern and protective they're towards me :) Thanks guys! I really appreciate you all =D *winks*
Lastly, thank you Chingseng for bringing us around..:)
Melaka Appetizer!
These are just some random pictures we took! i will do a more detailed and organized entry tml or sth, after i've gotten all the pictures! meanwhile, have a preview first!
Very traditional deco!
Us at the Melaka river!
We went to take the ferris wheel!! Sandra and yanghong took the pirate ship too! and on the whole ship, there're only 2 of them! HAhAha both of them are seated at the opposite end and sandra's scream is like hilarious!! LOL!
Us at the night market!!! =D lotsa good food! but didn't get to eat a lot there.