I started off the day, waking up early! (other than days when i gotta go for morning svc). Went down to Suntec Office to help Yvonne do some admin. I only did for few hours and i really gotta say, Yvonne is really a great zone sec!!! *thumbs up! :) It is really not easy to keep track of so many things, especially with abt 60+ cgs and thousands of members! And..every detail matters!! :)
Im physically so tired now! I had a great time of fellowship just now before meeting. haha today's meeting start the latest! 1030pm!! :) Thank God i managed to get the last train and last bus.
I'm having my graduation convo next week!! haha i've not much of feelings right now. Just feel so amazed that i've lived till 22 years old!!! And i think the past 22 years have been awesome! With such great papa & mum, who have been loving and caring for me unconditionally.. Putting my bro and I through university :)
Actually it feels quite weird as well. means that i'm growing old!
okie quite random. shall not continue anymore :)
Good night! :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
I am half way readiing the book, "I Love you, but I'm not in love with you" by Andrew G.Marshall. haha it's a great book for leisure reading yet it's quite informative. The author is a relationship therapist who has did many research and counselling on relationship. It talks abt about couples who love one another, but are not in love with each other. How can tat be? Yes. I can say that i love my friends, but i'm not in love with my friends. For couples who are in that stage, it is when they are comfortable with each other for what they have shared, gone through and experienced, but, there is a lack of passion.
Also, this book talks abt how to rectify it. And one of the things that I learnt today while reading it on MRT is that, argue is a way of communicating and way of expression as well. I always thought that arguing between couple is bad and we shouldn't do it!! However, it is highly advisable that we should not suppressed our dislike, anger or irritation by swallowing it or thinking, "nevermind, i don't wanna argue with him/her..i shall just forget it." But the thing is, the more we do this, the more more emotions will be built up and eventually, one day, we will just explode! Of coz, there shouldn't be destructive arguements such as physical/verbal abuse etc. I'm happy that i read this part. For me, i'm a person who doesn't like conflcit, and i'd always try my best to avoid it if possible by saying to myself, "Nvm, just 4get it..don't care abt it..". Now i know, we shouldn't just bury all our feelings within :))
I'm happy to spend time with dear these days even tho he has just started working for 2 weeks already :) Even when we just sit beside each other at somewhere with him holding my hand, i will feel so blessed.. :)
OK Going to sleep, gotta do something constructive tml!!
Good night :))
Also, this book talks abt how to rectify it. And one of the things that I learnt today while reading it on MRT is that, argue is a way of communicating and way of expression as well. I always thought that arguing between couple is bad and we shouldn't do it!! However, it is highly advisable that we should not suppressed our dislike, anger or irritation by swallowing it or thinking, "nevermind, i don't wanna argue with him/her..i shall just forget it." But the thing is, the more we do this, the more more emotions will be built up and eventually, one day, we will just explode! Of coz, there shouldn't be destructive arguements such as physical/verbal abuse etc. I'm happy that i read this part. For me, i'm a person who doesn't like conflcit, and i'd always try my best to avoid it if possible by saying to myself, "Nvm, just 4get it..don't care abt it..". Now i know, we shouldn't just bury all our feelings within :))
I'm happy to spend time with dear these days even tho he has just started working for 2 weeks already :) Even when we just sit beside each other at somewhere with him holding my hand, i will feel so blessed.. :)
OK Going to sleep, gotta do something constructive tml!!
Good night :))
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Happy birthday shimin!! :)
Know this girl since sec 1??! hahah almost 10 years!! Glad to have met up with my SA Girl Gang once again! :))
All of us are present yesterday and it was a good time together!
From left: Wendy, Grace, Zhixian, Peifen, Me, Mayling, Shimin & Yuanyu!!
Know this girl since sec 1??! hahah almost 10 years!! Glad to have met up with my SA Girl Gang once again! :))
All of us are present yesterday and it was a good time together!
From left: Wendy, Grace, Zhixian, Peifen, Me, Mayling, Shimin & Yuanyu!!

We just love taking pictures! hahaha our professional photographer, Grace will always bring her cam to every of our outing and we simply love taking down all fun memories of us tog!


And us! :)
Mayling: "Myrna! i can't find a hole to put my head in, stop moving!!" LOL!

Equally bad, mayling and yuanyu are completely gone! Lol

Now, Zhixian is gone!


Mayling!! i Love this girl! We were in the same secondary as well! but we din know each other personally until JC. During secondary times, she always knows me as the girl who always go toilet. (coz she always see me there!) and i know her as the girl who writes v good summary! (coz we have the same english teacher and she showed Mayling's summary as the good example)

Equally bad, mayling and yuanyu are completely gone! Lol

Now, Zhixian is gone!


Mayling!! i Love this girl! We were in the same secondary as well! but we din know each other personally until JC. During secondary times, she always knows me as the girl who always go toilet. (coz she always see me there!) and i know her as the girl who writes v good summary! (coz we have the same english teacher and she showed Mayling's summary as the good example)
After dinner, we all went esplanade to slack and just talk! hahaha and we played the "broken telephone" game.. I still remember the other time we played taboo for 1-2 hrs at vivo roof top.
Now, is Mayling's turn! She's so much better! all of us in!

We just love the cam:)
Lastly, all of us, the delinquents once again! guess which is me??! Lol

Also, i had a good time with Twinniez on Friday :) We have been meeting every week to catch up! There's still a lot of things to catch up despite meeting quite frequently. HAHA!

I like this top!! =DD

And..we can take pic anywhere, anyhow. Dressing room? no prob... Toilet..?? Sure!

We just love the cam:)
Lastly, all of us, the delinquents once again! guess which is me??! Lol

Also, i had a good time with Twinniez on Friday :) We have been meeting every week to catch up! There's still a lot of things to catch up despite meeting quite frequently. HAHA!

I like this top!! =DD

And..we can take pic anywhere, anyhow. Dressing room? no prob... Toilet..?? Sure!

Love this bunch of girls a lot!! =DD We can simply have lotsa fun anywhere :)) All we need is each other accompaniment :) We have been in the gang for abt..5 years??! and we have been celebrating every single of our birthday each year! Even our Jc cca teacher, Ms Tan is also v amazed by our culture! hee.. see u girls again this Friday!! :))
Thursday, June 25, 2009
We had the last session of Song of Solomon tonight and it was fantastic! The presence of God just filled the entire place and i believe many people are touched. :) Pastor was saying, "The thing that will really make God v v v v happy is when we grow in our love for Him and live for Him! Lay down our lives for His Kingdom purpose! "
I was like woahhh...awesome. What is His Kingdom purpose? One of them is to see many lives transform for the better. There are so many people out there in the world who really need education, medical services, food, necessities...And there are so many people out there who have been abused, mistreated, depressed etc..They need to experience the love of God. The peace, joy and love that only He can give :) As i go through this series of bible study, i realized, there's really so much to learn about and from Him..I need to have less of me and more of Him.. Every single day, i just want to be closer and closer to Him. :)
We change the world one person at a time.. :) Perhaps, i should really be a teacher..so that i can be in an environment where I can get into the lives of the youths and help in whatever ways. :) And i think that the job position of a teacher is not only imparting knowledge but is helping and guiding lives.
I remember when i was secondary 2, i was so depressed that i don't know who to turn, i wrote a v long letter to my form teacher, Ms Chu. That time, Ms Chu had took a month of MC as she had leg injury. However, in spite of not being in school, she replied me and asked a teacher to pass her letter to me..and we exchanged letter for a few times.. :) i still remember vividly that she wrote, "It's okay Myrna..i also din know my purpose in life until few years ago etc etc.." That point of time, i just felt that i'm not an alien! haha. I felt like "she can identify with how i'm feeling!" That really encourages me.. :)) And she is so considerate and loving that she often counsels me, talk to me so as to know how I am feeling. Of my whole 15 years as a student, I think Ms Chu is the teacher that leaves the most impact in my growing up years! :)
Oh wells! i am still considering! Let's see how :))
Good night! :)
I was like woahhh...awesome. What is His Kingdom purpose? One of them is to see many lives transform for the better. There are so many people out there in the world who really need education, medical services, food, necessities...And there are so many people out there who have been abused, mistreated, depressed etc..They need to experience the love of God. The peace, joy and love that only He can give :) As i go through this series of bible study, i realized, there's really so much to learn about and from Him..I need to have less of me and more of Him.. Every single day, i just want to be closer and closer to Him. :)
We change the world one person at a time.. :) Perhaps, i should really be a teacher..so that i can be in an environment where I can get into the lives of the youths and help in whatever ways. :) And i think that the job position of a teacher is not only imparting knowledge but is helping and guiding lives.
I remember when i was secondary 2, i was so depressed that i don't know who to turn, i wrote a v long letter to my form teacher, Ms Chu. That time, Ms Chu had took a month of MC as she had leg injury. However, in spite of not being in school, she replied me and asked a teacher to pass her letter to me..and we exchanged letter for a few times.. :) i still remember vividly that she wrote, "It's okay Myrna..i also din know my purpose in life until few years ago etc etc.." That point of time, i just felt that i'm not an alien! haha. I felt like "she can identify with how i'm feeling!" That really encourages me.. :)) And she is so considerate and loving that she often counsels me, talk to me so as to know how I am feeling. Of my whole 15 years as a student, I think Ms Chu is the teacher that leaves the most impact in my growing up years! :)
Oh wells! i am still considering! Let's see how :))
Good night! :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
It has been like more than 1.5 months since exams ended! I have my fair share of fun going for my grad trip and meeting up with my friends and all! It's time for WORK!! I'm currently unemployed and jobless! rarrs! have been sending out resumes. Marketing & PR. However, i have heard from a few friends that many companies are freezing headcount for marketing and PR to cut cost. Wells, it's okie. And i've applied for teaching position under MOE. LOL. Imagine me being a teacher. If were to be, i wanna be the hottest and hippest teacher in the school! HAHA. anyway! let's see how. Of coz, still asking God where He wants me to go. And i believe that wherever He wants me to go, He will put in the desire and passion in my heart..to do something that I really like, enjoy doing and areas which i am good at!!
Like some of my friends, we are in the transition stage. Honestly, initially, i feel kinda lost & frustrated. And feel a bit useless coz i'm not generating income and i'm not contributing to my own self-value (eg. studying) . However, thanks to the encouragement from friends! And like what Pastor Tan says, "when we do not know what to do, all we have to do is to keep on walking". I'm trusting God. I aknowledge the fact that now is a bad time to graduate but I refuse to believe that God will shortchange me :))
I'm doing whatever I can to contribute my small little share to society and to my self-value! have been doing some housework recently, reading book, giving bible study, meeting cg members and all. However, there are still mornings or late nights when i just slack around. LOL. okie, Myrna is also human ok..=DD
Enough of rattling! Please keep me in prayer!! :)) Let's encourage one another ( those who are looking for job), continue pressing on and believing! And Huijuan and I have formed a support grp for fresh grad job seekers since last night!! Can sign up w us ! :))
Like some of my friends, we are in the transition stage. Honestly, initially, i feel kinda lost & frustrated. And feel a bit useless coz i'm not generating income and i'm not contributing to my own self-value (eg. studying) . However, thanks to the encouragement from friends! And like what Pastor Tan says, "when we do not know what to do, all we have to do is to keep on walking". I'm trusting God. I aknowledge the fact that now is a bad time to graduate but I refuse to believe that God will shortchange me :))
I'm doing whatever I can to contribute my small little share to society and to my self-value! have been doing some housework recently, reading book, giving bible study, meeting cg members and all. However, there are still mornings or late nights when i just slack around. LOL. okie, Myrna is also human ok..=DD
Enough of rattling! Please keep me in prayer!! :)) Let's encourage one another ( those who are looking for job), continue pressing on and believing! And Huijuan and I have formed a support grp for fresh grad job seekers since last night!! Can sign up w us ! :))
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy 4th mth!
Spend some time with dear today. Now that he's working, i really gotta treasure every moment and time spent with him :)) Thinking back, this 4 months have passed really v fast!
Anyway, shall do some recap! I hope i'm accurate in the days!
Happy 1st day!! @ Kenneth's place

Happy 2nd day!! @ kelong!
Happy 7th days!! @ dear's friend, Rongrong's wedding!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Im currently reading on the this book called "The tender Heart, Conquering Your Insecurity" by Joseph Nowinski. Just begin reading it yesterday and i managed to learn a few things from it! Shall summarize it :))
1) There are no such thing as people are borned-insecured. BUT, it can be that people are borned-sensitive. However, if the sensitiveness is not positively dealed with, it can lead to insecurity.
2) Insecurity plays a major role in the way ppl view the world and in how they respond to it, including how ppl react to conflict, criticism and loss. Insecurity comes from a combination of experiences of loss, sexual/physical abuse, rejection and neglect.
3) There is no only 2 stands called sensitive and insensitive only. But there are different degrees to that. Some people are more sensitive to ppl's feelings and surrounding but some are less sensitive. those who are less senstive ( or the extreme, insensitive) are called the tough hearted. Hence, when Miss Princess called Tender Heart met up with Mr Prince Charmin called tough hearted, she will always feel that Mr Prince charming cannot meet up with her expectations (wrt to her emotional needs, feelings etc) and hence, this will cause the relationship to be on the rocky edges.
However, the book will talk abt overcoming it; from insecured to confidence. And what to do when u are tender hearted but ur partner is tough hearted etc..Shall share further after reading more of it! :)
I guess almost everyone of us will experience some degree of insecurity in some stages of our lives..And i think the people close to us are so important in helping us to grow in confidence..I love hanging out w people whom i'm hanging out with now, coz they are the ones who will edify me, encourage me, positively challenge me and build me up into a better person! U guys know who u are! *winks*

okie!..5mins more to...Boys over Flowers!! Ch.u, 930pm! :)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Haven't been updating my blog for some days! I have been looking for jobs and going for interviews. Went for 2 diff job interviews BUT..i didn't proceed further coz these are not what i want. The first one i went for is for the position of sales and marketing executive! haha but the job is like.. weird??? Doesn't need any qualification, don't have basis pay and very pao1 tou1 lu4 mian4 lo!! And for the 2nd job, i got the bei4 pian4 (kana cheated) de feeling! the person told me is management traineeeee job in a financial sector! end up, it's actually financial planner/insurance agent. i mean the job of a financial planner is good! and it's v meaningful. BUT! why can't they be frank with us abt the job position? don't have to come out with fancy names right??
Okie, some of u must be thinking..."well..the economy is bad...just take up with any job..." I just feel..ya..i understand..but still, i always believe that a job position should be the one which we really must have passion for..whereby we can put to good use whatever we have learnt for the past 20+ years! (not only educational knowledge) I want to go into the call of God..to where He wants me to go..where I can share and contribute whatever i have to the marketplace. Even though i may have little..but i just want to share this little part of what i have.. and not just doing mundane job.
I want to wake up each day, feeling so energetized to go to work. Because i know that, i'm going to make a difference ( even if it's just sowing a little seed) in someone else's life this day!!
I like talking to people, i like meeting people, i like seeing people's life change for the better.
God, i need double, triple..confirmations!!

We live in a place of hope. But many of us, went through a process to discover it.. i want to be the one who help others discover this God-given word, call..H.O.P.E..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It has been great these few weeks after i came back from my grad trip. After all the fun moments, it's back to reality. Time to look for job! I've been keeping a look out and sending resumes.. lol..honestly, i feel a bit odd and weird having to find a job. a permenent job. not holiday jobs anymore..no no, i mean, like what pastor says, not job, but a position. :) My major is life science but i don't think i'm doing lab..not my cup of tea. Keeping my options open and see how it goes. However, there are a few occupations that i'm completely closed up to. haha anyway, i gotta quickly have income! gotta start saving, pay off my loans, give home allowance to my parents and stop taking anymore pocket money from them. Even tho they didn't say anything about it, but i still feel a bit =X like bai1 chi bai1 zhu. When i was a student, it's understandable, but now...nono!
I'm just so happy to spend more time with my cg members these few weeks. Having to meet them up one on one to catch up, go for weekly cg dinner outing, cg movie, cg sports. lol..And i'm so glad that we finally hit a big 2 this weekend. Together as a family, we did it! All of them contributed and work so hard, hence many friends came and some teared during altar call..
It's great to see someone's life changes in cg..and that person go out there to change someone else's life.
Many smses me during the week to share with me their happiness in reaching out. i'm just so excited for them!
Some rattles.
Gone is my cosy room. Gone is my bed position. Gone is my air con. it's under renovation. =(
Gone is my living room. No TV, No sofa, No dining table.
Drilling tml. That can drive one crazy!!
I really dread it. It makes me wanna stay outside of the house from morning to night. i think i will seriously do that. be a delinquent for a week. zhao4 fan1 ah!
Okie. i'm done with my rattles.
God is good. God is amazing and God loves us so much. However, i would never want to take that for granted. Humility is the way to success. I must always remind myself to stay humble and dependent on God. However, humility is not weakness. It is the aknowledgement of one's weakness. :)
I'm just so happy to spend more time with my cg members these few weeks. Having to meet them up one on one to catch up, go for weekly cg dinner outing, cg movie, cg sports. lol..And i'm so glad that we finally hit a big 2 this weekend. Together as a family, we did it! All of them contributed and work so hard, hence many friends came and some teared during altar call..
It's great to see someone's life changes in cg..and that person go out there to change someone else's life.
Many smses me during the week to share with me their happiness in reaching out. i'm just so excited for them!
Some rattles.
Gone is my cosy room. Gone is my bed position. Gone is my air con. it's under renovation. =(
Gone is my living room. No TV, No sofa, No dining table.
Drilling tml. That can drive one crazy!!
I really dread it. It makes me wanna stay outside of the house from morning to night. i think i will seriously do that. be a delinquent for a week. zhao4 fan1 ah!
Okie. i'm done with my rattles.
God is good. God is amazing and God loves us so much. However, i would never want to take that for granted. Humility is the way to success. I must always remind myself to stay humble and dependent on God. However, humility is not weakness. It is the aknowledgement of one's weakness. :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Movie "Drag me to hell"

Had a great time spent with Dear. Lol..watching "Drag Me to Hell". Both of us agreed that this is a exciting show!! He gave a rating of 4.5/5, while i gave 4/5. hahaha to me, it's the best show that we have ever watched together so far. Lol..The rest of the audiences are so participative in responding!! haha we all just screamed and laughed together! haha and I think dear is very cute and funny!! Lol..His screams is more 'shocking' that the movie LOl. i was genuinely shocked by his sudden loud screams twice! And he quite busy having to cover his ears and my ears as well, like a little boy boy! haha
Time to sleep, going morning pm! :))
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Roller Blade!
It has been quite a long time since i went east coast park to play!! Before going ECP, Jasmine, Char, Ger, Lilian, Weikiat and I met up early in the morning to go for Morning PM at payah leba. Pastor Tan shared a very good Word of Hab 2:2. And it realli encourages me :) He shares that God has a schedule. And when after we prayed for the thing, it may not come instanteously. But God has it in plan for us. So why does we still need to pray for it? This is so as it will train up our patience, persistence and perseverance! Wooah! I was like blown away!
After Pm, we all went down to ECP ( i was so excited about it that i woke up even b4 5am!! LOL). We...ROLLER BLADE!!
This is really my breakthrough! Honestly, since young, i'm not good in sports and i don't really enjoy it as much as my other peers do. However, this time round, i really enjoy it! Even though i look quite *toot* trying my best to learn in front of those little kids who can blade like a pro, it was still satisfying for me! haha!
Thanks to Weikiat, Nathan, Lilian and Jasmine who teach us (me and ger)! Weikiat is amazing. it is his first time blading and his first step is already so confident and he learnt it so quickly! like..within 5 mins???! And of coz our learning guides includes some of the instructors who just happened to be there. And...some pro uncles who always blade there, ( they can do stunts wan okiee!! ) haha
Lol see pro germaine!

Happy me!

Energetic Lilian!

Sporty Jasmine and Cute nathan! haha

And Us!! haha nathan is so cute! He's is the rescue team. LOL. whenever I going to fall, i will scream (it's natural ok) and he will be shocked by my scream. His body will really shake! hahah!
After Pm, we all went down to ECP ( i was so excited about it that i woke up even b4 5am!! LOL). We...ROLLER BLADE!!
This is really my breakthrough! Honestly, since young, i'm not good in sports and i don't really enjoy it as much as my other peers do. However, this time round, i really enjoy it! Even though i look quite *toot* trying my best to learn in front of those little kids who can blade like a pro, it was still satisfying for me! haha!
Thanks to Weikiat, Nathan, Lilian and Jasmine who teach us (me and ger)! Weikiat is amazing. it is his first time blading and his first step is already so confident and he learnt it so quickly! like..within 5 mins???! And of coz our learning guides includes some of the instructors who just happened to be there. And...some pro uncles who always blade there, ( they can do stunts wan okiee!! ) haha
Lol see pro germaine!

Happy me!

Energetic Lilian!

Sporty Jasmine and Cute nathan! haha

And Us!! haha nathan is so cute! He's is the rescue team. LOL. whenever I going to fall, i will scream (it's natural ok) and he will be shocked by my scream. His body will really shake! hahah!
There is this Uncle who teaches us how to blade..After i screamed, he imitated my scream and said, "Haiyo!! You scared me lei! Scream until like that!" Then he will guide me again. lol..
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thank you Jesus :)
I feel so happy! Now i know the reason why i felt the way i felt on thurs! :)
God is cool, isn't it. He gave us the hope and light! He breaks down all walls and bondages so that we can live righteously in His arms.
I love you Jesus! I thank you for the breakthrough in the lives, growth and closeness :) I wanna go up to the next level!
God is cool, isn't it. He gave us the hope and light! He breaks down all walls and bondages so that we can live righteously in His arms.
I love you Jesus! I thank you for the breakthrough in the lives, growth and closeness :) I wanna go up to the next level!
60Secs of Fame Redux!
After service! we went down to roland seafood! haha it is my first time there and it's really quite big. Considering the number of dishes we ate, it's is relatively quite cheap and worthwhile! My cg and i formed 1 table and we just ate and enjoy and relax.
While eating, there are programmes on too.
Introducing, one of the MCs, QuanHan! v spontaneous n funny Lol..

hahaha my cg at the stage, (can u see them?) trying to find a spot to piece the slips of paper! i think my cg is v cute! lol..


Boonkiat and Pauline, being saboed!

And here comes the performance! they really dance v well. how i wish i can do so :)

Performance by Charles and Chris! Awesome voice, Charles and great playing, Chris!

Very pretty Sophie and Chris!

Very talented Jieyun and Chris!

Samuel! he's awesome! hahaha i think his performance is the best! He can memorize people's phone no. within a very short span! and we tested him. Given him 10 numbers randomly from the floor, and he can do it in like a v short time!! And he doesn't need to save no.s in his phonebook. he just dialled from his memory! tested on the spot! Thumbs up!
And there's Jody, pretty MC!
Anyway, i'm glad sandra is back with us!! From her luxurious Europe grad trip!! haha and she bought me a Ahem!! anyway, Sarah (sandra's sis) joined us today and i'm happy to see her, this little sister! I saw her grow up from a guai1 guai primary girl to now a gorgeous teenager! haha *sarah, if u see this entry, remember what u did me to last time!! the "Hurt" and "trama"!! LOL.
And..nathan is back with us again!!! :)) welcome back!!
And..nathan is back with us again!!! :)) welcome back!!
We live with a hope.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Today, my house is aliken to having a war! Drilling drilling and drilling!! it's driving me crazy! tml, i just going out for a breather. i felt bored staying at house to guard the house. haha. rars! Renovation of the floorings. no more wooden floor and platform. =(
Tuesday combined meeting with pastor tan is awesome! During praise and worship, God just spoke to my heart, "In order to serve under ALL circumstances, you need to have the Love of God and Joy of the Lord." Serving people, Serving God is not difficult BUT, not that easy as said, but the simple truth behind it set our foundations..i thank God that he gave me the phrases to encourage and sustain me =D muacks! Really felt so touched. Had a v good dinner cum outreach games discussion with Yanghong, (despite we waiting for each other for 20 mins coz my hp can't receive his calls, rars! we wanna box each other up alr! Lol..). During our conversation, he said, "In the presence of God, we wept because we feel the way Jesus feel." That night, at meeting, first time in a few weeks, i wept. Not during worship. But during praise. Tears just uncontrollably ran down my cheeks. Because i felt the heart of God, telling me..about Love and Joy of God that will bring me through all things.. He knew my heart. And now, i knew His Heart.. :)

and i think..2 of the people whom i really admire for their love and joy of God is Boonkiat and Pauline. Boonkiat, needless to say, he's really someone who's so close to God. And whenever, i ask him for advice, he will just enlighten me in ways :) And for Pauline, she really has the pure heart after God and i really look up to her for that. The way she speaks, carries herself, preaches, leads etc really have the presence and anointing of God..woahh. :))
Had a great time with Twinniez on monday!! haha the main aim of this meet up is to catch up and buy stuffs for our friends. For me, is my boyfriend. lol. anyway, we went to buy grace's friend's bday present and it was hilarious. Lol. this sales assistant is closing the shutter already ( she's outside the store) and we were like..can we go in? we make reservation for an item. and she kindly let us in. in the store, there are still a few sales assistants doing some packing up etc. we bend down and go under the shutter into the store. We were also panting coz we really literally ran all the way. The moment we appear out of nowhere from the shutter, all the sales assistants in the store were stunned, and their jaw dropped. LOL. as if we are there to rob there! seeing their stunned faces, twinniez and i are stunned too. There was an awkard 5 sec where everyone just remained at their positions, not move or talk. LOl. but, overall, mission accomplished! wooh!
really love this dearie alot! =D as usual, our regular stunts! hahaha the departmental store is closing at 930pm, and the sales ppl are waiting for us! opps!
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