This weekend is BUSY BUSY BUSY!! But it's for good cause hahaha i reached home 11pm plus last night, fanished and tired. I helped myself with instant noodles and throw in anything that i could find. It's sumptuous actually :) but wells, anything will taste good when one is hungry. I slept for 4 hours and crawled out of my bed once again, but really thank God, i don't know why but i felt so energized! I went for service in the morning and it was tremendously good! I rushed off for tuition and after tuition, i rushed off to go to my aunt's place for house warming! Her house is the condo right opposite NUS!! opp Kent Ridge terminal there! Just a road across!! OH man, i was i wish i could stay there, i just need to wake up at 730am for my 8am lessons! I told my cousin i will go her house and camp overnight!
wells, let me show off my cute and pretty princess! Aleena!!

She's only 2 years old plus! haha

And here's Jasmine, my sporty & pretty girl!

And of course, bubbly Gracia!!

3 of us!!

And here's Rachel and Rayner!! the brother & sister team. haha We asked our 2 other little cousins, Audre and Gracia, to join us but they will just run away!!! So end up only the 4 of us! We went Australia together many many years ago for 2 weeks plus and also, to penang to attend Wedding! Those were the days. lol..

However, 30 seconds later, when i deliberately don't ask the 2 small ones to come, they fight to come into the picture!! hahaha Little children little children!

Wells! all my younger cousins! =D
This is the function room where we all ate! We all are so hungry that most of us ate 2,3 servings! I hope this coming week will be great!! =) whheeeee!
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