On sat night, we had a Nus orientation camp meeting. We all came to discuss abt the camp. I spoke to one of my friend who's a cgl about it. He shared with me the struggles and challenges he faces. What really encourages me is his perseverance. At the end of the day, what he wants to do is to do his best for God! :) It's a mixed feeling in me. I know what i felt about my current situation, but i'm not able to express out in words..
Joseph,Lip Ywee, Chang Han, Issac, Titus and me.
The next day, after service, we all went to KBOX! Here are some of the pictures :) This blog has become like my photo gallery. My friends, feel free to take any pictures from here if u don't have :)
Sean, flying off to Australian to study next Tues.
Us 3!
Sandra and i!!
Wilson and Brenda!
And of course! When there's Sandra Sean and I, there're bound to be shi lian pai! Please X this window if you can't bear it! heh










Pastor Tan shared a very good message this weekend! It's somehow like manhood conference. I went to both service on sat and sun. Even though i heard it the 2nd time on sunday, but i just felt so renewed. What really impacted me was when he said "The woman (who is made to be a helper) is looking for a man who has the vision. If the man has no vision, she will look for another man to support his vision. however, this may not be in the context of adultery." I was like "WOAH!" True, i won't to follow a man who has no vision for God and his life. One of my desires is to help the man i love to achieve his vision and dreams! However, for me and myself, i've my own vision and dreams which i want to accomplish too!
My desires
Pastor Tan shared a very good message this weekend! It's somehow like manhood conference. I went to both service on sat and sun. Even though i heard it the 2nd time on sunday, but i just felt so renewed. What really impacted me was when he said "The woman (who is made to be a helper) is looking for a man who has the vision. If the man has no vision, she will look for another man to support his vision. however, this may not be in the context of adultery." I was like "WOAH!" True, i won't to follow a man who has no vision for God and his life. One of my desires is to help the man i love to achieve his vision and dreams! However, for me and myself, i've my own vision and dreams which i want to accomplish too!
Lift me up.
My desires
My dreams
My vision
I stick to the path You set for me
I won't want to leave Your Presence
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