Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Let's Study hard!
Over the weekend, it has been very fulfilling yet a bit physically tired. Had a test today, it consists of 40% weightage and this is the module that every life science peeps are screaming all about!! All we can say --> STRESS!
I believe u all also stress ba, so shall not add on to each other stress by saying that we are stressed! so no more word "STRESS" here.
Add oil peeps!!
I stand on the top
Watching the moving of the crowd
How small they are, i thought
Lookin up, i feel so near to the sky
Breathing in the freshess that no one has the chance to
I breathe
The smell of the cloud
The lingering of the sunshine
The aroma of the fresh air
I feel like i'm in heaven..
I open my eyes
To find out that I'm actually squatting by the tree side
Looking the the rows and rows of ants
You are the crowd, i thought
Crawl Crawl Crawl...
No matter how lousy we're feeling, We can make ourselves feel better :) We doesn't need silver or gold, we don't need a luxurious spa, all we need is a clear mind, a changed mindset..
Let's study hard!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Random scenes!
My dad had recorded the part during my bday cake cutting and my prize presentation. I saw the video yesterday and i covered by face with my hands, just leaving 2 holes for my eyes!! i was like "WHEN DID I MADE THAT COMMENT? WHEN DID I SAY THAT?? LOL it's so embarrassing watching what i've done on that day when giving my "speech". like so paiseh!
anyway that day at my place, i was talking to my this friend, Bingren with other friends around us. our conversation goes:
Bingren: "Eh Myrna! so what are your qualities for your "wish"?
I was like, "What wish??"
Bingren: Your "wish" Lo!
then suddenly, a light bulb is being lit. lol
Me ( very excitedly) : Ohhh! He must be spiritual, Handsome, Rich and Educated!
Bingren: OH!! I SEE... ! Come! close your eyes, hold your wand, and count to 3, open up your eyes and you'll see your Prince Charming.
And i, played a long with him.
Me: 1....2.....3!! (open up my eyes and look around) No lei..there's no one!
Bingren: Precisely lo!! There's no one like that!!
LOl i was like =S
hahaha and early before the party starts when Angie Kelly Sompong they all came to my house, i was telling them that i lay on my bed telling my mum i i got jiao3 luan2 (leg weak).
And sompong was like laughing, "WAH MYrna! 21st Birthday also jiao3 luan2, what will happen on your wedding day??? i think u will tan4 huan4 ba (Paralysed)!! LOL
Well, i guess i will! i replied saying i think i'm those who will run away on my wedding day..
Anyway, on tuesday, which is my actual bday, Darice was so late for lecture. it's the end of lecture and i don't see her. i msged her and she said she woke up late. Then, marie who was sitting beside me disappeared for a split second and..
Both of them came in with a bowl of lor mee with a lit candle on the puddle of chilli!!!! I was like STARING AT IT with my jaws dropped!! LOL so hilarious!! I couldn't react and they sang me a bday song HAHAHA and my cute little yuping darice actually place the spinelli chocolate cake on top of the lor mee and it collaspsed LOL and melt into the sea of galilean hahaha
Anyway really appreciate them! hugs!
Monday, March 17, 2008
My 21st Birthday!!
Really thank all for who came yesterday!! I really had a great time :)
I was rather nervous yesterday coz the day has finally came and you know, i don't invite many of my friends to my house before! But many of you came ytd and really very thankful coz i know quite a number of you had tests the next 1,2 days and had to submit ya term paper few days later too, but u all still stayed till the end of the party~
It was 4pm and i was just laying on my bed talking to my mum, i was telling her that my leg feels weak coz too nervous already. Lol At around 4.30, Angie Kelly and Sompong to help me with the decorations and they helped me run errands too. i even gave sompong a 'to-do' list in the morning. When they came, i'm still in my fbt shorts and tshirt but nevertheless i still feel comfortable seeing them in my lau pok clothes lol. After which Marcus Jiewei Yuexiang they all came and help me to do a Paper direction board from :
The entrance of the guard house
My Block
My Doorstep
While they are decorating etc, i went to do my makeup, hair and change into my clothes. They saw me in my dress and sompong say "WAH Myrna, this is the most bao4 lu4 clothes you ever wear!" LOL i was like yaya
haha this are compong, Angie, Kelly, Marcus and Jiewei!
Me to my place!
Us at my room!
haha My secondary school friends they all also came and for 1,2 of them, i really haven't seen them for sooooooooo long!!

And of coz!! My Life science gurlies!! Marie, Huijuan and Darice! hahaha shall explain more about them later!

At the cake cutting sessions, i had planned something to really thank my friends! and i picked out the few whom i really wanna give thanks in front of everybody!

Thanks Liling Wendy Amelia and gang for crowning me. For once in my life, i felt like a princess LOL. Please pardon me for just this once in my life time!!

And of coz! my wand and my nobelprize!! Look at the yellow-brown thing on my hand! heh
Thank you guys!
And now is my turn to crown my friends!!
My friend cum brother cum teacher! He's really the Mr Life Example. He uses his own life as a living example :) But..our eyes are half closed!!!!!!
My Miss Joyful twinniez!!
My Miss Precious Twin!!
My gorgeous Best Papa, Best Mummy and Best Kor!!
I don't have the pic with Wendy and Liling, my precious and unique friends!! Please send me if you've!! And Dwayne wasn't here, he's Mr Wise! he's young but he's full of wisdom! A very trustworthy friend :)
Thank so much!!
My group pics!
My beloved S63 gang!! They're my happy joy!! all the roaring laughters!!
I love the presents they gave!! The exact cool jacket which i really wanted!! And this pretty black dress!! They told me in private (when my parents are not around) that they bought me this so that i can wear this to go clubbing with them the next time! LOL i haven't been to clubs for 2 years tho!
My dear 7 girls!!They gave me a most effort-ed present!!! --> a very BEAUTIFUL CARD! really very nice!! with lotsa pictures! and a 15 mins videos! each of them were present in the video and i know it really takes a lot of time and effort to film and edit! really appreciate you girls! They locked me in my brother's room and showed me! Even tho i wasn't crying, but i was really very very touched. :)
My beloved church friends!! all the precious love you all gave! :)
My pretty and handsome Nus friends!! Full of energy people!!
My happening secondary school friends!!! All the memories, all the ups and downs!! all the changes in us! HAHAHA *Please recall * I love the presents you all gave! the big golden key card! the Sovil Titus watch, bag, XXX, "nobelprize", "lambo"
Oh and thanks to those who contributed to the Chanel No. 5 and Christian Aud. T shirt!! I love them!! And meiqi chew siew wq and jacket for the cool bags!!! I LOVE IT!! i start carrying it tday already! haha
And of coz to the friends who bought the presents!! I simply love them all! the necklace, ear-rings, book, make up, ring, tops i love all of them!! And those who gave love offering!! It came at the right time :) This is my most exciting birthday! I received a lot of blessings from all of you all
THANK YOU! I really appreciate everyone of you!! :)
Liling, Wendy, Amelia! The girls whom i've the most memories with!!
My Jc partner-in-crime Yuexiang! i love her a lot! We can take non-stop!!
My funniest friend, Sompong! His lung is twice of mine, mind you!! So don't make him laugh! or not he will suck away all your energy! If you really wanna risk your life by doing that, please ensure that you've a oxygen tank beside or a resue team around u!! =P

the S63 gang! Marcus, Jiewei Sompong, Grace, Angie and Yuexiang! My genting gang!! Remember!! Our trip this june!!

And of coz, my twinnie and i must have an individual pic always!!

My darlings!

My "Ennnnnnnnnn" friend!! CHEW!! this v sweet gurliex, hugs!

My sweet heart twin!! She's really a beautiful person! Inside and outside :)

Huijuan, my pai2 gu2 chicken wing lor mee queen!! Marie, don't stone don't stone during lecture and don't shake and beat me anymore in lecture!! Darice, My yu-ping!! This v cheerful girl!!

Changhan, Issac, Titus, Yuantai and Bingren! All the men of God! :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Race:time vs myr!
muahaha most of ya know that i'll be having my 21st bday this sunday, i really gotta apologize that i could not invite every of my friends due to physical and budget constraint!! I only live in a 5 room flat, not a 3 storey super bungalow lol. if i do next time, perhaps on my 35th bday, i will invite all everyone i know and have a 100 tables banquet!! muahahaha if only i got 1000 friends which i doubt so. lol. And guys, u gotta help me out, as i mentioned in the sms, only special friends are invited! It doesn't matter if i know u v long ago, or just recently, because i know you're special to me in a way, that's why i want you to come. So, pleaseeeeeee help me host other everyone else ok! Make yourself at home and there's no "guest" in my house, only "hostsss" haha And do please make me feel at home too, I will be nervous as this is my 1st time hosting my friends in my house. heh Very few people came to my house before. I can even name out now. Sompong Yuexiag and gang as they came for my current house warming. Meiqi, Grace, Liangwei and 1,2 more. that's it! =X
I just finish doing my part for my project, Time to study for my theory exam!! I guess i will be sitting in the exam with the cute little kids! Let them not mistaken me as the examiner jiu hao le LOL
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Grace's 21st memories!
okays, this pic! haha supposedly to be a rainbow pic! i really tried my best k! at least it's a shade of yellow..=D
Presenting our beautiful card to our pretty princess!!

hahaha US AGAIN..but!! look at the 6 legs! LOl

Squeeze my eyes!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Happy 21st Bday Twinniez!!
hahaha this day has finally come!! We have been planning and planning all these way back 3 weeks ago. hahaha and every week when we meet for lectures and lunch, we're bound to say on this topic!hahaha
I ended school at 3pm, praise God! lecture ended super early today and went to meet Zhixian and Peifen who were already in science canteen doing the cards! I joined in them and peifen really very you2 xin1 :) Although she couldn't come for Grace's bday party due to lessons from 7-10pm, she still come all the way to nus to draw and do the card! At around 430pm plus, we all left science and went to clementi to pick up the bday cake and buy balloons. I TELl YOU. can go bengawan solo and make your bday cake.It's worth it. lol It's supposedly 2kg, but i think it weighs like 5 kg! super heavy! Zhixian and I were like, "Is this really 2kg??" Every few minutes, we need to take turns to carry. From clementi, we only need to take a straight bus down to her house and it's only a few bus stop, end up ZX and I take turns for like 5 times LOL.
Finally, we reached her function room and we heaved a sigh of relief! The function is really spacious and cosy haha.Grace is like so nervous!! We were trying to calm her down. At around 8pm, almost all the guest are here already and we all just self-entertained LOL. No need those games to break the ice, we can do it on our own. haha i get to meet the friends who Grace has always mentioned to me, one of whom is Daryl. haha He's really very nice, no wonder Grace is full of praises for him!He's like a little brother so when he came, and was introduced to Joseph and Gabriel by Grace, i deliberately (i'm not always like that okay) chiong up to him, separate Jo and Gabriel who were right in front of my view, and put my hands right in front of him, "HELLO DARYL! I'm MYRNA!" and gave him a very very firm handshake. Everyone bursted into laughter and hence this is an ice breaker LOl. Joseph and Gabriel, were the brothers of the day! hahaha! They all are so funny together. So we were just mixing around, laughing our heads off. And the most enjoyable of all is that all of us can come together and catch up, especially with zhixian, Yuanyu they all.
The climax came when it's the cake cutting time. We all have already planned that every group of friends were to send a representative to say sth about Grace just before the candle is being lit. i went to the different groups of friends, her sec, jc, uni etc friends to tell them. And all of us coordinate quite well sia. It came as a surprise for her. Zhixian gathered the people and I was the first to say, the moment i said half way, her eyes are red and when i continued, she started tearing already.
haha in my heart, i was like, "YES! i made her tear!"
heh, followed by Daryl, Chinyee, Jiaying, Gabriel and last of all, her parents. Her water tap wasreally quite loose just now. heh...aniways, hope she had a great time!
And it was present giving time!! Her sister and sister-in-law brought a mysterious looking large box, it's like those LCD TV box. The moment she open, present no. 1 is a baking ingredients! Present no. 2 is a Motorola handphone box. We were like "WOAH!!!"
Then when she open.................
we were anticipating......!!
end up.....
it's 2 ju hua cha ( chrysanthma tea (dunno how to spell!))!
hahahahaha our legs gave way for the moment LOL
then dig dig dig.....
There is a nokia N81 handphone box!!! Grace is so happy!! then zhixian said, "I think you better open up first! later got 2 ju hua again" hahaa but this time round it's really the handphone! COOl! then we present to her our cards and our shared present amongst us, PSP Slim!!!
hahaha we continue taking pictures and just hanging around.
Wells, Twinniez, if you're seeing this, just wanna tell you once again, I LOVE YOU a lot a lot :) You're so precious and Hope you have a great time today k!! all your pre-party syndromes shld have been gone by now i hope! hahahha and quickly send me the picturesS!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Simple life they have, yet they're thankful.
Shouldn't we too?
Thankful for what we've.
I was having slight fever just now, i told God, i can't afford to be sick coz i've a CA test tml morning and now i'm absolutely alright now. I thank God! :)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
WML reunion with old folks!
I went out at 12pm plus to meet my 2 darlings!! Wendy and Liling!! haha we're to go to old folks home to help out with the rest, like kelly, jo etc. When we went there, we were given an overview by the volunteer leaders,Sing Ping and Christina, they showed us around the home. It's situated at Tanah Merah, it's quite ulu tho haha. However, the Home is very clean, tidy and fully facilitated :) Normally on sat, many volunteers will come and play games, talk and just to spend time with them. On weekdays, the old folks will just be with the nurses and it can be quite mundane for them. Those more mobile elderlys were already at the ground floor, gathering to have a game of mahjong, karaoke session and other games while the not-so-mobile elderlys will be in their rooms resting.
Around 4pm, the Karaoke session started and the volunteer leader was like, "can you sing?" I was like, "YAH YAH! WENDY can sing very well!" Wendy was like, "Myrna u better sing with me!" Okies, so end up Wendy, Liling and I sang together, we sang "tong hua" as there aren't much choices to choose. I was like -_-" Helps, i can't sing at all and was obviously off-tuned but the 3 of us were like holding our own WML concert and try to lighten the atmosphere. Our mentality was --> We 豁出去 already LOL. it's very duilian now that i think back!! roars!! We were like, waving our hands in the air, "Come on everybody, sing with me..." Lol. Thankfully, the rest of the volunteers are very supportive so i think it's worth it! haha and the climax was Wendy who sang a hokkien song. It's very very nice! Everyone of us was very surprised!!
I get to see how the other volunteers interact with the elderlys, they are really a bunch of amazing people :) They're the permanent volunteers who has been with the Home for years. They faithfully devote themselves to the Home for the whole weekend, just by taking care, spending time and interacting with the elderlys. And on monday to friday, they have to go back to their respectively workplaces! This is what i really called sacrifical love :) Love, not only for our own friends, family members, but for all people.
Sing Ping told us that many people choose not to come to old folks home to help out as they find it very "depressing" to see the elderlys like that. But what i really think is, precisely, the atmosphere is depressing, that's why the more we should be the light that shines and bring joy to the elderlys. Many of us are so busy with our own stuffs, including me myself =/ and this community work has really let me see that everyone of us can really help out in one way or another to the less fortunate. We are so blessed. Really blessed with our family and friends, material goods and in our education,social acceptance and recognition etc..We gotta let this blessing flow through us to the rest of the people out there. Maybe as students, we don't have much money to give, but we have the time, joy, youth to contribute. Never say we have nothing to contribute :)
Because we really have.
I feel for the elderlys. My heart aches for them. I feel very xin1 suan1 when i see them. However, when i saw the long-term volunteers there, i just feel so comforted. This bunch of people, sharing their lives with the other lives.
Amazing :)
Really glad to have this chance to see, to observe, to feel, to be thankful that we can bless others in ways, be it big or small ways, we all all can do so. To Love is to give, yet in the end we receive more than we give. The joy and satisfaction that we receive in return can never be measured by words.