It's 5am and i'm going to sleep soon. I'm alright now :) I'm not going to dwell on it, but i'm going to move on. I need God's confidence and bravery. It's not easy but i believe it can be done! My walk with God is strengthened and i will not let complacency come in between Us. I'll not be distracted but be focused on the right track that i'm supposed to be in.
Good night!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
My vision and dreams!
I woke up at 1130am today. I haven't sleep so much for the last few months. Even during school term, can't afford to sleep till so late! Anyway, i feel a bit weird not having to go work today. Yet, i felt quite happy :) The past week has not been good for me. Not because of work or friends or family. It's something about myself. However, i believe, everything will work out good. No matter how discouraged or disappointed I am, I want to stick to the vision that God has given me. It's so scary to lose the direction, destiny and vision.
On sat night, we had a Nus orientation camp meeting. We all came to discuss abt the camp. I spoke to one of my friend who's a cgl about it. He shared with me the struggles and challenges he faces. What really encourages me is his perseverance. At the end of the day, what he wants to do is to do his best for God! :) It's a mixed feeling in me. I know what i felt about my current situation, but i'm not able to express out in words..
Joseph,Lip Ywee, Chang Han, Issac, Titus and me.

The next day, after service, we all went to KBOX! Here are some of the pictures :) This blog has become like my photo gallery. My friends, feel free to take any pictures from here if u don't have :)

Us 3!

Sandra and i!!

Wilson and Brenda!

And of course! When there's Sandra Sean and I, there're bound to be shi lian pai! Please X this window if you can't bear it! heh
On sat night, we had a Nus orientation camp meeting. We all came to discuss abt the camp. I spoke to one of my friend who's a cgl about it. He shared with me the struggles and challenges he faces. What really encourages me is his perseverance. At the end of the day, what he wants to do is to do his best for God! :) It's a mixed feeling in me. I know what i felt about my current situation, but i'm not able to express out in words..
Joseph,Lip Ywee, Chang Han, Issac, Titus and me.
The next day, after service, we all went to KBOX! Here are some of the pictures :) This blog has become like my photo gallery. My friends, feel free to take any pictures from here if u don't have :)
Sean, flying off to Australian to study next Tues.
Us 3!
Sandra and i!!
Wilson and Brenda!
And of course! When there's Sandra Sean and I, there're bound to be shi lian pai! Please X this window if you can't bear it! heh










Pastor Tan shared a very good message this weekend! It's somehow like manhood conference. I went to both service on sat and sun. Even though i heard it the 2nd time on sunday, but i just felt so renewed. What really impacted me was when he said "The woman (who is made to be a helper) is looking for a man who has the vision. If the man has no vision, she will look for another man to support his vision. however, this may not be in the context of adultery." I was like "WOAH!" True, i won't to follow a man who has no vision for God and his life. One of my desires is to help the man i love to achieve his vision and dreams! However, for me and myself, i've my own vision and dreams which i want to accomplish too!
My desires
Pastor Tan shared a very good message this weekend! It's somehow like manhood conference. I went to both service on sat and sun. Even though i heard it the 2nd time on sunday, but i just felt so renewed. What really impacted me was when he said "The woman (who is made to be a helper) is looking for a man who has the vision. If the man has no vision, she will look for another man to support his vision. however, this may not be in the context of adultery." I was like "WOAH!" True, i won't to follow a man who has no vision for God and his life. One of my desires is to help the man i love to achieve his vision and dreams! However, for me and myself, i've my own vision and dreams which i want to accomplish too!
Lift me up.
My desires
My dreams
My vision
I stick to the path You set for me
I won't want to leave Your Presence
Friday, June 27, 2008
I'm blessed!! HAPPY 21ST BDAY SHIMING!!!! =D
Today is my last day of work!! i'm supposed to feel happy, but in the end, i felt a bit se1 bu4 de. Afterall, i've been there for 1.5 months. My tears, my joy, my frustration, my disappointment, my encouragement..all kinds of mixed feelings were all found in that one place. 4 of us, Jackie, Jeff, Sherlyn and i left today :)
Below are some my collegues and coincidentally!! We're all the Nus science fac undergrads haha!
From the left, Zhenyun ( Jeslyn), Myrna (Jacklyn), Jolin are life science major while Xiuyan(Sherlyn) is chemistry major:)
After lunch, when half of us returned back to office, while the rest of the half went out for lunch. Jolin discretely gathered us at the toilet Just to take pictures!! we took it swift and fast, lest our manager found out!! haha when the toilet main door is opened, we all are so kanjioing!! Coz we couldn't let manager or the perm staffs saw that we were in the toilet taking pictures. The moment the door is opened, Jolin and i ran into the cubical and locked the door! LOL! Our reflex are so fast then! hahaha while jeslyn and sherlyn were outside pretend to comb their hair etc. lol

The science fac beauties!! muahahahaa

And here is my sassy mentor!! Fierce la..but very adorable when she's not fierce! =D

And also, sweet Jeff, our very lovely friend! He has helped me a lot when i first started out :) He's also leaving today, to go NS.

I get to know Shiming when i'm sec 1!! haha same CCA!! and then we went to the same JC, and we were still in the same CCA!! haha so means that i know her for 8 years!! :)
And here's my beloved Zhixian, the president of our hearts!! =D

And of coz, my beloved twinniez!! how can we have outing without pictures alone together???

Us at our reflection!

We took so many shots of this!! but it's still quite blur tho!

My wonderful darling!! Mayling!! lalalalala! i'm going over to her house next sat again!! All the malay food, here i come!!! i know her for many years too!! we were in the same sec sch, we've known each other's existence, but we only get to know each other in sajc!! =D
Below are some my collegues and coincidentally!! We're all the Nus science fac undergrads haha!
From the left, Zhenyun ( Jeslyn), Myrna (Jacklyn), Jolin are life science major while Xiuyan(Sherlyn) is chemistry major:)
The science fac beauties!! muahahahaa
And here is my sassy mentor!! Fierce la..but very adorable when she's not fierce! =D
And also, sweet Jeff, our very lovely friend! He has helped me a lot when i first started out :) He's also leaving today, to go NS.
This picture is taken right outside our office haha and after which, i changed my clothes and headed down to meet my Jc gang :)
I get to know Shiming when i'm sec 1!! haha same CCA!! and then we went to the same JC, and we were still in the same CCA!! haha so means that i know her for 8 years!! :)
And here's my beloved Zhixian, the president of our hearts!! =D
And of coz, my beloved twinniez!! how can we have outing without pictures alone together???
Us at our reflection!
We took so many shots of this!! but it's still quite blur tho!
My wonderful darling!! Mayling!! lalalalala! i'm going over to her house next sat again!! All the malay food, here i come!!! i know her for many years too!! we were in the same sec sch, we've known each other's existence, but we only get to know each other in sajc!! =D
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I thank God for all these!
It was a loooong day!! My body aches and i got a slight fever, but office is in war, henceI think i'd better stay where i am. I decided to quit my job now :) haha i felt relieved yet confused after i told my mentor and team leader. I learnt so much in this job! How to be long suffering, how to be perseverance, how to endure the nasty words people may speak over my life, how to be a stronger girl! It was sudden, i only decided during the lunch break with my collegues. I'm going to move on to do other stuffs. Anyway, It is worth it working at there afterall! :) And for the next 1 month, i can foresee it's going to be busy even without working. Also, i can seize this chance to catch up on my sleep, spend more time with my family. Can you believe i haven't seen my father at all since sunday ( 4 days ago) even though we lived under the same roof???! When i'm home, he asleep, When he wakes up, i'm still in my bed. =X
haha Today after work, i met up with Kelly Jiewei Angie and Yuexiang for dinner! we all went to Miss Charity, and we ate till we were quite full! but then, there's still room for more haha so we went to the nearby bugis street for desert! 5 of us ate 7 bowls in total. I was fulled. I ate 1.6 bowls. Angie ate 2 bowls!! It was worth it. My body is aching but i felt so blessed with them around!
During the train ride home, Yuexiang, Kelly and i reminisced our JC days, how we get to know each other, how we meet one another with our other friends to go school together everyday, how we chiong for chalet straight after our Prelim exams! How the 9,10 of us squeezed in 1 bed room sleeping overnight and how we ate the buffet till the sushi restaurants almost closed down.. :)
As i'm typing all those, i'm feeling very terrible, my nose is giving way and my body is going to tear apart. Still, i wanna record it down and keep all these memories. These are the things that i will bring and lug along in my life.
I thank God for all these! =D
haha Today after work, i met up with Kelly Jiewei Angie and Yuexiang for dinner! we all went to Miss Charity, and we ate till we were quite full! but then, there's still room for more haha so we went to the nearby bugis street for desert! 5 of us ate 7 bowls in total. I was fulled. I ate 1.6 bowls. Angie ate 2 bowls!! It was worth it. My body is aching but i felt so blessed with them around!
During the train ride home, Yuexiang, Kelly and i reminisced our JC days, how we get to know each other, how we meet one another with our other friends to go school together everyday, how we chiong for chalet straight after our Prelim exams! How the 9,10 of us squeezed in 1 bed room sleeping overnight and how we ate the buffet till the sushi restaurants almost closed down.. :)
As i'm typing all those, i'm feeling very terrible, my nose is giving way and my body is going to tear apart. Still, i wanna record it down and keep all these memories. These are the things that i will bring and lug along in my life.
I thank God for all these! =D
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I Miss SOT!!
I just realized that once year has since passed. It's like "Zoooommmmmmm!!" And time just flies pass like that. What am i doing last year during this period of time??! I'm at the most crucial time of my life..A life changing, a life transforming period... SOT!! School of Theology!!! =D
My lovely team 20!! all the powerful men and women of God!!
And of course, my fisherman woman!! CHEW!! my partner in crime!! Love her so much!! Life at SOT would never be the same without her =D I thank God for her !
And of course, us at EMERGE 2007!!!
My lovely Pillow!! Taiwan friend!! During our break in SOT, both of us, plus chew, siew will go around beatboxing for others to hear LOL
Us at Make up com finals! i walked the fastest on stage among the contestants, coz my legs are going to give way at any moment! Make up done by Alice :) The eye brow rocks! LOL
First day of SOT orientation! We were just strangers, yet God placed us together so that we can grow together :)

The BeatBox Gang =D Chikara, Pillow, Siew, Chew and me
It is exactly this period of time when i was in SOT last year. Wells, how i wish there's Year 2!! =D It was last year, during SOT, that i got my breakthrough in my once-buried emotional barrier, it was then i realized that i can do much more, it was then i realized that God has a great destiny for me, it was then i realized that I love God and people even more!!
I thank God :) It is never easy. But He pulls me through. No one can understand the relationship between Him and I except ourselves. How he delivered me, how he brings me through, how he sees me through. I love you Jesus.. For all You've done for me.. I..thank You :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Happy 21st Bday LiangWei!!!!!
Today is liangwei's birthday!! After service, we all went to eat at Eunos, this is the first time i actually alighted at Eunos mrt! If not for today, i will never go there for the past 21 years. lol. After that, Sandra and i parted with the rest to go orchard to hang out! We went into this shop and i saw a very pretty dress! it looks good on the model, so i decided to try it. The dress is above the knee of the model..however when i wear it, it is way below my knee! it's like LONG on me. Is the model too tall??!
Anyway, i parted with sandra and went to Liangwei's house! I promised him i will be early! But Yen is the first to reach la. haha he went straight to his house after we parted at Eunos. And i was alone at that time. HIS PLACE IS FARRRRRRR. i walk till my toes are going to give way. See how ulu the place!! haha more ulu than my house lo!
His place is at the right hand corner, see the white building?????!
We're the first batch to reach liangwei's place! *Applause!!*
The happy birthday boy!
Dwayne presenting our gifts to him!
N368! almost all went!
We're the "others" lol. not schoolmates, not classmates, not army friends, not cg members, we're in the category of "Others" hahhaha btw jieyun is so cute in the pic!!
Attack on Yanghong! he;s helping cut the cake and we had a cam attack on him!
Lastly, thank God for Liangwei, my this friend! Get to know him in Taiwan, still remember his memorable Bag *You know what i mean LOL* and his smelly chou tou fu lo..Yucks! he ate it everyday when we were there! And how i become his LWFC president after that fateful night when Chew, him and i stayed up till 6am to talk crap, then at 7am plus, they all left for the airport to return to Singapore while i'm still staying in tw..And also, our KTV session with Yanghong n kelly!! OMG hahahahahaha yeah, i still have the video with me tho =D and many many more memories.
Thank You liangwei! Hope you had a great birthday today! Many people are presented at his party and i saw one very cute guy!! He is botak and he wears a bright yellow pants!! so cute!! He's so shy. And so am i! i was thinking...if i should go up to hiim and intro myself to him. I keep peeping at his direction..and i know..i 've to step out, and do something, or not i will lose the chance!! So...I went...
He ran away!!
i follow suite!
.The yellow pant guy ran to his ah ma!
i went up!! undefeated!!
"What is your name???? How old are you???"
Ah ma: "Tell jie jie your name is Zhong han"
"Hello Zhong han!!"
And for the rest of the day, i was so mesmerized by this 1 year plus cute yellow pants! lOL
haha lastly, Happy 21st Birthday Liangwei!! =D
haha lastly, Happy 21st Birthday Liangwei!! =D
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