Thursday, February 18, 2010
Night out with twinniez!
Thank you twinniez for being such a great friend of mine :) *hugs* We went through the same phase of transition and thank God that we are there to comfort and encourage each other! And with you, i can really laugh 3 hrs straight and not realize that time passes so fast! We shall jiayou and do the best in whatever we are doing! And we must meet up more often le! :) I love u twinniez! Thanks for the listening ear, encouragement and the fun! with you, we can turn all our chou2 shi4 into the comedy. keke..*Muacks*!
(we din get to take any pic ytd!! roars!! lOl)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
This year's CNY is a bit special bcoz I went to dear's house to bai4 nian2. Lol..not really bai4 nian2 because i went on new year's eve. I was still nervous even tho i went a few times within the mth alr. Actually..he comes to my house much more often than i go to his house and I think he's much more sociable than I am, hence he can make friends w my family and friends much faster and easier. For me, i take some time to warm up to new faces:) Then, he came to my place on new year's eve and to my aunt's house on day 2. LOL. my uncles and aunties already asked for him on Day 1 but he's at his granny's house. Hence, when he came over on Day 2, they really "grilled him" when we are abt to go home. haha! Same old questions like:
"Where are you working now?"
"How long have you known Myrna?"
"How long have you all been together?"
"How you all know each other??"
Very soon, dear and i will celebrate our 1st year anniversary next monday!! Oh my! Time really passes very quickly! And i really enjoy every moment spent with him:) When we first date, i'm not used to him and used to be v tensed up, prim and proper till he don't know what to do w me..I will just "hmm okie. yup." lol..same for him ok! He used to be very zheng4 jin2 whenever we go out..and our conversations are proper and intellectual one. sometimes i also dont' know what to say or reply and i will feel so stupid! roars! But as we start to hang out more, all my "unusal prim and proper-ness" wear off and i bet he starts to regret LOL..i started to be my own self, sprouting my nonsense. dear does the same thing to me also! pei4 he2-ing me in this area:)

It was delivered to my place even before i woke up and my bro & mum woke me up with this in front of me! :) It reminds me of last year..whereby dear sent a bouquet of flowers to my hse on vday as well..but he called me even before the flowers arrived! LOl. so funny! but that time we weren't officially together yet! hee.. i used to say that flowers are a waste of money and I do not like flowers AT ALL....tsk tsk my bad. can i take back my words? haha i think receiving flowers from dear makes my day! Dear told me that that flowers are expensive and not worth it but as long it makes me happy, its worth the $$. *Muacks*! So dear, keep giving me flowers ba! heh. :)
Anyway, just a side note, my blog entries are just going to be my memory collection, shout-outs, daily events and thoughts..:)
Btw, really miss my Twinniez! Had a good conversation with her the other night and if not for her mum reminding us that it's past 12am already, we would have talked till the next morning! We had so much to catch up and i can't wait to meet her up this week!:) *muacks*
And I miss Twin! Even though we will see each other in cgm and svc, but we won't get enough of each other, so much to talk and update each other with! haha and i'm just sooOOOOo proud of her!:) Other than Pastor YK, boonkiat & Pauline, Twin inspires me a lot a lot! And she's just so fun to be w !lol..
And..some random thoughts..I went to Titus' cg friend, Huiling and Terence's wedding and every time i go for wedding, i will never fail to imagine how my wedding would be like next time. And..I have decided long ago that I want both twinnie and twin to be my bridesmaids when i get married!! And Huijuan to be the head of the sisters! LOL.
There are so many events in the past 1 month and there's so much to update! I shall do it tml or sth..since i have 9 days of break from work! This is my 4th day and 5 more days to enjoy! :) I shall go swimming on thurs, fri and sat :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
anyway...HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Cheers to Day 3!! :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Randomness. Time is precious!
Anyway, i work half day on saturday. Normally i would have something on on saturday which means i will only have sunday as my rest. I really look forward to today as i can finally go home early! I reach home around 3pm+! Normally i won't be able to see the afternoon sun except on sunday. While i was on train on my way home, i had a nostalgic feeling !Its exactly the same scene i had when i was in my secondary / JC days when i was going home in the afternoon after lessons. When i was in secondary 1, i often thought of what will i do in the future. At that point of time, Olevel is the most important thing and everything in my life and I never thought i could live past my O level because i don't know what to look forward to after Olevel. Those were the times when i felt the most hopeless and helpless. But God is really good. He gives us Hope, Vision and Dreams to run for! That makes life exciting:) Now looking back, I really love my life and I really appreciate all the things, feelings, emotions, challenges that I went through. These makes life more exciting, satisfying and fulfilling, isn't it? :)
Sometimes I will think of the silly things that my friends and I did when we were still schooling LOL.
Just like how my whole class of girls and I will cry like mad women in the toilet for no reason. when 1 cry, all the rest will cry LOL. our teacher is so scared that she postponed our chemistry test! We din do it deliberately de horz! And hence, we were well known as the crying gang in our level. And how my first bf and i went for our first few dates - i can't remember exactly where and what we did but i remember i practically became mute in front of him! too nervous and uncomfortable! =X ( But can be excused because I was only secondary one, small kid k! keke) and how my cca gang of friends ( in sec n jc) and i will go through all the thick and thin to organize camps, events and activities! And how we can get too stressed up because of that. Like..when we were the organisers for our cca camp, Grace and i would wake up in shock (in camp) when we reeived a phone call from zx, ml etc that something have to be done within a v short period of time. Both of us were too stressed that we zi4 ji2 he1 zi4 ji2 fa1 pi2 qi (vent our frustrations on ourselves), kicking the props in the middle of the track field at 7am! Lol! And how i unknowingly ba4 zhan4 ML's sleeping bag when we were supposed to share. I went to sleep first and had left half of the space for her but when she came, i was sleeping on the centre of the whole sheet that she had to sleep at the canteen bench! ( but that was undeliberated) =X anyway evil me! haha and there are sooooOOOOoo many silly memories I had with my friends and we would often dig out all these memories to have a good laugh!
The main message of this random entry is that :
And i really can't believe that i'm 23 this year!! OH MY!! It seems like yesterday that i was still Sajc girl! And it seems like the day before that i was secondary 1! :)
Hence, lesson learnt: Treasure my time now! Even if things get tough, it will surely go away and when i looked back, i can have a good laugh at it!
3 times in Joshua 1, God said, "Be strong and courageous!"
Yes, we need to. God knows that we will get discouraged at times, hence, He said that 3 times to encourage us :)
"Dear God, i pray that for the next 10 years, I will become a better person, someone who really knows your heart and do Your Will. And I pray by then I will be able to realize my dreams to do great things for you! Also, to have my parents + brother staying healthy and happy. To have love Titus more and more, to have lovely kids, to have good career and ministry:) But please please pleaseeeeeeeeee protect my face and body and do not let me age too quickly!! =X I can't imagine myself being 33."
Its 1 am already, good night!! :))