Monday, August 31, 2009
Had a bday dinner with yuanyu with the girl gang!(YY, mayling, zhixian,shimin, peifen and i.) Know this sweet and pretty girl since JC1! Anyway, girls, so sorry!! i couldn't find my hp wire that connects my hp to the lappy! so i can't upload the pics! *roars*
Me: "heys!! let's take picture!!" Then, happily take out my camera ( actually is dear's one, i'm helping him to utilize it now. lol).
Girls: "ok!"
Me: switch on the camera. "OH NO! sorry!! din put in memory card!" lol..The same thing happens when we celebrated wendy's bday few weeks ago!! Everytime i take out my camera enthusiastically, either it has no battery or i have forgotten to put in memory card. And now, my hp wire is missing! No pic to upload le..
We had a great dinner at subway and supper at mac LOL. greedy us!! haha i really love those hu1 li1 hu1 tu things that we do! Anyway YY sent all us back home at our door steps!! thanks dear:)) In the car, other than yuanyu, only zhixian knows the road very well. hahaha. i don't even know how to go home from where we left! Poor shimin and i are always confused when taxi uncle ask us which expressway we wanna take. PIE? or AYE? we don't know and only know how to go home from boonlay/lakeside mrt. roars! I remembered quite long ago, when i was still in year 1, a gd friend of mine, LW drove to school to send me home coz he needs to help take something heavy from my house to an event.
In the car,
Lw: Myrna, how to go ur hse from here?
Myrna: errrr...well...i always take bus home but i don't really know how to go home from school by memory....
Lw: HUH...okieeee... *then he dialled boonkiat's number and called him*, "Hey boonkiat, how to go to myrna's house from nus?"
Boonkiat: "Hmm why not u call Myrna? i not too sure."
Lw: "Errr..okkk..she's right beside me now actually"
Lol. sigh! okkk..i shall learn the roads and the ways to different places noooww!
:)) anway YY is an awesomely sweet girl!! haha :) Not only does she looks sweet, she has a sweet personality. Eg. I remembered her sms-ing us to drink more water coz the weather is hot etc those kinda kind gestures are in her! :) we went to her hse during CNY to pai4 nian1and her mummy would cook really a whole spread of food for us! In short, her whole family is very hospitable! It's in their DNA!
Lastly, Happy bday honey!! :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy baptism day!! :) to sandra and weikiat!
haha awesome! a special day to be celebrated! :)
Here we are, at JW church compound :))

hahaha down into the water!!

hahaha and sandra is super funny!! we were all shouting her baptism name, "ALEXA!!!" like mad. See at the below pic, we were just right beside her. yet she didn't respond! LOL we were thinking, "Hmm! maybe she don't recognise her own baptism name coz too new already!" And we decided to change to "SANDRA!!" and yes, we did see some kinda response! Lol..
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Up! and family gathering :))

Sandra Lilian and me! hahah nice specs!!

Lilian and gabriel!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Then, went to meet up with huijuan to shop in town! Honestly, it is our first one-on-one date after knowing each other for 2 years! hahaha it was great just catching up! other than updating each other abt our job hunt, we thought back about the first time when we met! OH man that was reallly paiseeeeehhh!! In my heart, i was like, "huijuan, u better not mention it!!" and in end, she still brought it out!! LOL. I felt so dui lian!! hahaha She's really a great company to be with! Very fun and full of laughter lol. We shall continue our part 2 soon! And..yes, our debut act! heh heh heh...
After which, met up with dear to watch District 9. Ihas a meaning behind the whole story. Shall not mentioned more in order not to spoil the fun for those who wanna watch! The way the movie is being filmed is rather interested and new to me! The first 1/3 of the show is great and i was really captivated! The aliens look so real during the interaction with the humans..However, as the show progresses..i feel that the climax didn't hit the highest potential..And the ending was a bit unfinished. I was like "HUh?!" when the show ends abruptly. On the other hand, I was feeling really sad for the main lead. He became an alien and was separated from his wife and could only make her a metal flower which he secretly placed at her door step ( at the last scene). Hence, i would give it 2/5 stars! I realized that the shows that i watched for the last few months didn't really satisfy me..When i was younger, every single movie that my parents brought me to, seems so exciting and I would give it 4 or 5/5 stars! perhaps as i grow up, my expectation increases as well! I must watch UP next week no matter whaaat!! hahaha i hope it will be a 4 or 5/5 movie!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Happy Bday Boonkiat!! :)
After mtg, all the BK leaders went to celebrate his birthday at holland V. It was an awesome time together with the rest! I think it is the first time when all of us are in full attendance! haha It has been an inspiring, encouraging and fabulous time under his leadership! So proud of our ZS! =DD for those who don't know, bk has been promoted to zone supervisor! But it's honourary =DD
We all indulged in late night supper in Swensen! Maybe it's because we're too hungry..hence..we ordered quite a lot..
Apple crumble!

The bake rice! This is really good except that the chicken meat is a bit too tough!

And the regular earthquake!!! wohoo!! hahaha


Presenting to you our BK leaders!! With pauline, jieyun and leila! the newly promoted ZS too! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy 6th month anniversary!! :)
Dear and i spent this special day together doing the most daily-life thing and i really enjoy it! We just hang out together at my place and chill. I feel that at times, just hanging out each other's place is an awesome date. Coz home is the most comfortable and relaxing place to be! We did facial nose mask together and i shall not put up any pictures of it in order to protect our images! lol..And..we got each other some stuffs that we will use often! i'm so satisfied with my new loot! heh!
I love my dear! :)
Going to sleep now, i'm super tired from last night's pool night out. haha
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Job seeking!
Like what Huijuan said, we shld come out with a book abt "The journey of finding a job!" It's amusing and hilarious to know from each other's past experiences. For instance..Grace's interviewer is late for 6.5 hours!!! -_-and the company is situated into some super ulu place that makes her feel weird" And huijuan's interviewer is so keen on her that she received her "congratulations to round 2 interview" even before she got home (right after her round 1 interview!). After she rejected it, the same "congratulations to round 2 interview" is emailed to her again 1 month later! lol.
Here's what we do while waiting! :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
1) That i will get into the PR firm interview round 2
2) I have a reasoning test at P & G tml afternoon
3) I just gotten a call from national heart centre for an interview for the post of medical technologist next tues!
Thank you so much! I really hope to start working!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thank you :)
I'm thankful for my wonderful parents and brother. Thankful for their unconditional love. I'm not a perfect daughter and i'm definitely very far from perfection, yet they still love me so much! They have been so encouraging me abt my job hunting and have nv given me any pressure abt it (coz they see me so stressed abt it already! lol) And the moment my bro came back, he wanted to help me reformat my lappy coz he knows it has some problems! =DD
I'm thankful for leaders like Boonkiat and Daryl in my life. Thank you for believing and trusting in me! I'm not the best person around, yet you all see the potential in me and is willing to invest in my life! Thank you boonkiat for always being available to hear me out and advise me! (he's really the wisest friend i ever have!)
I'm thankful for dear dear for always standing on the same line as me! I'm far from being the wonderful gf yet he's always very very consistent in his expression of love for me no matter what. Sometimes I feel i do give him some headache lol..yet he's always very patient with me..And he always use the Word of God to encourage me & speak into my situation. and i'm thankful that we are running the vision for God together in this race. And i know that if i trip and fall, he will be the one who will pull me up and cheer me on to run! *muacks*!
I'm thankful for my cg N109! Thank God for bestowing me with such a wonderful cg! I love every single one of peeps there! Thank you for running the vision together with me and you guys really work very hard, really appreciate every single one of ya in my life! I won't exchange anything for u guys!
I'm thankful for my dearie friends! Too many of you to name:) Thanks for being such a great company to be with. Despite good times or bad times, the moment i see you all, i just feel so relieved and joyful coz you all grow up together with me and you've seen all my chou3 shi4 all have taught me so many things that can never be learnt in school, class or books! I just like being with u all..Thank you so much :)
I'm thankful for such a great, wonderful, loving, caring..(too many adjectives to describe his character already!) and big GOD in my life!! woohoo!! Thank You for loving me :) Thank you for the call You have given to me and I will hold on to it with all my life..:)
Thank you :) From the bottom of my heart :)
It's not bad:) And the effects are good even though its really out of the world! lol However, personally i feel that the plot is too general and common already..And the fighting scene makes me a bit dizzy. I couldn't sit still during the movie and kept moving and and tossing. Hence, i give a rating of 3/5!
Where got ghost?

i'm back!
It has been about 2 weeks since i last blogged! LOL. i think i have broken my own record already! To those who are concerned about how am i, i'm doing great! :) It has been an awesome 2 weeks coz during this period of time, i've grown and learnt new things in life. Like what people always say, we go through ups and downs. And it was a down period for me during the last few weeks coz everyone else is starting school or work but I am not (still waiting for interviews and all). But i really thank God for His strength and faithfulness. Interviews have started coming in again. And i felt so thankful for close friends around me who stand by me and keep on believing and encouraging me. I will keep on walking the walk with joy, thankfulness and hope!
Many have asked what have I been doing these few weeks Lol..actually its a tough question to answer. I do not work/study now but thankfully, I will have things to do and ppl to meet. This keep me occupied :) However, there will be 1 or at most 2 days in a week when I will stay at home. I like to stay home to be with my family and all, but i don't like staying home the whole day coz i will feel very bored..heh.. brother is back from california this noon! This fortunate guy! get to travel to so many countries! I wish i can too! One of my dreams is to travel to many many parts of the world. Its amazing to see different people in different countries having different cultures.
Guess which legs are mine?