Im currently reading on the this book called "The tender Heart, Conquering Your Insecurity" by Joseph Nowinski. Just begin reading it yesterday and i managed to learn a few things from it! Shall summarize it :))
1) There are no such thing as people are borned-insecured. BUT, it can be that people are borned-sensitive. However, if the sensitiveness is not positively dealed with, it can lead to insecurity.
2) Insecurity plays a major role in the way ppl view the world and in how they respond to it, including how ppl react to conflict, criticism and loss. Insecurity comes from a combination of experiences of loss, sexual/physical abuse, rejection and neglect.
3) There is no only 2 stands called sensitive and insensitive only. But there are different degrees to that. Some people are more sensitive to ppl's feelings and surrounding but some are less sensitive. those who are less senstive ( or the extreme, insensitive) are called the tough hearted. Hence, when Miss Princess called Tender Heart met up with Mr Prince Charmin called tough hearted, she will always feel that Mr Prince charming cannot meet up with her expectations (wrt to her emotional needs, feelings etc) and hence, this will cause the relationship to be on the rocky edges.
However, the book will talk abt overcoming it; from insecured to confidence. And what to do when u are tender hearted but ur partner is tough hearted etc..Shall share further after reading more of it! :)
I guess almost everyone of us will experience some degree of insecurity in some stages of our lives..And i think the people close to us are so important in helping us to grow in confidence..I love hanging out w people whom i'm hanging out with now, coz they are the ones who will edify me, encourage me, positively challenge me and build me up into a better person! U guys know who u are! *winks*

okie!..5mins more to...Boys over Flowers!! Ch.u, 930pm! :)
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