Saturday, October 31, 2009
Body Inc :))
As I have no experience in marketing at all, I worked very closely with my boss and followed him around when he meets biz associates and partners. At times, i also dont know what to say during the meetings, so I would listen and try to learn from them. But I thank God my boss got funny bones. lol..Its fun working under him too! Also, he got lots of experience in media and marketing, hence he teaches and guides me a lot. He passes me a marketing magazine to read today and from there, he gave me homework to do over the weekend, and he will discuss and go through with me on monday. It's really 1 to 1 lecture and tutorial!! How to find this kinda boss nowadays?? He shared that he used to be very fierce and all of his female subordinates in his previous job will cry under him. But he said he thank God that He found God, hence I am in safe hands now. heh :)
I thank God that the 5 months of waiting is worth it because I get to do something that I really enjoy. I remember telling my close friends around me that I really believe in having a job position which I really love and enjoy. We get a job not just for survival but for a purpose :):)
I thank God for answering my prayers :) I will work very hard and try to learn as much as I can :)
Praise the Lord:))
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Hey its okay, take ur time to find a job! Better enjoy ur holiday now, u still have the rest of ur life to work!"
"I have been keeping you in prayer and i believe u will get a job position which u reallly like!"
"I'm believing together with u, keep on pressing on!"
And have i met up with people who are at the other end? a bit critical or judgemental? Hmmm not really people who are like that, but honestly, yes there are just a few insensitive comments that don't edify me at all.
Wanted to write it down, but i think i will not do so :)
hur hur. Upset? Affected? Yes of coz! But only for that 1 min. Because I know and I know that I will certainly get a good job! And i definitely have the support of my friends & family and Jesus! I know.. they who gave insenstive comments won't be the ones whom i can rely on :))
Am I anxious?? Honestly, Yes and No. Yes, it's because its going to be the end of the year which means i'm not studying or working for nearly 5 months! doesn't look good on my resume. No, its because I really really believe that God will give me something really good. As long as I do whatever I can, do my very best, God will do the rest :))And during these few months, I have learnt to appreciate little things. I learnt to appreciate the time spent with my friends & family. I learnt to think more about things. I get more time to read, exercise & go anywhere I want. And i learnt to appreciate the lesson plan that God has put in my life during this period of time. I was v easily frustrated and upset few months ago ( u can ask titus, lol..he knows & sees) because of the job thingie. Compare to now, i won't say it's gone completely, but it's getting lesser and lesser of that :)) I know i have to grow up and grow out of this. And for the past few week's de cg sermons, i just felt that the Word is so appropriate for me. About waiting for the appointed time, learning to be patient etc.
I thank God for putting beautiful people around me to encourage me during this period of time! :) And I have learnt the importance of self encouragement too :)

When I cannot see God's Hand, I will trust His Heart :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Outing with cousins!
Soup spoon! haha Jasmine is only year 2 in her poly years and she's having her attachment next week, hence, she insisted on treating us coz she said she's working Lol! Initially she wanted to eat at sakae sushi and asked us to go in coz she's treating. We dragged her away immediately and then, we went soup spoon!

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Night Safari - Halloween Nigggght!!
I was so excited when i know that we are gg there coz it's something special! However, ONCE AGAIN, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. I made sure that i put dear's camera on my table so that i can see it so obviously and that i charged the battery to the max. And i kept reminding myself to put the battery into the camera, and then into my bag. When i was on the way to meet dear..ROARS!! I forget to bring my memory card AGAIN!!! :(
Thankfully, still got his hp cam! Shall let the pictures do the talking! :)
Here we are!

Gorgeous ghost!

This is the tram!

My favourite ghost! but she's so scary when she keep staring at me right in front of me!

Our tram tour guide!

If u have noticed, there is not many photos abt animals. lol..

Cook some soup Popo!

This Aladdin scared many ppl! wherever he went, there will be screams!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My 2 fave girls:)
Twinniez and I went to shop for her office clothes as she's starting work soon!!
CONGRATS TWINNIEZ! :)) hee and it is always a good time for us to catch up. She bought nice and sweet tops! But i didn't buy anything. saw many nice clothes tho! Really like the irresistable leather skinny pants @ mango. I'm not a fan of mango stuffs but that leather pants is really awesome!!! But over the months and years, i learnt to differentiate my "NEEDS" and "WANTS". and yes, that's a want. lol.

In the evening, Kelly and I met and we went to our favourite hideout. We have been to this place for a few times in this recent 2 mths. lol. Nice place to chill & catch up. And yes, we spend like 3 hrs just talking LOL. Our dreams, our future wedding, our retirement plans...u name it.. AND.... askin each other so weird questions. Like..
"Would u prefer urself to be 135cm or 210cm??"
"Would u prefer ur husband to be 140cm w a handsome face or to be tall guy with handsome face but is bald and have super big beer belly?"
"Would u want to be the CEO of Singtel but earning $2k per month or a road sweeper with monthly income of $10k?"
Assume all are permanent no changes can be done or improved. Lol shan't reveal our answers here!

Our dinner!! :)

2 special girls in my life! They have been with me for about 6 years, and still counting! :)
Neo's farewell :)
Char & Ger who are bend to go for the farewell despite having their final examinations! :) See how much they love neo :)
Chew and I :)
The gentleman! Lol.
Neo and Yongsheng!
haha chew!
We are doing the impossible! milking from a bull =D
Transformer! cool ya, i still hold hands w it!
Guys, act cool!! ZhiJian is falling asleep alr huhh..heh.

The 2 sweetie pies:)