I just realized that once year has since passed. It's like "Zoooommmmmmm!!" And time just flies pass like that. What am i doing last year during this period of time??! I'm at the most crucial time of my life..A life changing, a life transforming period... SOT!! School of Theology!!! =D
My lovely team 20!! all the powerful men and women of God!!
And of course, my fisherman woman!! CHEW!! my partner in crime!! Love her so much!! Life at SOT would never be the same without her =D I thank God for her !
And of course, us at EMERGE 2007!!!
My lovely Pillow!! Taiwan friend!! During our break in SOT, both of us, plus chew, siew will go around beatboxing for others to hear LOL
Us at Make up com finals! i walked the fastest on stage among the contestants, coz my legs are going to give way at any moment! Make up done by Alice :) The eye brow rocks! LOL
First day of SOT orientation! We were just strangers, yet God placed us together so that we can grow together :)

The BeatBox Gang =D Chikara, Pillow, Siew, Chew and me
It is exactly this period of time when i was in SOT last year. Wells, how i wish there's Year 2!! =D It was last year, during SOT, that i got my breakthrough in my once-buried emotional barrier, it was then i realized that i can do much more, it was then i realized that God has a great destiny for me, it was then i realized that I love God and people even more!!
I thank God :) It is never easy. But He pulls me through. No one can understand the relationship between Him and I except ourselves. How he delivered me, how he brings me through, how he sees me through. I love you Jesus.. For all You've done for me.. I..thank You :)
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